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This edge release sees the `linkerd-cni` plugin moved to
`linkerd2-proxy-init` and released from that repository. An iptables
improvement to `linkerd-cni` and `proxy-init` is the main focus. Other
minor fixes are also included.

* Changed `proxy-init` iptables rules to be idempotent upon init pod
  restart (thanks @jim-minter!)
* Improved logging in `proxy-init` and `linkerd-cni`
* Added the server_port_subscribers metric to track the number of subscribers
  to Server changes associated with a pod's port
* Added the service_subscribers metric to track the number of subscribers to
  Service changes
* Fixed a small memory leak in the opaque ports watcher
* No longer apply `waitBeforeExitSeconds` to control plane, viz and jaeger
  extension pods
* Added support for the `internalTrafficPolicy` of a service (thanks @yc185050!)
* Added `limits` and `requests` to network-validator for ResourceQuota interop
* Added block chomping to strip trailing new lines in ConfigMap (thanks @avdicl!)
* Added multicluster gateway `nodeSelector` and `tolerations` helm parameters
* Added protection against nil dereference in resources helm template