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  • Ahmad Sherif's avatar
    Create git_data_dirs even if gitlab_rails is disabled · 4beb3524
    Ahmad Sherif 创作于
    Currently, `gitlab_rails` service needs to be enabled in order for
    `gitaly` service to function properly. Specifically, `gitlab_rails`
    creates `git_data_dirs` (e.g. `/var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories`)
    which is needed for Gitaly to start-up. If only the `gitaly` service is
    enabled, then Gitaly won't start due to config validation error (i.e.
    storage directories have to be present).
    This MR makes the creation of these directories the responsibility of
    the `gitaly` cookbook. The `gitlab` cookbook still creates the
    directories as backward-compatibility measure, as I'm not sure if these
    directories are needed outside of Gitaly.
    This is needed as part of
    Changelog: fixed