e2e was faild since the edgeruntime installation failed on master build
Created by: RolandMa1986
Waiting for all tasks to be completed ...
task edgeruntime status is failed (1/5)
task network status is successful (2/5)
task openpitrix status is successful (3/5)
task multicluster status is successful (4/5)
task monitoring status is successful (5/5)
Collecting installation results ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/hooks/kubesphere/installRunner.py", line 649, in <module>
File "/hooks/kubesphere/installRunner.py", line 644, in main
resultState = getResultInfo()
File "/hooks/kubesphere/installRunner.py", line 238, in getResultInfo
errorEventFile = os.path.join(resultInfoPath, jobList[-2])
IndexError: list index out of range
/kind bug /cc @zhu733756