--- extends: default yaml-files: # defaults - '*.yaml' - '*.yml' - '.yamllint' # match more extensions - '*.yaml.*' - '*.yml.*' # Ideally, we should have nothing in this ignore section. # # Please consider removing entries below by fixing them. ignore: | #### Files #### # Contains ruby code config/mail_room.yml generator_templates/usage_metric_definition/metric_definition.yml # Contains ERB code that keeps throwing syntax errors .rubocop.yml # Has some special indentation doc/user/project/integrations/samples/cloudwatch.yml # Dynamic YAML files have syntax errors sometimes. *.erb # Vim temporary files. *.sw[pon] # Zipped files (by e.g. asset pipeline) *.gz *.bz2 #### Folders #### node_modules/ tmp/ generator_templates/gitlab_internal_events/ # In CI some YAML files are linted using different rules. # See `.gitlab/ci/yaml.gitlab-ci.yml`. # # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/385693 tracks to enable all # rules below: rules: braces: min-spaces-inside: 1 max-spaces-inside: 1 min-spaces-inside-empty: 0 max-spaces-inside-empty: 0 colons: disable comments-indentation: disable comments: disable document-start: disable empty-lines: disable indentation: disable key-duplicates: disable line-length: disable new-line-at-end-of-file: disable trailing-spaces: disable truthy: disable