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## stable-2.11.0

This release introduces access control policies. Default policies may be
configured at the cluster- and workspace-levels; and fine grained policies may
be instrumented via the new `` CRDs: `Server` and
`ServerAuthorization`. These resources may be created to define how individual
ports accept connections; and the `Server` resource will be a building block for
future features that configure inbound proxy behavior.

Furthermore, `ServiceProfile` retry configurations can now instrument retries
for requests with bodies. This unlocks retry behavior for gRPC services.

**Upgrade notes**: Please see the [upgrade instructions][upgrade-2110].

* Proxy
  * Reduced CPU & Memory usage by up to 30% in some load tests
  * Updated retries to support requests with bodies up to 64KB. ServiceProfiles
    may now configure retries for gRPC services
  * The proxy's container image is now based on `` to
    contain a minimal OS footprint that should not trigger unnecessary alerts in
    security scanners
  * Added the `inbound_http_errors_total` and `outbound_http_errors_total`
    metrics to reflect errors that caused the proxy to respond with errors
  * Added an `l5d-proxy-error` header that is included on responses on trusted
    connections for debugging purposes
  * Added a `l5d-client-id` header on mutually-authenticated inbound requests so
    that applications can discover the client's identity
  * Added metrics to reflect TCP and HTTP authorization decisions
  * Added `srv_name` and `saz_name` labels to inbound HTTP metrics
  * Fixed an issue that could cause the proxy to continually reconnect to
    defunct service endpoints
  * Dropped support for non-HTTP outbound services when `
    ingress` is used
  * Instrumented fuzz testing to help guard against unexpected panics

* Control Plane
  * Added a new `policy-controller` container to the `linkerd-destination`
    pod--the first control plane component implemented in Rust
  * Added a new admission controller to validate that multiple `Server`
    resources do not reference the same port
  * Added a `linkerd-identity-trust-roots` ConfigMap which configures the trust
    root bundle for all pods in the core control plane namespace
  * Eliminated the `linkerd-controller` deployment so that Linkerd's core
    control plane now consists of only 3 deployments
  * Updated the proxy injector to configure the `proxy-init` container with
    `NET_RAW` and `NET_ADMIN` capabilities so that the container does not fail
    when the pod drops these capabilities

  * Enhanced `linkerd completion` to expand Kubernetes resources from the current
    kubectl context
  * Added an `authz` subcommand to display the authorization policies that
    impact a workload
  * Added a _short_ output mode for `linkerd check` that only prints failed
  * Added support for `ReplicaSets` to `linkerd stat` so that pods created by
    Argo `Rollout` resources can be inspected

* Helm: please see the [upgrade instructions][upgrade-2110].

* Extensions:
  * Introduced a new (optional) SMI extension responsible for reading
    `` resources and converting them to Linkerd resources
  * In `stable-2.12`, this extension will be required to use `TrafficSplit`
    resources with Linkerd
  * Added an extensions page to the Linkerd Web UI

  * Viz
    * Added `Server` and `ServerAuthorization` resources for all ports
    * Added JSON log formatting

  * Jaeger
    * Added OpenTelemetry collector instead of OpenCensus

  * Multicluster
    * Added experimental support for `StatefulSet` workloads

This release includes changes from a massive list of contributors. A special
thank-you to everyone who helped make this release possible:

Gustavo Fernandes de Carvalho @gusfcarvalho
Oleg Vorobev @olegy2008
Bart Peeters @bartpeeters
Stepan Rabotkin @EpicStep
LiuDui @xichengliudui
Andrew Hemming @drewhemm
Ujjwal Goyal @importhuman
Knut Götz @knutgoetz
Sanni Michael @sannimichaelse
Brandon Sorgdrager @bsord
Gerald Pape @ubergesundheit
Alexey Kostin @rumanzo
rdileep13 @rdileep13
Takumi Sue @mikutas
Akshit Grover @akshitgrover
Sanskar Jaiswal @aryan9600
Aleksandr Tarasov @aatarasoff
Taylor @skinn
Miguel Ángel Pastor Olivar @migue
wangchenglong01 @wangchenglong01
Josh Soref @jsoref
Carol Chen @kipply
Peter Smit @psmit
Tarvi Pillessaar @tarvip
James Roper @jroper
Dominik Münch @muenchdo
Szymon Gibała @Szymongib
Mitch Hulscher @mhulscher
