default: image: node:latest variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone # Solve git fetch problem in gitlab-ci.yml NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY: stages: - test - build - deploy sast: stage: test include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml build: stage: build script: - npm install --registry ${NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY} - npm run build - mv dist html artifacts: paths: - html deploy_testing: stage: deploy tags: - qrcode-testing dependencies: - build script: - whoami - ls -la /usr/share/nginx/ - rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/ - mv -f html /usr/share/nginx/html - echo "Deploy to testing server" - ls -la /usr/share/nginx/ - ls -la /usr/share/nginx/html/ environment: name: testing url: deployment_tier: testing deploy_production: stage: deploy tags: - qrcode-production dependencies: - build script: - rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/ - mv -f html /usr/share/nginx/html - echo "Deploy to staging server" - ls -la /usr/share/nginx/ - ls -la /usr/share/nginx/html/ environment: name: production url: deployment_tier: production