diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/google_cloud/generate_build_environment_variables_service.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/google_cloud/generate_build_environment_variables_service.rb
index 67ed067a84e39cc7a2eee87852a42987571e9f92..ef41e1f58ce6ded4f465936ea1030f4e9d655518 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/google_cloud/generate_build_environment_variables_service.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/google_cloud/generate_build_environment_variables_service.rb
@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@ def initialize(build)
         def execute
           return [] unless @integration&.active
-          config_json = ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient.credentials(
-            audience: @integration.wlif,
-            encoded_jwt: encoded_jwt
-          ).to_json
+          config_json = ::GoogleCloudPlatform.credentials(audience: @integration.wlif, encoded_jwt: encoded_jwt).to_json
           var_attributes = { value: config_json, public: false, masked: true, file: true }
@@ -30,7 +26,7 @@ def execute
         def encoded_jwt
-          JwtV2.for_build(@build, aud: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient::GLGO_BASE_URL, wlif: @integration.wlif)
+          JwtV2.for_build(@build, aud: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::GLGO_BASE_URL, wlif: @integration.wlif)
diff --git a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform.rb b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2e0312118c01a08e9262bb46947e1b0b4c3e408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module GoogleCloudPlatform
+  GLGO_BASE_URL = if Gitlab.staging?
+                    'https://glgo.staging.runway.gitlab.net'
+                  else
+                    'https://auth.gcp.gitlab.com'
+                  end
+  CREDENTIALS_TYPE = 'external_account'
+  STS_URL = 'https://sts.googleapis.com/v1/token'
+  SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt'
+    'type' => 'json',
+    'subject_token_field_name' => 'token'
+  }.freeze
+  ApiError = Class.new(StandardError)
+  AuthenticationError = Class.new(StandardError)
+  def self.credentials(audience:, encoded_jwt:)
+    {
+      type: CREDENTIALS_TYPE,
+      audience: audience,
+      token_url: STS_URL,
+      subject_token_type: SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE,
+      credential_source: {
+        headers: { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{encoded_jwt}" },
+      }
+    }
+  end
diff --git a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client.rb b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client.rb
index 72fb24e7205d0e49b840b795560b81ddfb2fd3a3..76b85fe6d426d47c93d817750107916e16afcd05 100644
--- a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client.rb
@@ -9,18 +9,9 @@ class Client < ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient
-      GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Unable to retrieve Identity Pool subject token'
-      GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Token exchange failed'
-      AuthenticationError = Class.new(StandardError)
-      ApiError = Class.new(StandardError)
-      BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'All GCP parameters are required'
-      SAAS_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE = "This is a saas only feature that can't run here"
       # Initialize and build a new ArtifactRegistry client.
       # This will use glgo and a workload identity federation instance to exchange
-      # a JWT from GitLab for an access token to be used with the GCP API.
+      # a JWT from GitLab for an access token to be used with the Google Cloud API.
       # +project+ The Project instance.
       # +user+ The User instance.
@@ -38,18 +29,12 @@ class Client < ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient
       # +ArgumentError+ if one or more of the parameters is blank.
       # +RuntimeError+ if this is used outside the Saas instance.
       def initialize(project:, user:, gcp_project_id:, gcp_location:, gcp_repository:, gcp_wlif:)
-        raise SAAS_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE unless Gitlab::Saas.feature_available?(:google_artifact_registry)
+        super(project: project, user: user, gcp_project_id: gcp_project_id, gcp_wlif: gcp_wlif)
-        super(project: project, user: user)
-        if gcp_project_id.blank? || gcp_location.blank? || gcp_repository.blank? || gcp_wlif.blank?
-          raise ArgumentError, BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE
-        end
+        raise ArgumentError, BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE if gcp_location.blank? || gcp_repository.blank?
-        @gcp_project_id = gcp_project_id
         @gcp_location = gcp_location
         @gcp_repository = gcp_repository
-        @gcp_wlif = gcp_wlif
       # Get the Artifact Registry repository object and return it.
@@ -61,9 +46,10 @@ def initialize(project:, user:, gcp_project_id:, gcp_location:, gcp_repository:,
       # Possible exceptions:
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ArtifactRegistry::Client::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the
       # authentication.
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ArtifactRegistry::Client::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the GCP API.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the
+      # Google Cloud API.
       def repository
         request = ::Google::Cloud::ArtifactRegistry::V1::GetRepositoryRequest.new(name: repository_full_name)
@@ -94,9 +80,10 @@ def repository
       # Possible exceptions:
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ArtifactRegistry::Client::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the
       # authentication.
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ArtifactRegistry::Client::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the GCP API.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the
+      # Google Cloud API.
       def docker_images(page_size: nil, page_token: nil, order_by: nil)
         page_size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE if page_size.blank?
         request = ::Google::Cloud::ArtifactRegistry::V1::ListDockerImagesRequest.new(
@@ -115,15 +102,16 @@ def docker_images(page_size: nil, page_token: nil, order_by: nil)
       # It will call the gRPC version of
       # https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.locations.repositories.dockerImages/get
-      # +name+ Name of the docker image as returned by the GCP API when using +docker_images+
+      # +name+ Name of the docker image as returned by the Google Cloud API when using +docker_images+
       # Return an instance of +Google::Cloud::ArtifactRegistry::V1::DockerImage+.
       # Possible exceptions:
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ArtifactRegistry::Client::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the
       # authentication.
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ArtifactRegistry::Client::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the GCP API.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the
+      # Google Cloud API.
       def docker_image(name:)
         request = ::Google::Cloud::ArtifactRegistry::V1::GetDockerImageRequest.new(name: name)
@@ -136,7 +124,7 @@ def docker_image(name:)
       def gcp_client
         ::Google::Cloud::ArtifactRegistry::V1::ArtifactRegistry::Client.new do |config|
-          json_key_io = StringIO.new(::Gitlab::Json.dump(credentials(wlif: @gcp_wlif)))
+          json_key_io = StringIO.new(::Gitlab::Json.dump(credentials))
           ext_credentials = Google::Auth::ExternalAccount::Credentials.make_creds(
             json_key_io: json_key_io,
             scope: CLOUD_PLATFORM_SCOPE
@@ -146,20 +134,8 @@ def gcp_client
       strong_memoize_attr :gcp_client
-      def handling_errors
-        yield
-      rescue RuntimeError => e
-        if e.message.include?(GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE) || e.message.include?(GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE)
-          raise AuthenticationError, e.message
-        end
-        raise
-      rescue ::Google::Cloud::Error => e
-        raise ApiError, e.message
-      end
       def repository_full_name
-        "projects/#{@gcp_project_id}/locations/#{@gcp_location}/repositories/#{@gcp_repository}"
+        "projects/#{gcp_project_id}/locations/#{@gcp_location}/repositories/#{@gcp_repository}"
       strong_memoize_attr :repository_full_name
diff --git a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/base_client.rb b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/base_client.rb
index afc14afd54b4069b75b5038b18993bbd1614d6ef..75df56e7e0c34e923a17249f17d2d7b9a2e99e2e 100644
--- a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/base_client.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/base_client.rb
@@ -2,66 +2,77 @@
 module GoogleCloudPlatform
   class BaseClient
-    GLGO_BASE_URL = if Gitlab.staging?
-                      'https://glgo.staging.runway.gitlab.net'
-                    else
-                      'https://auth.gcp.gitlab.com'
-                    end
-    GLGO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URL = "#{GLGO_BASE_URL}/token".freeze
-    CREDENTIALS_TYPE = 'external_account'
-    STS_URL = 'https://sts.googleapis.com/v1/token'
-    SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt'
-      'type' => 'json',
-      'subject_token_field_name' => 'token'
-    }.freeze
     CLOUD_PLATFORM_SCOPE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'
-    BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Project and user parameters are required'
+    GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Unable to retrieve glgo token'
+    GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Token exchange failed'
-    def self.credentials(audience:, encoded_jwt:)
-      {
-        type: CREDENTIALS_TYPE,
-        audience: audience,
-        token_url: STS_URL,
-        subject_token_type: SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE,
-        credential_source: {
-          url: GLGO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URL,
-          headers: { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{encoded_jwt}" },
-        }
-      }
-    end
+    SAAS_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE = "This is a SaaS-only feature that can't run here"
+    BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'All Google Cloud parameters are required'
-    def initialize(project:, user:)
-      raise ArgumentError, BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE if project.blank? || user.blank?
+    # Initialize and build a new Compute client.
+    # This will use glgo and a workload identity federation instance to exchange
+    # a JWT from GitLab for an access token to be used with the Google Cloud API.
+    #
+    # +project+ The Project instance.
+    # +user+ The User instance.
+    # +gcp_project_id+ The Google project_id as a string. Example: 'my-project'.
+    # +gcp_wlif+ The Google workload identity federation string. Similar to a URL but without the
+    #            protocol. Example:
+    #            '//iam.googleapis.com/projects/555/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/pool/providers/sandbox'.
+    #
+    # All parameters are required.
+    #
+    # Possible exceptions:
+    #
+    # +ArgumentError+ if one or more of the parameters is blank.
+    # +RuntimeError+ if this is used outside the SaaS instance.
+    def initialize(project:, user:, gcp_project_id:, gcp_wlif:)
+      if project.blank? || user.blank? || gcp_project_id.blank? || gcp_wlif.blank?
+        raise ArgumentError, BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE
+      end
+      raise SAAS_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE unless Gitlab::Saas.feature_available?(:google_artifact_registry)
       @project = project
       @user = user
+      @gcp_project_id = gcp_project_id
+      @gcp_wlif = gcp_wlif
-    def credentials(wlif:)
-      self.class.credentials(
-        audience: wlif,
-        encoded_jwt: encoded_jwt(wlif: wlif)
+    attr_reader :project, :user, :gcp_project_id, :gcp_wlif
+    def credentials
+      ::GoogleCloudPlatform.credentials(
+        audience: gcp_wlif,
+        encoded_jwt: encoded_jwt
-    def encoded_jwt(wlif:)
+    def encoded_jwt
       jwt = ::GoogleCloudPlatform::Jwt.new(
-        project: @project,
-        user: @user,
+        project: project,
+        user: user,
         claims: {
           audience: GLGO_BASE_URL,
-          wlif: wlif
+          wlif: gcp_wlif
+    def handling_errors
+      yield
+    rescue RuntimeError => e
+      if e.message.include?(GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE) || e.message.include?(GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE)
+        raise ::GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError, e.message
+      end
+      raise
+    rescue ::Google::Cloud::Error => e
+      raise ::GoogleCloudPlatform::ApiError, e.message
+    end
diff --git a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client.rb b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client.rb
index 7a998b41d8857823bd422d4d9af0573990f323b6..55e6935b7057cc25ca03bde58c733d568ec42c5f 100644
--- a/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client.rb
@@ -9,43 +9,6 @@ class Client < ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient
       COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT = 'https://compute.googleapis.com'
-      GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Unable to retrieve Identity Pool subject token'
-      GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Token exchange failed'
-      AuthenticationError = Class.new(StandardError)
-      ApiError = Class.new(StandardError)
-      BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'All GCP parameters are required'
-      SAAS_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE = "This is a saas only feature that can't run here"
-      # Initialize and build a new Compute client.
-      # This will use glgo and a workload identity federation instance to exchange
-      # a JWT from GitLab for an access token to be used with the GCP API.
-      #
-      # +project+ The Project instance.
-      # +user+ The User instance.
-      # +gcp_project_id+ The Google project_id as a string. Example: 'my-project'.
-      # +gcp_wlif+ The Google workload identity federation string. Similar to a URL but without the
-      #            protocol. Example:
-      #            '//iam.googleapis.com/projects/555/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/pool/providers/sandbox'.
-      #
-      # All parameters are required.
-      #
-      # Possible exceptions:
-      #
-      # +ArgumentError+ if one or more of the parameters is blank.
-      # +RuntimeError+ if this is used outside the Saas instance.
-      def initialize(project:, user:, gcp_project_id:, gcp_wlif:)
-        raise SAAS_ONLY_ERROR_MESSAGE unless Gitlab::Saas.feature_available?(:google_artifact_registry)
-        super(project: project, user: user)
-        raise ArgumentError, BLANK_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE if gcp_project_id.blank? || gcp_wlif.blank?
-        @gcp_project_id = gcp_project_id
-        @gcp_wlif = gcp_wlif
-      end
       # Retrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project.
       # It will call the REST version of https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/region/list.
@@ -69,8 +32,9 @@ def initialize(project:, user:, gcp_project_id:, gcp_wlif:)
       # Possible exceptions:
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::Client::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the authentication.
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::Client::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the GCP API.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::BaseClient::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the authentication.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::BaseClient::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the
+      # Google Cloud API.
       def regions(filter: nil, max_results: 500, order_by: nil, page_token: nil)
         request = ::Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::ListRegionsRequest.new(
           project: @gcp_project_id,
@@ -107,8 +71,9 @@ def regions(filter: nil, max_results: 500, order_by: nil, page_token: nil)
       # Possible exceptions:
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::Client::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the authentication.
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::Client::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the GCP API.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::BaseClient::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the authentication.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::BaseClient::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the
+      # Google Cloud API.
       def zones(filter: nil, max_results: 500, order_by: nil, page_token: nil)
         request = ::Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::ListZonesRequest.new(
           project: @gcp_project_id,
@@ -146,8 +111,9 @@ def zones(filter: nil, max_results: 500, order_by: nil, page_token: nil)
       # Possible exceptions:
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::Client::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the authentication.
-      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::Client::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the GCP API.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::BaseClient::AuthenticationError+ if an error occurs during the authentication.
+      # +GoogleCloudPlatform::Compute::BaseClient::ApiError+ if an error occurs when interacting with the
+      # Google Cloud API.
       def machine_types(zone:, filter: nil, max_results: 500, order_by: nil, page_token: nil)
         request = ::Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::ListMachineTypesRequest.new(
           project: @gcp_project_id,
@@ -187,7 +153,7 @@ def client_for(klass)
       def external_credentials
-        json_key_io = StringIO.new(::Gitlab::Json.dump(credentials(wlif: @gcp_wlif)))
+        json_key_io = StringIO.new(::Gitlab::Json.dump(credentials))
         ext_credentials = Google::Auth::ExternalAccount::Credentials.make_creds(
           json_key_io: json_key_io,
           scope: CLOUD_PLATFORM_SCOPE
@@ -195,18 +161,6 @@ def external_credentials
       strong_memoize_attr :external_credentials
-      def handling_errors
-        yield
-      rescue RuntimeError => e
-        if e.message.include?(GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE) || e.message.include?(GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE)
-          raise AuthenticationError, e.message
-        end
-        raise
-      rescue ::Google::Cloud::Error => e
-        raise ApiError, e.message
-      end
diff --git a/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client_spec.rb b/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client_spec.rb
index 99b1e9cbd89cd6eacdab8c4a9e4d1936d3c87073..ebc6a156dcc250e54b31e84bded426b55d1d41c5 100644
--- a/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/artifact_registry/client_spec.rb
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test #{described_class::GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE} test",
       from_klass: RuntimeError,
-      to_klass: described_class::AuthenticationError
+      to_klass: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test #{described_class::GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE} test",
       from_klass: RuntimeError,
-      to_klass: described_class::AuthenticationError
+      to_klass: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test",
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test",
       from_klass: ::Google::Cloud::Error,
-      to_klass: described_class::ApiError
+      to_klass: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::ApiError
   describe 'validations' do
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@
   def stub_authentication_requests
-    stub_request(:get, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient::GLGO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URL)
+    stub_request(:get, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::GLGO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URL)
       .to_return(status: 200, body: ::Gitlab::Json.dump(token: 'token'))
-    stub_request(:post, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient::STS_URL)
+    stub_request(:post, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::STS_URL)
       .to_return(status: 200, body: ::Gitlab::Json.dump(token: 'token'))
diff --git a/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client_spec.rb b/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client_spec.rb
index bd6ab50897c087839f1329bf30440c51e6d09873..641147a5f9a5bb1bf0e81dcf7b199b56fdd6b3ae 100644
--- a/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/lib/google_cloud_platform/compute/client_spec.rb
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test #{described_class::GCP_SUBJECT_TOKEN_ERROR_MESSAGE} test",
       from_klass: RuntimeError,
-      to_klass: described_class::AuthenticationError
+      to_klass: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test #{described_class::GCP_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE} test",
       from_klass: RuntimeError,
-      to_klass: described_class::AuthenticationError
+      to_klass: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::AuthenticationError
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test",
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     it_behaves_like 'transforming the error',
       message: "test",
       from_klass: ::Google::Cloud::Error,
-      to_klass: described_class::ApiError
+      to_klass: ::GoogleCloudPlatform::ApiError
   describe 'validations' do
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@
   def stub_authentication_requests
-    stub_request(:get, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient::GLGO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URL)
+    stub_request(:get, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::GLGO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URL)
       .to_return(status: 200, body: ::Gitlab::Json.dump(token: 'token'))
-    stub_request(:post, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::BaseClient::STS_URL)
+    stub_request(:post, ::GoogleCloudPlatform::STS_URL)
       .to_return(status: 200, body: ::Gitlab::Json.dump(token: 'token'))