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This edge release includes experimental improvements to the Linkerd proxy's
request buffering and backpressure infrastructure.

Additionally, we've fixed several bugs when installing Linkerd with Helm,
updated the CLI to allow using both port numbers _and_ port ranges with the
`--skip-inbound-ports` and `--skip-outbound-ports`  flags, and fixed a dashboard
error that can occur if the dashboard is open in a browser while updating Linkerd.

**Note**: The `linkerd-proxy` version included with this release is more
experimental than usual. We'd love your help testing, but be aware that there
might be stability issues.

  * Added the ability to pass both port numbers and port ranges to
    `--skip-inbound-ports` and `--skip-outbound-ports` (thanks to @javaducky!)
* Controller
  * Fixed a race condition in the `linkerd-web` service
  * Updated Prometheus to 2.15.2 (thanks @Pothulapati)
* Web UI
  * Fixed an error when refreshing an already open dashboard when the Linkerd
    version has changed
* Proxy
  * Internal changes to the proxy's request buffering and backpressure
* Helm
  * Fixed the `linkerd-cni` Helm chart not setting proper namespace annotations
    and labels
  * Fixed certificate issuance lifetime not being set when installing through
  * More improvements to Helm best practices (thanks to @Pothulapati!)