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This edge release introduces a new Services page in the web dashboard that shows
live calls and route metrics for meshed services. Additionally, the `proxy-init`
container is no longer enforced to run as root. Lastly, the proxy can now retry
requests with a `content-length` header—permitting requests emitted by grpc-go
to be retried.

* Removed hardcoding that enforced the `proxy-init` container to run as root
* Added support for retrying requests without a `content-length` header
* Changed service discovery logs from `TRACE` to `DEBUG`
* Fixed issue with policy controller where it assumed `linkerd` was the name of
  the control plane namespace, leading to issues with installations that use a
  non-default namespace name
* Added support for ephemeral storage requests and limits configured either
  through the CLI or annotations (thanks @michaellzc!)
* Deprecated support for topology keys and added support for topology aware
* Added `logFormat` and `logLevel` configuration values for the `proxy-init`
  container (thanks @gusfcarvalho!)
* Added services to the web dashboard (thanks @krzysztofdrys!)
* Updated example commands in the web dashboard to use the `viz` subcommand when
  necessary (thanks @mikutas!)
* Removed references to `linkerd-sp-validator` service account in the
  `linkerd-psp` role binding (thanks @multimac!)