diff --git a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/feature_flags_spec.rb b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/feature_flags_spec.rb
index acb9528fe6a4c72f42b57007922471f5ea83fe14..36069558701a7806319d2b1f5900ec5773c1fe1e 100644
--- a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/feature_flags_spec.rb
+++ b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/feature_flags_spec.rb
@@ -1,86 +1,88 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 module QA
-  RSpec.describe 'Feature flag handler sanity checks', :sanity_feature_flags do
-    context 'with an existing feature flag definition file' do
-      let(:definition) do
-        path = Pathname.new('../config/feature_flags')
-          .expand_path(Runtime::Path.qa_root)
-          .glob('**/*.yml')
-          .first
-        YAML.safe_load(File.read(path))
-      end
+  RSpec.describe 'Framework sanity', :sanity_feature_flags do
+    describe 'Feature flag handler checks' do
+      context 'with an existing feature flag definition file' do
+        let(:definition) do
+          path = Pathname.new('../config/feature_flags')
+            .expand_path(Runtime::Path.qa_root)
+            .glob('**/*.yml')
+            .first
+          YAML.safe_load(File.read(path))
+        end
-      it 'reads the correct default enabled state' do
-        # This test will fail if we ever remove all the feature flags, but that's very unlikely given how many there
-        # are and how much we rely on them.
-        expect(QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(definition['name'])).to be definition['default_enabled']
+        it 'reads the correct default enabled state' do
+          # This test will fail if we ever remove all the feature flags, but that's very unlikely given how many there
+          # are and how much we rely on them.
+          expect(QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(definition['name'])).to be definition['default_enabled']
+        end
-    end
-    describe 'feature flag definition files' do
-      let(:file) do
-        path = Pathname.new("#{root}/config/feature_flags/development").expand_path(Runtime::Path.qa_root)
-        path.mkpath
-        Tempfile.new(%w[ff-test .yml], path)
-      end
+      describe 'feature flag definition files' do
+        let(:file) do
+          path = Pathname.new("#{root}/config/feature_flags/development").expand_path(Runtime::Path.qa_root)
+          path.mkpath
+          Tempfile.new(%w[ff-test .yml], path)
+        end
-      let(:flag) { Pathname.new(file.path).basename('.yml').to_s }
-      let(:root) { '..' }
+        let(:flag) { Pathname.new(file.path).basename('.yml').to_s }
+        let(:root) { '..' }
-      before do
-        definition = <<~YAML
+        before do
+          definition = <<~YAML
           name: #{flag}
           type: development
           default_enabled: #{flag_enabled}
-        YAML
-        File.write(file, definition)
-      end
+          YAML
+          File.write(file, definition)
+        end
-      after do
-        file.close!
-      end
+        after do
+          file.close!
+        end
-      shared_examples 'gets flag value' do
-        context 'with a default disabled feature flag' do
-          let(:flag_enabled) { 'false' }
+        shared_examples 'gets flag value' do
+          context 'with a default disabled feature flag' do
+            let(:flag_enabled) { 'false' }
-          it 'reads the flag as disabled' do
-            expect(QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag)).to be false
-          end
+            it 'reads the flag as disabled' do
+              expect(QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag)).to be false
+            end
-          it 'reads as enabled after the flag is enabled' do
-            QA::Runtime::Feature.enable(flag)
+            it 'reads as enabled after the flag is enabled' do
+              QA::Runtime::Feature.enable(flag)
-            expect { QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag) }.to eventually_be_truthy
-                                                                .within(max_duration: 60, sleep_interval: 5)
+              expect { QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag) }.to eventually_be_truthy
+                                                                  .within(max_duration: 60, sleep_interval: 5)
+            end
-        end
-        context 'with a default enabled feature flag' do
-          let(:flag_enabled) { 'true' }
+          context 'with a default enabled feature flag' do
+            let(:flag_enabled) { 'true' }
-          it 'reads the flag as enabled' do
-            expect(QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag)).to be true
-          end
+            it 'reads the flag as enabled' do
+              expect(QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag)).to be true
+            end
-          it 'reads as disabled after the flag is disabled' do
-            QA::Runtime::Feature.disable(flag)
+            it 'reads as disabled after the flag is disabled' do
+              QA::Runtime::Feature.disable(flag)
-            expect { QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag) }.to eventually_be_falsey
-                                                                .within(max_duration: 60, sleep_interval: 5)
+              expect { QA::Runtime::Feature.enabled?(flag) }.to eventually_be_falsey
+                                                                  .within(max_duration: 60, sleep_interval: 5)
+            end
-      end
-      context 'with a CE feature flag' do
-        include_examples 'gets flag value'
-      end
+        context 'with a CE feature flag' do
+          include_examples 'gets flag value'
+        end
-      context 'with an EE feature flag' do
-        let(:root) { '../ee' }
+        context 'with an EE feature flag' do
+          let(:root) { '../ee' }
-        include_examples 'gets flag value'
+          include_examples 'gets flag value'
+        end
diff --git a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/framework_spec.rb b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/framework_spec.rb
index fa34f525a857b038081064055c11f9cd3b2d292f..5c80afe338e67f3ae5dc73d7f289769f3ca1a2fa 100644
--- a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/framework_spec.rb
+++ b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/framework_spec.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 module QA
-  RSpec.describe 'Framework sanity checks', :orchestrated, :framework do
+  RSpec.describe 'Framework sanity', :orchestrated, :framework do
     describe 'Passing orchestrated example' do
       it 'succeeds' do
         Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::Main::Login)
diff --git a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/interception_spec.rb b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/interception_spec.rb
index f8930db3aa55cbf6dd2b9d82bfc2e94282ebea38..67be832055df03202468ff928efbb23aede8e0a2 100644
--- a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/interception_spec.rb
+++ b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/interception_spec.rb
@@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 module QA
-  RSpec.describe 'Browser request interception', :orchestrated, :framework do
-    before(:context) do
-      skip 'Only can test for chrome' unless QA::Runtime::Env.can_intercept?
-    end
+  RSpec.describe 'Framework sanity', :orchestrated, :framework do
+    describe 'Browser request interception' do
+      before(:context) do
+        skip 'Only can test for chrome' unless QA::Runtime::Env.can_intercept?
+      end
-    before do
-      Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::Main::Login)
-    end
+      before do
+        Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::Main::Login)
+      end
-    let(:page) { Capybara.current_session }
-    let(:logger) { class_double('QA::Runtime::Logger') }
+      let(:page) { Capybara.current_session }
+      let(:logger) { class_double('QA::Runtime::Logger') }
-    it 'intercepts failed graphql calls' do
-      page.execute_script <<~JS
+      it 'intercepts failed graphql calls' do
+        page.execute_script <<~JS
         fetch('/api/graphql', {
           method: 'POST',
           body: JSON.stringify({ query: 'query {}'}),
           headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
-      JS
+        JS
-      Support::Waiter.wait_until do
-        !get_cached_error.nil?
+        Support::Waiter.wait_until do
+          !get_cached_error.nil?
+        end
+        expect(**get_cached_error).to include({ 'method' => 'POST', 'status' => 200, 'url' => '/api/graphql' })
-      expect(**get_cached_error).to include({ 'method' => 'POST', 'status' => 200, 'url' => '/api/graphql' })
-    end
-    def get_cached_error
-      cache = page.execute_script <<~JS
+      def get_cached_error
+        cache = page.execute_script <<~JS
         return Interceptor.getCache()
-      JS
+        JS
-      cache['errors']&.first
+        cache['errors']&.first
+      end
diff --git a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/version_spec.rb b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/version_spec.rb
index e93a8a6fea1a6777ddac87c50a273ac8adb3c271..deefe830c3605772cb6896716f02c7f23fb970e0 100644
--- a/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/version_spec.rb
+++ b/qa/qa/specs/features/sanity/version_spec.rb
@@ -7,31 +7,33 @@ module QA
   # environment variable is the version actually running.
   # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery/-/issues/1179
-  RSpec.describe 'Version sanity check', :smoke, only: { pipeline: [:pre, :release] } do
-    let(:api_client) { Runtime::API::Client.new(:gitlab) }
-    let(:request) { Runtime::API::Request.new(api_client, '/version') }
+  RSpec.describe 'Framework sanity', :smoke, only: { pipeline: [:pre, :release] } do
+    describe 'Version check' do
+      let(:api_client) { Runtime::API::Client.new(:gitlab) }
+      let(:request) { Runtime::API::Request.new(api_client, '/version') }
-    it 'is the specified version' do
-      # The `DEPLOY_VERSION` variable will only be provided for deploys to the
-      # `pre` and `release` environments, which only receive packaged releases.
-      #
-      # For these releases, `deploy_version` will be a package string (e.g.,
-      # `13.1.3-ee.0`), and the reported version will be something like
-      # `13.1.3-ee`, so we only compare the leading SemVer string.
-      #
-      # | Package          | Version        |
-      # | ---------------- | -------------- |
-      # | 13.3.5-ee.0      | 13.3.5-ee      |
-      # | 13.3.0-rc42.ee.0 | 13.3.0-rc42-ee |
-      deploy = Runtime::Env.deploy_version&.gsub(/\A(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*\z/, '\1')
+      it 'is the specified version' do
+        # The `DEPLOY_VERSION` variable will only be provided for deploys to the
+        # `pre` and `release` environments, which only receive packaged releases.
+        #
+        # For these releases, `deploy_version` will be a package string (e.g.,
+        # `13.1.3-ee.0`), and the reported version will be something like
+        # `13.1.3-ee`, so we only compare the leading SemVer string.
+        #
+        # | Package          | Version        |
+        # | ---------------- | -------------- |
+        # | 13.3.5-ee.0      | 13.3.5-ee      |
+        # | 13.3.0-rc42.ee.0 | 13.3.0-rc42-ee |
+        deploy = Runtime::Env.deploy_version&.gsub(/\A(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*\z/, '\1')
-      skip('No deploy version provided') if deploy.nil? || deploy.empty?
+        skip('No deploy version provided') if deploy.nil? || deploy.empty?
-      get request.url
+        get request.url
-      expect_status(200)
-      expect(json_body).to have_key(:version)
-      expect(json_body[:version]).to start_with(deploy)
+        expect_status(200)
+        expect(json_body).to have_key(:version)
+        expect(json_body[:version]).to start_with(deploy)
+      end
diff --git a/qa/qa/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter.rb b/qa/qa/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter.rb
index c8ddbeb45368c3143751fc8fb36423b2606472ec..eac74a3b961947c589bf6506d757e13cf4fe8a33 100644
--- a/qa/qa/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter.rb
+++ b/qa/qa/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@
 module QA
   module Support
     module Formatters
+      # RSpec formatter to enhance metadata present in allure report
+      # Following additional data is added:
+      #   * quarantine issue links
+      #   * failure issues search link
+      #   * ci job link
+      #   * flaky status and test pass rate
+      #   * devops stage and group as epic and feature behaviour tags
+      #
       class AllureMetadataFormatter < ::RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter
         include Support::InfluxdbTools
@@ -18,8 +26,6 @@ class AllureMetadataFormatter < ::RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter
         # @param [RSpec::Core::Notifications::StartNotification] _start_notification
         # @return [void]
         def start(_start_notification)
-          return unless merge_request_iid # on main runs allure native history has pass rate already
           log(:debug, "Fetched #{flaky_specs.length} flaky testcases!")
         rescue StandardError => e
@@ -63,11 +69,11 @@ def add_quarantine_issue_link(example)
         # @param [RSpec::Core::Example] example
         # @return [void]
         def add_failure_issues_link(example)
-          spec_file = example.file_path.split('/').last
-          example.issue(
-            'Failure issues',
-            "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues?scope=all&state=opened&search=#{spec_file}"
-          )
+          return unless example.execution_result.status == :failed
+          search_query = ERB::Util.url_encode("Failure in #{example.file_path.gsub('./qa/specs/features/', '')}")
+          search_url = "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues?scope=all&state=opened&search=#{search_query}"
+          example.issue('Failure issues', search_url)
         rescue StandardError => e
           log(:error, "Failed to add failure issue link for example '#{example.description}', error: #{e}")
@@ -89,10 +95,10 @@ def add_ci_job_link(example)
         # @param [RSpec::Core::Example] example
         # @return [void]
         def set_flaky_status(example)
-          return unless merge_request_iid && flaky_specs.key?(example.metadata[:testcase])
+          return unless flaky_specs.key?(example.metadata[:testcase]) && example.execution_result.status != :pending
-          example.parameter("pass_rate", "#{flaky_specs[example.metadata[:testcase]].round(1)}%")
+          example.parameter("pass_rate", "#{flaky_specs[example.metadata[:testcase]].round(0)}%")
           log(:debug, "Setting spec as flaky because it's pass rate is below 98%")
         rescue StandardError => e
           log(:error, "Failed to add spec pass rate data for example '#{example.description}', error: #{e}")
diff --git a/qa/spec/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter_spec.rb b/qa/spec/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter_spec.rb
index d84e190fd56b9c00e26ab36d1f562c80670639bd..ab3b753c3b0e55f44e25406bc2aadde62349a2a1 100644
--- a/qa/spec/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter_spec.rb
+++ b/qa/spec/support/formatters/allure_metadata_formatter_spec.rb
@@ -5,25 +5,33 @@
   let(:formatter) { described_class.new(StringIO.new) }
-  let(:rspec_example_notification) { double('RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification', example: rspec_example) }
+  let(:rspec_example_notification) do
+    instance_double(RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification, example: rspec_example)
+  end
+  # rubocop:disable RSpec/VerifiedDoubles
   let(:rspec_example) do
-      'RSpec::Core::Example',
+      RSpec::Core::Example,
       tms: nil,
       issue: nil,
       add_link: nil,
+      set_flaky: nil,
+      parameter: nil,
       attempts: 0,
-      file_path: 'file/path/spec.rb',
-      execution_result: instance_double("RSpec::Core::Example::ExecutionResult", status: :passed),
+      file_path: 'spec.rb',
+      execution_result: instance_double(RSpec::Core::Example::ExecutionResult, status: status),
       metadata: {
         testcase: 'testcase',
         quarantine: { issue: 'issue' }
+  # rubocop:enable RSpec/VerifiedDoubles
   let(:ci_job) { 'ee:relative 5' }
   let(:ci_job_url) { 'url' }
+  let(:status) { :failed }
   before do
     stub_env('CI', 'true')
@@ -31,16 +39,62 @@
     stub_env('CI_JOB_URL', ci_job_url)
-  it "adds additional data to report" do
-    formatter.example_finished(rspec_example_notification)
+  context 'with links' do
+    it 'adds quarantine, failure issue and ci job links', :aggregate_failures do
+      formatter.example_finished(rspec_example_notification)
-    aggregate_failures do
       expect(rspec_example).to have_received(:issue).with('Quarantine issue', 'issue')
       expect(rspec_example).to have_received(:add_link).with(name: "Job(#{ci_job})", url: ci_job_url)
       expect(rspec_example).to have_received(:issue).with(
         'Failure issues',
-        'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues?scope=all&state=opened&search=spec.rb'
+        'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues?scope=all&state=opened&search=Failure%20in%20spec.rb'
+  context 'with flaky test data', :aggregate_failures do
+    let(:influx_client) { instance_double(InfluxDB2::Client, create_query_api: influx_query_api) }
+    let(:influx_query_api) { instance_double(InfluxDB2::QueryApi, query: data) }
+    let(:data) do
+      [
+        instance_double(
+          InfluxDB2::FluxTable,
+          records: [
+            instance_double(InfluxDB2::FluxRecord, values: { 'status' => 'failed', 'testcase' => 'testcase' }),
+            instance_double(InfluxDB2::FluxRecord, values: { 'status' => 'passed', 'testcase' => 'testcase' })
+          ]
+        )
+      ]
+    end
+    before do
+      stub_env('QA_RUN_TYPE', 'package-and-test')
+      stub_env('QA_INFLUXDB_URL', 'url')
+      stub_env('QA_INFLUXDB_TOKEN', 'token')
+      allow(InfluxDB2::Client).to receive(:new) { influx_client }
+    end
+    context 'with non skipped spec' do
+      it 'adds flaky test data' do
+        formatter.start(nil)
+        formatter.example_finished(rspec_example_notification)
+        expect(rspec_example).to have_received(:set_flaky)
+        expect(rspec_example).to have_received(:parameter).with('pass_rate', '50%')
+      end
+    end
+    context 'with skipped spec' do
+      let(:status) { :pending }
+      it 'skips adding flaky test data' do
+        formatter.start(nil)
+        formatter.example_finished(rspec_example_notification)
+        expect(rspec_example).not_to have_received(:set_flaky)
+        expect(rspec_example).not_to have_received(:parameter)
+      end
+    end
+  end