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This stable release improves observability for the control plane by adding
additional logging to the destination controller and by adding histograms which
can detect Kubernetes informer lag. It also adds the ability to configure
protocol detection.

* Improved logging in the destination controller by adding the client pod's
  name to the logging context. This will improve visibility into the messages
  sent and received by the control plane from a specific proxy ([#11532])
* helm: Introduce configurable values for protocol detection ([#11536])
* Fixed an issue where the Destination controller could stop processing service
  profile updates, if a proxy subscribed to those updates stops reading them;
  this is a followup to the issue [#11491] fixed in [stable-2.14.2] ([#11546])
* In the Destination controller, added informer lag histogram metrics to track
  whenever the Kubernetes objects watched by the controller are falling behind
  the state in the kube-apiserver ([#11534])
* proxy: Fix grpc_status metric labels for inbound traffic
