Fix Pipeline 2420105
What does this MR do and why?
Fix Pipeline
只有一个 Failed Job: ,包含两种错误:
1. jh/spec/lib/jh/backup/manager_spec.rb
1) Backup::Manager#create when keep_time is set to remove files removes matching files with a human-readable versioned timestamp with tagged JH
Failure/Error: connection.public_send(...)
Exception(s) occurred within instrumentation subscribers: Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema::UnknownSchemaError, Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema::UnknownSchemaError
这个 Spec 是两年前的代码,逻辑太复杂,不过它的目的只是为了测试 JiHu 这边 override 的函数 backup_file?
,所以直接把 Spec 按照 Upstream 的重写了一遍。
2. CrossJoinAcrossUnsupportedTablesError
代码中的 group.owners.first
按照 Upstream 的做法,可以先创建 Issue 来搁置问题。
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How to set up and validate locally
Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.
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