From 69574d3ad9f622703bde20b7fc57102f497a4b66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Leitzen <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 18:07:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Lint factories per associated model class

This commit removes the huge ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb in favor
of linting factories per associated model.

Linting is run in a isolated, outer context starting with `Lint
factories for <described_class>`.
 .../Geo Replicate a new blob          |   2 +-
 .../style/inline_disable_annotation.yml       |   1 -
 .../testing_guide/           |   2 +-
 ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb              | 241 -------------
 scripts/verify-tff-mapping                    |  12 -
 .../helpers/user_with_namespace_shim.yml      |   1 -
 .../lint_factories_shared_examples.rb         | 323 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests.yml                                     |   4 -
 8 files changed, 325 insertions(+), 261 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb
 create mode 100644 spec/support/shared_examples/lint_factories_shared_examples.rb

diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Geo Replicate a new blob b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Geo Replicate a new blob
index 23275d0d5a3cc..0776b14c632d6 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Geo Replicate a new blob	
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Geo Replicate a new blob	
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
-- [ ] Add `[:cool_widget, :remote_store]` to `skipped` in `spec/models/factories_spec.rb`
+- [ ] Add `[:cool_widget, :remote_store]` to `skipped` in `spec/support/shared_examples/lint_factories_shared_examples.rb`
 #### Step 2. Implement metrics gathering
diff --git a/.rubocop_todo/style/inline_disable_annotation.yml b/.rubocop_todo/style/inline_disable_annotation.yml
index c9d95369df31b..4caf3eaf31d96 100644
--- a/.rubocop_todo/style/inline_disable_annotation.yml
+++ b/.rubocop_todo/style/inline_disable_annotation.yml
@@ -1969,7 +1969,6 @@ Style/InlineDisableAnnotation:
     - 'ee/spec/models/ee/ci/secure_file_spec.rb'
     - 'ee/spec/models/ee/groups/feature_setting_spec.rb'
     - 'ee/spec/models/elasticsearch_indexed_namespace_spec.rb'
-    - 'ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb'
     - 'ee/spec/models/gitlab_subscription_spec.rb'
     - 'ee/spec/models/license_spec.rb'
     - 'ee/spec/models/members/member_role_spec.rb'
diff --git a/doc/development/testing_guide/ b/doc/development/testing_guide/
index 0156f123a9072..dfddafed9263e 100644
--- a/doc/development/testing_guide/
+++ b/doc/development/testing_guide/
@@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@ GitLab uses [`factory_bot`]( as a test
 - Factories don't have to be limited to `ActiveRecord` objects.
   [See example](
-- Factories and their traits should produce valid objects that are [verified by specs](
+- Factories and their traits should produce valid objects that are [verified by shared specs]( run in every model spec.
 - Avoid the use of [`skip_callback`]( in factories.
   See [issue #247865]( for details.
diff --git a/ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb b/ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index acd477b72274f..0000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-# We only test factories in EE as `FactoryBot.factories` include both FOSS and EE factories there.
-# Otherwise, we'd test EE factories even in `rspec` jobs which are supposed to run only FOSS tests.
-# It should be fine since FOSS is a subset of EE anyway, so if this test file passes on EE, it means
-# FOSS factories are valid (and FOSS doesn't **add** anything to EE so we're good).
-# `:saas` is used to test `gitlab_subscription` factory.
-# It's not available on FOSS but also this very factory is not.
-RSpec.describe 'factories', :saas, :with_license, feature_category: :tooling do
-  include Database::DatabaseHelpers
-  # Used in `skipped` and indicates whether to skip any traits including the
-  # plain factory.
-  any =
-  # tracks the remaining
-  # skipped factories or traits.
-  #
-  # Consider adding a code comment if a trait cannot produce a valid object.
-  skipped = [
-    [:audit_event, :unauthenticated],
-    [:ci_build_trace_chunk, :fog_with_data],
-    [:ci_job_artifact, :remote_store],
-    [:ci_job_artifact, :raw],
-    [:ci_job_artifact, :gzip],
-    [:ci_job_artifact, :correct_checksum],
-    [:dependency_proxy_blob, :remote_store],
-    [:environment, :non_playable],
-    [:issue_customer_relations_contact, :for_contact],
-    [:issue_customer_relations_contact, :for_issue],
-    [:pages_domain, :without_certificate],
-    [:pages_domain, :without_key],
-    [:pages_domain, :with_missing_chain],
-    [:pages_domain, :with_trusted_chain],
-    [:pages_domain, :with_trusted_expired_chain],
-    [:pages_domain, :with_untrusted_root_ca_in_chain],
-    [:pages_domain, :explicit_ecdsa],
-    [:pages_domain, :extra_long_key], # used to test key length validation
-    [:project_member, :blocked],
-    [:remote_mirror, :ssh],
-    [:user_preference, :only_comments],
-    [:ci_pipeline_artifact, :remote_store],
-    # EE
-    [:ci_secure_file, :verification_failed],
-    [:ci_secure_file, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:container_repository, :remote_store],
-    [:container_repository, :verification_failed],
-    [:container_repository, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:dast_profile, :with_dast_site_validation],
-    [:dependency_proxy_manifest, :remote_store],
-    [:dependency_proxy_manifest, :verification_failed],
-    [:dependency_proxy_manifest, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:dependency_proxy_blob, :verification_failed],
-    [:dependency_proxy_blob, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:ee_ci_build, :dependency_scanning_report],
-    [:ee_ci_build, :license_scan_v1],
-    [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v1],
-    [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v1_1],
-    [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v2],
-    [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v2_1],
-    [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :verification_failed],
-    [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:lfs_object, :checksum_failure],
-    [:lfs_object, :checksummed],
-    [:lfs_object, :verification_failed],
-    [:lfs_object, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:merge_request, :blocked],
-    [:external_merge_request_diff, :verification_failed],
-    [:external_merge_request_diff, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:package_file, :verification_failed],
-    [:package_file, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:pages_deployment, :verification_failed],
-    [:pages_deployment, :verification_succeeded],
-    [:project, :with_vulnerabilities],
-    [:project, :fork_repository],
-    [:scan_execution_policy, :with_schedule_and_agent],
-    [:vulnerability, :with_cluster_image_scanning_finding],
-    [:vulnerability, :with_findings],
-    [:vulnerability_export, :finished],
-    [:member_role, :instance] # this trait is not available for saas
-  ].freeze
-  geo_configured = && Gitlab::Geo.geo_database_configured?
-  check_create = !Support::GitlabCi.predictive_job? && !Support::GitlabCi.fail_fast_job?
-  shared_examples 'factory' do |factory|
-    skip_any = skipped.include?([, any])
-    before do
-      stub_composer_cache_object_storage # [:composer_cache_file, :object_storage]
-      stub_package_file_object_storage # [:package_file, :object_storage]
-      debian_component_file_object_storage # [:debian_project_component_file, :object_storage]
-      debian_distribution_release_file_object_storage # [:debian_project_distribution, :object_storage]
-      stub_rpm_repository_file_object_storage # [:rpm_repository_file, :object_storage]
-    end
-    describe "#{} factory" do
-      before(:context) do
-        skip 'Geo DB is not set up' if'geo') && !geo_configured
-      end
-      it 'does not raise error when built' do
-        # We use `skip` here because using `build` mostly work even if
-        # factories break when creating them.
-        skip 'Factory skipped linting due to legacy error' if skip_any
-        expect { build( }.not_to raise_error
-      end
-      it 'does not raise error when created', if: check_create do
-        pending 'Factory skipped linting due to legacy error' if skip_any
-        expect { create( }.not_to raise_error # rubocop:disable Rails/SaveBang
-      end
- do |trait_name|
-        skip_trait = skip_any || skipped.include?([, trait_name.to_sym])
-        describe "linting :#{trait_name} trait" do
-          it 'does not raise error when created', if: check_create do
-            skip 'Trait skipped linting due to legacy error' if skip_trait
-            expect { create(, trait_name) }.not_to raise_error
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  # FactoryDefault speed up specs by creating associations only once
-  # and reuse them in other factories.
-  #
-  # However, for some factories we cannot use FactoryDefault because the
-  # associations must be unique and cannot be reused, or the factory default
-  # is being mutated.
-  skip_factory_defaults = %i[
-    ci_catalog_resource_component
-    ci_catalog_resource_component_usage
-    ci_catalog_resource_version
-    ci_job_token_project_scope_link
-    ci_subscriptions_project
-    compliance_standards_adherence
-    evidence
-    exported_protected_branch
-    fork_network_member
-    group_member
-    import_state
-    issue_customer_relations_contact
-    merge_request_block
-    milestone_release
-    namespace
-    project_namespace
-    project_repository
-    project_security_setting
-    prometheus_alert
-    prometheus_alert_event
-    prometheus_metric
-    protected_branch
-    protected_branch_merge_access_level
-    protected_branch_push_access_level
-    protected_branch_unprotect_access_level
-    approval_project_rules_protected_branch
-    approval_group_rules_protected_branch
-    protected_tag
-    protected_tag_create_access_level
-    release
-    release_link
-    shard
-    users_star_project
-    vulnerabilities_finding_identifier
-    wiki_page
-    wiki_page_meta
-    workspace
-    workspace_variable
-    member_approval
-    external_status_checks_protected_branch
-  ].to_set.freeze
-  # Some factories and their corresponding models are based on
-  # database views. In order to use those, we have to swap the
-  # view out with a table of the same structure.
-  factories_based_on_view = %i[
-    postgres_index
-    postgres_index_bloat_estimate
-    postgres_autovacuum_activity
-  ].to_set.freeze
-  without_fd, with_fd = FactoryBot.factories
-    .partition { |factory| skip_factory_defaults.include?( }
-  # Some EE models check licensed features so stub them.
-  shared_context 'with licensed features' do
-    licensed_features = %i[
-      board_milestone_lists
-      board_assignee_lists
-    ].index_with(true)
-    if Gitlab.jh?
-      licensed_features.merge! %i[
-        dingtalk_integration
-        feishu_bot_integration
-      ].index_with(true)
-    end
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(licensed_features)
-    end
-  end
-  include_context 'with licensed features' if
-  context 'with factory defaults', factory_default: :keep do
-    let_it_be(:namespace) { create_default(:namespace).freeze }
-    let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project, :repository).freeze }
-    let_it_be(:user) { create_default(:user).freeze }
-    before do
-      factories_based_on_view.each do |factory|
-        view = build(factory).class.table_name
-        view_gitlab_schema = Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema.table_schema(view)
-        Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_connection(include_shared: false) do |connection|
-          next unless Gitlab::Database.gitlab_schemas_for_connection(connection).include?(view_gitlab_schema)
-          swapout_view_for_table(view, connection: connection)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    with_fd.each do |factory|
-      it_behaves_like 'factory', factory
-    end
-  end
-  context 'without factory defaults' do
-    without_fd.each do |factory|
-      it_behaves_like 'factory', factory
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/scripts/verify-tff-mapping b/scripts/verify-tff-mapping
index 9a8f48aa402d4..aedce04d2c556 100755
--- a/scripts/verify-tff-mapping
+++ b/scripts/verify-tff-mapping
@@ -143,18 +143,6 @@ tests = [
-  {
-    explanation: 'FOSS factory should map to factories spec',
-    changed_file: 'spec/factories/users.rb',
-    expected: ['ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb']
-  },
-  {
-    explanation: 'EE factory should map to factories spec',
-    changed_file: 'ee/spec/factories/users.rb',
-    expected: ['ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb']
-  },
     explanation: 'Whats New should map to its respective spec',
     changed_file: 'data/whats_new/202101140001_13_08.yml',
diff --git a/spec/support/helpers/user_with_namespace_shim.yml b/spec/support/helpers/user_with_namespace_shim.yml
index 5f7f69f9407b1..ca5f78ea5d1e9 100644
--- a/spec/support/helpers/user_with_namespace_shim.yml
+++ b/spec/support/helpers/user_with_namespace_shim.yml
@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@
 - ee/spec/models/ee/project_wiki_spec.rb
 - ee/spec/models/elastic/migration_record_spec.rb
 - ee/spec/models/epic_spec.rb
-- ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb
 - ee/spec/models/gitlab_subscription_spec.rb
 - ee/spec/models/iteration_spec.rb
 - ee/spec/models/member_spec.rb
diff --git a/spec/support/shared_examples/lint_factories_shared_examples.rb b/spec/support/shared_examples/lint_factories_shared_examples.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8714f43169c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/shared_examples/lint_factories_shared_examples.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Support
+  # Lint factories based on example group's `described_class`.
+  module LintFactories
+    Any =
+    # To avoid factories from being linted multiple times
+    # we ignore the following example group paths.
+      # Don't run factory lints in frontend fixtures
+      'spec/frontend/fixtures/',
+      # Skip EE extensions specs as FOSS+EE factories are tested by corresponding models
+      '/ee/',
+      # Skip concerns specs
+      '/concerns/'
+    ].freeze
+    def self.skip_example_group?(example_group)
+      # ./ee/foo/ee/bar_spec.rb -> ee/foo/ee/bar_spec.rb
+      file_path = example_group.file_path.delete_prefix('./')
+      example_group.described_class.nil? ||
+        IGNORE_EXAMPLE_GROUP_PATHS.any? { |ignore| file_path.include?(ignore) }
+    end
+    def self.lint_factories_for(example_group)
+      return if skip_example_group?(example_group)
+      described_class = example_group.described_class
+      without_factory_defaults, with_factory_defaults = factories_for(described_class)
+        .partition { |factory| skip_factory_defaults?( }
+      return if without_factory_defaults.empty? && with_factory_defaults.empty?
+      RSpec.describe "Lint factories for #{described_class}" do
+        include_examples 'Lint factories', with_factory_defaults, without_factory_defaults
+      end
+    end
+    def self.factories_for(model)
+      factories_by_model[model] || []
+    end
+    def self.factories_by_model
+      @factories_by_model ||=
+        begin
+          group = FactoryBot.factories.group_by do |factory|
+            class_name = factory.send(:class_name)
+            class_name = class_name.to_s.camelize if class_name.is_a?(Symbol)
+            class_name.constantize if class_name.is_a?(String)
+          end
+          group.delete(nil)
+          group
+        end
+    end
+    def self.skip?(factory_name, trait_name = nil)
+      return true if skipped.include?([factory_name, Any])
+      return false unless trait_name
+      skipped.include?([factory_name, trait_name.to_sym])
+    end
+    # tracks the remaining
+    # skipped factories or traits.
+    #
+    # Consider adding a code comment if a trait cannot produce a valid object.
+    def self.skipped
+      @skipped ||= [
+        [:audit_event, :unauthenticated],
+        [:ci_build_trace_chunk, :fog_with_data],
+        [:ci_job_artifact, :remote_store],
+        [:ci_job_artifact, :raw],
+        [:ci_job_artifact, :gzip],
+        [:ci_job_artifact, :correct_checksum],
+        [:dependency_proxy_blob, :remote_store],
+        [:environment, :non_playable],
+        [:issue_customer_relations_contact, :for_contact],
+        [:issue_customer_relations_contact, :for_issue],
+        [:pages_domain, :without_certificate],
+        [:pages_domain, :without_key],
+        [:pages_domain, :with_missing_chain],
+        [:pages_domain, :with_trusted_chain],
+        [:pages_domain, :with_trusted_expired_chain],
+        [:pages_domain, :with_untrusted_root_ca_in_chain],
+        [:pages_domain, :explicit_ecdsa],
+        [:pages_domain, :extra_long_key], # used to test key length validation
+        [:project_member, :blocked],
+        [:remote_mirror, :ssh],
+        [:user_preference, :only_comments],
+        [:ci_pipeline_artifact, :remote_store],
+        # EE
+        [:ci_secure_file, :verification_failed],
+        [:ci_secure_file, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:container_repository, :remote_store],
+        [:container_repository, :verification_failed],
+        [:container_repository, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:dast_profile, :with_dast_site_validation],
+        [:dependency_proxy_manifest, :remote_store],
+        [:dependency_proxy_manifest, :verification_failed],
+        [:dependency_proxy_manifest, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:dependency_proxy_blob, :verification_failed],
+        [:dependency_proxy_blob, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:ee_ci_build, :dependency_scanning_report],
+        [:ee_ci_build, :license_scan_v1],
+        [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v1],
+        [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v1_1],
+        [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v2],
+        [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :v2_1],
+        [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :verification_failed],
+        [:ee_ci_job_artifact, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:lfs_object, :checksum_failure],
+        [:lfs_object, :checksummed],
+        [:lfs_object, :verification_failed],
+        [:lfs_object, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:merge_request, :blocked],
+        [:external_merge_request_diff, :verification_failed],
+        [:external_merge_request_diff, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:package_file, :verification_failed],
+        [:package_file, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:pages_deployment, :verification_failed],
+        [:pages_deployment, :verification_succeeded],
+        [:project, :with_vulnerabilities],
+        [:project, :fork_repository],
+        [:scan_execution_policy, :with_schedule_and_agent],
+        [:vulnerability, :with_cluster_image_scanning_finding],
+        [:vulnerability, :with_findings],
+        [:vulnerability_export, :finished],
+        [:member_role, :instance] # this trait is not available for saas
+      ].freeze
+    end
+    def self.skip_factory_defaults?(factory_name)
+      skip_factory_defaults.include?(factory_name)
+    end
+    # FactoryDefault speed up specs by creating associations only once
+    # and reuse them in other factories.
+    #
+    # However, for some factories we cannot use FactoryDefault because the
+    # associations must be unique and cannot be reused, or the factory default
+    # is being mutated.
+    def self.skip_factory_defaults
+      @skip_factory_defaults ||= %i[
+        ci_catalog_resource_component
+        ci_catalog_resource_component_usage
+        ci_catalog_resource_version
+        ci_job_token_project_scope_link
+        ci_subscriptions_project
+        compliance_standards_adherence
+        evidence
+        exported_protected_branch
+        fork_network_member
+        group_member
+        import_state
+        issue_customer_relations_contact
+        merge_request_block
+        milestone_release
+        namespace
+        project_namespace
+        project_repository
+        project_security_setting
+        prometheus_alert
+        prometheus_alert_event
+        prometheus_metric
+        protected_branch
+        protected_branch_merge_access_level
+        protected_branch_push_access_level
+        protected_branch_unprotect_access_level
+        approval_project_rules_protected_branch
+        approval_group_rules_protected_branch
+        protected_tag
+        protected_tag_create_access_level
+        release
+        release_link
+        shard
+        users_star_project
+        vulnerabilities_finding_identifier
+        wiki_page
+        wiki_page_meta
+        workspace
+        workspace_variable
+        member_approval
+        external_status_checks_protected_branch
+      ].to_set.freeze
+    end
+    # Some EE models check licensed features so stub them.
+    def self.licensed_features
+      @licensed_features ||=
+        begin
+          features = %i[
+            board_milestone_lists
+            board_assignee_lists
+          ]
+          if Gitlab.jh?
+            features += %i[
+              dingtalk_integration
+              feishu_bot_integration
+            ]
+          end
+          features.index_with(true).freeze
+        end
+    end
+    # Some factories and their corresponding models are based on
+    # database views. In order to use those, we have to swap the
+    # view out with a table of the same structure.
+    def self.database_views
+      @database_views ||= %w[
+        postgres_indexes
+        postgres_index_bloat_estimates
+        postgres_autovacuum_activity
+      ].freeze
+    end
+  end
+RSpec.shared_examples 'Lint factories' do |with_factory_defaults, without_factory_defaults|
+  shared_context 'with licensed features' do
+    before do
+      stub_licensed_features(Support::LintFactories.licensed_features)
+    end
+  end
+  shared_context 'with database views' do
+    include Database::DatabaseHelpers
+    before do
+      Support::LintFactories.database_views.each do |view|
+        view_gitlab_schema = Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema.table_schema(view)
+        Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_connection(include_shared: false) do |connection|
+          next unless Gitlab::Database.gitlab_schemas_for_connection(connection).include?(view_gitlab_schema)
+          swapout_view_for_table(view, connection: connection)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  shared_context 'with factory defaults' do
+    let_it_be(:namespace) { create_default(:namespace).freeze }
+    let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project, :repository).freeze }
+    let_it_be(:user) { create_default(:user).freeze }
+  end
+  shared_context 'with stubbed storage' do
+    before do
+      stub_composer_cache_object_storage # [:composer_cache_file, :object_storage]
+      stub_package_file_object_storage # [:package_file, :object_storage]
+      debian_component_file_object_storage # [:debian_project_component_file, :object_storage]
+      debian_distribution_release_file_object_storage # [:debian_project_distribution, :object_storage]
+      stub_rpm_repository_file_object_storage # [:rpm_repository_file, :object_storage]
+    end
+  end
+  shared_examples 'factory' do |factory|
+    include_context 'with stubbed storage'
+    include_context 'with licensed features' if
+    describe "#{} factory" do
+      it 'does not raise error when built' do
+        # We use `skip` here because using `build` mostly work even if
+        # factories break when creating them.
+        skip 'Factory skipped linting due to legacy error' if Support::LintFactories.skip?(
+        expect { build( }.not_to raise_error
+      end
+      it 'does not raise error when created' do
+        pending 'Factory skipped linting due to legacy error' if Support::LintFactories.skip?(
+        expect { create( }.not_to raise_error # rubocop:disable Rails/SaveBang -- It's not Rails
+      end
+ do |trait_name|
+        describe "linting :#{trait_name} trait" do
+          it 'does not raise error when created' do
+            skip 'Trait skipped linting due to legacy error' if Support::LintFactories.skip?(, trait_name)
+            expect { create(, trait_name) }.not_to raise_error
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if with_factory_defaults.any?
+    context 'with saas, license, and factory defaults', :saas, :with_license, factory_default: :keep do
+      include_context 'with database views'
+      include_context 'with factory defaults'
+      with_factory_defaults.each do |factory|
+        it_behaves_like 'factory', factory
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if without_factory_defaults.any?
+    context 'with saas, license, and no factory defaults', :saas, :with_license do
+      without_factory_defaults.each do |factory|
+        it_behaves_like 'factory', factory
+      end
+    end
+  end
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+  config.on_example_group_definition do |example_group|
+    # Hook into every top-level example group definition.
+    #
+    # Define a new isolated context `Lint factories for <described_class>` for
+    # associated factories.
+    #
+    # Creating this context triggers this callback again with <described_class>
+    # being `nil` so recursive definitions are prevented.
+    Support::LintFactories.lint_factories_for(example_group)
+  end
diff --git a/tests.yml b/tests.yml
index d65db6c395344..2abed8a5910f8 100644
--- a/tests.yml
+++ b/tests.yml
@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@ mapping:
   - source: 'ee/spec/(?<directory>.*/)ee/(?<rest>.+\.rb)'
     test: 'spec/%{directory}%{rest}'
-  # EE/FOSS factory should map to factories spec
-  - source: '(?<prefix>ee/)?spec/factories/.+\.rb'
-    test: 'ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb'
   # Whats New should map to its respective spec
   - source: 'data/whats_new/\w*\.yml'
     test: 'spec/lib/release_highlights/validator_spec.rb'