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This release adds support for dynamic inbound policies. The proxy now discovers
policies from the policy-controller API for all application ports documented in a
pod spec. Rejected connections are logged. Policies are not yet reflected in the
proxy's metrics.

These policies also allow the proxy to skip protocol detection when a server is
explicitly annotated as HTTP/2 or when the server is documented to be opaque or
application-terminated TLS.

* Added a new section to linkerd-viz's dashboard that lists installed extensions
  (thanks @sannimichaelse!)
* Added the `enableHeadlessServices` Helm flag to the `linkerd multicluster
  link` command for enabling headless service mirroring (thanks @knutgoetz!)
* Removed some unused and duplicate constants in the codebase (thanks
* Added support for exposing service metadata from exported to mirrored services
  in multicluster installations (thanks @importhuman!)
* Fixed an issue where the policy controller's liveness checks would fail after
  the controller was disconnected but had successfully resumed its watches
* Fixed the `linkerd-policy` service selector to properly select `destination`
  control plane components
* Added additional environment variables to the proxy container to allow support
  for dynamic policy configuration