[workspace-quota]when 'Resource Request' is greater than 'Resource limit', the save button is still can be clicked
Created by: wenxin-01
Environment nightly-20210314
Preset conditions There is account A, which has workspace 'B' management privileges.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Use account A to log in KS --> Go to workspace 'B' detail page.
- Click on 'Workspace Settings'
- Click on 'Quota Management'
- Click on 'Edit Quota'
- Input 4 in Resource Request of cpu and memory
- input 1 in Resource Limit of cpu and memory
- Click on 'OK'
Expected behavior There is no action on the page after clicked 'OK', or 'OK' can not be clicked.
Actual behavior
The popover close, and go back to page 'Quota Management'
/kind bug /assign @leoendless /milestone 3.1.0 /priority medium