[Performance Analytics] Show the 'group/project'performance Table
User Story
- As a user:
I want to see the Performance Table
on the Performance Analytics
So that I can see the contributions of all project members under each metric.
- As a user:
I want to export the Performance Table
data to CSV
So that I can use the Performance
data out of GitLab.
- As a user:
I want to see the Performance Table
data with the following title:
- 作者
- 代码提交次数
- 完成议题数
- 已合并的MR
- 新建议题数
- 新建MR
- 已核准的MR
- 已关闭的MR
- 评论数
- As a user:
I want to sort the Performance Table
data by each field.
So that I can see the result of each item in ascending and descending order.
由 ren zhitong 编辑于