diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/.rubocop.yml b/gems/gitlab-active-context/.rubocop.yml
index c941a42c98ddcbad33f28eefcc08282db4e90fda..0621d40c0e2b779db0b15462e400bd9b995d73d9 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/.rubocop.yml
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/.rubocop.yml
@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ Gemfile/MissingFeatureCategory:
   Enabled: false
+  Max: 25
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/README.md b/gems/gitlab-active-context/README.md
index c3b8cc6ffc6f5ae127e132fb3c27468cedf4f0a2..3ca7d3734328fef44ba936142aefcbb4f9cb1f5e 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/README.md
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/README.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ ActiveContext.configure do |config|
   config.databases = {
     es1: {
-      adapter: 'elasticsearch',
+      adapter: 'ActiveContext::Databases::Elasticsearch::Adapter',
       prefix: 'gitlab_active_context',
       options: ::Gitlab::CurrentSettings.elasticsearch_config
@@ -70,6 +70,36 @@ end
 | `client_request_timeout` | The timeout for client requests in seconds | No | N/A | `60` |
 | `retry_on_failure` | The number of times to retry a failed request | No | `0` (no retries) | `3` |
 | `debug` | Enable or disable debug logging | No | `false` | `true` |
+| `max_bulk_size_bytes` | Maximum size before forcing a bulk operation in megabytes | No | `10.megabytes` | `5242880` | 
+### Scheduling a cron worker for async processing
+Create a file which includes the `BulkAsyncProcess` concern and other worker-specific concerns:
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Ai
+  module Context
+    class BulkProcessWorker
+      include ActiveContext::Concerns::BulkAsyncProcess
+      include ::ApplicationWorker
+      include ::CronjobQueue
+      include Search::Worker
+      include Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseHelpers
+      prepend ::Geo::SkipSecondary
+      idempotent!
+      worker_resource_boundary :cpu
+      urgency :low
+      data_consistency :sticky
+      loggable_arguments 0, 1
+    end
+  end
+Schedule the worker on a cron schedule in `config/initializers/1_settings.rb`.
 ### Registering a queue
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/bulk_processor.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/bulk_processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82ddf47ec7c906b5aa2ba966c10fba584f7c5c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/bulk_processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActiveContext
+  class BulkProcessor
+    attr_reader :failures, :adapter
+    def initialize
+      @failures = []
+      @adapter = ActiveContext.adapter
+    end
+    def process(ref)
+      send_bulk if @adapter.add_ref(ref)
+    end
+    def flush
+      send_bulk.failures
+    end
+    private
+    def send_bulk
+      return self if adapter.empty?
+      failed_refs = try_send_bulk
+      logger.info(
+        'message' => 'bulk_submitted',
+        'meta.indexing.bulk_count' => adapter.all_refs.size,
+        'meta.indexing.errors_count' => failed_refs.count
+      )
+      failures.push(*failed_refs)
+      adapter.reset
+      self
+    end
+    def try_send_bulk
+      result = adapter.bulk
+      adapter.process_bulk_errors(result)
+    rescue StandardError => e
+      logger.error(message: 'bulk_exception', error_class: e.class.to_s, error_message: e.message)
+      adapter.all_refs
+    end
+    def logger
+      @logger ||= ActiveContext::Config.logger
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/adapter.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/adapter.rb
index bf8854efbfa9bd84655810ee3b05a5d46cb823c9..51ef809e8c138b64cc7ea082115c46f4fbabda62 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/adapter.rb
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/adapter.rb
@@ -4,17 +4,24 @@ module ActiveContext
   module Databases
     module Concerns
       module Adapter
-        attr_reader :client
+        attr_reader :options, :client, :indexer
         delegate :search, to: :client
+        delegate :all_refs, :add_ref, :empty?, :bulk, :process_bulk_errors, :reset, to: :indexer
         def initialize(options)
+          @options = options
           @client = client_klass.new(options)
+          @indexer = indexer_klass.new(options, client)
         def client_klass
           raise NotImplementedError
+        def indexer_klass
+          raise NotImplementedError
+        end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/indexer.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/indexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35859584a7cbf702bfaa5813aa9fd3075d909557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/concerns/indexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# rubocop: disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables -- this is a concern
+module ActiveContext
+  module Databases
+    module Concerns
+      module Indexer
+        attr_reader :options, :client, :refs
+        def initialize(options, client)
+          @options = options
+          @client = client
+          @refs = []
+        end
+        def all_refs
+          refs
+        end
+        # Adds a reference to the refs array
+        #
+        # @param ref [Object] The reference to add
+        # @return [Boolean] True if bulk processing should be forced, e.g., when a size threshold is reached
+        def add_ref(ref)
+          raise NotImplementedError
+        end
+        # Checks if nothing should be processed
+        #
+        # @return [Boolean] True if bulk processing should be skipped
+        def empty?
+          raise NotImplementedError
+        end
+        # Performs bulk processing on the refs array
+        #
+        # @return [Object] The result of bulk processing
+        def bulk
+          raise NotImplementedError
+        end
+        # Processes errors from bulk operation
+        #
+        # @param result [Object] The result from the bulk operation
+        # @return [Array] Any failures that occurred during bulk processing
+        def process_bulk_errors(_result)
+          raise NotImplementedError
+        end
+        # Resets the adapter to a clean state
+        def reset
+          @refs = []
+          # also reset anything that builds up from the refs array
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+# rubocop: enable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/adapter.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/adapter.rb
index bf6035c0993cde5bf14628b7b7e3db295575fe59..a75894a347976dac9e4e7b0c0b6e2c1990acb7ee 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/adapter.rb
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/adapter.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ class Adapter
         def client_klass
+        def indexer_klass
+          ActiveContext::Databases::Elasticsearch::Indexer
+        end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/client.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/client.rb
index 42c0a8b094e4bd6f56e81b7dfb41623365c02b6a..d885a6751f96ea574ed2f14a9d8a65ddb7f1172a 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/client.rb
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/client.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ module Elasticsearch
       class Client
         include ActiveContext::Databases::Concerns::Client
+        delegate :bulk, to: :client
         OPEN_TIMEOUT = 5
         NO_RETRY = 0
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/indexer.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/indexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47f5d80cf6f9e3da66282e27b1ccc8d6601506e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/indexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActiveContext
+  module Databases
+    module Elasticsearch
+      class Indexer
+        include ActiveContext::Databases::Concerns::Indexer
+        DEFAULT_MAX_BULK_SIZE = 10.megabytes
+        attr_reader :operations, :bulk_size
+        def initialize(...)
+          super
+          @operations = []
+          @bulk_size = 0
+        end
+        def add_ref(ref)
+          operation = build_operation(ref)
+          @refs << ref
+          @operations << operation
+          @bulk_size += calculate_operation_size(operation)
+          bulk_size >= bulk_threshold
+        end
+        def empty?
+          operations.empty?
+        end
+        def bulk
+          client.bulk(body: operations.flatten)
+        end
+        def process_bulk_errors(result)
+          return [] unless result['errors']
+          failed_refs = []
+          result['items'].each_with_index do |item, index|
+            op = item['index'] || item['update'] || item['delete']
+            next unless op.nil? || op['error']
+            ref = refs[index]
+            logger.warn(
+              'message' => 'indexing_failed',
+              'meta.indexing.error' => op&.dig('error') || 'Operation was nil',
+              'meta.indexing.status' => op&.dig('status'),
+              'meta.indexing.operation_type' => item.each_key.first,
+              'meta.indexing.ref' => ref.serialize,
+              'meta.indexing.identifier' => ref.identifier
+            )
+            failed_refs << ref
+          end
+          failed_refs
+        end
+        def reset
+          super
+          @operations = []
+          @bulk_size = 0
+        end
+        private
+        def build_operation(ref)
+          case ref.operation.to_sym
+          when :index, :upsert
+            [
+              { update: { _index: ref.index_name, _id: ref.identifier, routing: ref.routing }.compact },
+              { doc: ref.as_indexed_json, doc_as_upsert: true }
+            ]
+          when :delete
+            [{ delete: { _index: ref.index_name, _id: ref.identifier, routing: ref.routing }.compact }]
+          else
+            raise StandardError, "Operation #{ref.operation} is not supported"
+          end
+        end
+        def calculate_operation_size(operation)
+          operation.to_json.bytesize + 2 # Account for newlines
+        end
+        def bulk_threshold
+          @bulk_threshold ||= options[:max_bulk_size_bytes] || DEFAULT_MAX_BULK_SIZE
+        end
+        def logger
+          @logger ||= ActiveContext::Config.logger
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/adapter.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/adapter.rb
index 7c685b7bba0d796f8a6d352f2270c1c80951aefb..a72fac16d38a825a5df640cd5163cdb701ffb106 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/adapter.rb
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/adapter.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ class Adapter
         def client_klass
+        def indexer_klass
+          ActiveContext::Databases::Opensearch::Indexer
+        end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/indexer.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/indexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c40e3cce82493cd23181066c47399d15369e3c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/opensearch/indexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActiveContext
+  module Databases
+    module Opensearch
+      class Indexer
+        include ActiveContext::Databases::Concerns::Indexer
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/adapter.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/adapter.rb
index 33f2b2b199b83e93fbe66cfdc2fda16f19184d2a..3d71ee59d50ed45bc14b8d3138fee74142b52e85 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/adapter.rb
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/adapter.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ class Adapter
         def client_klass
+        def indexer_klass
+          ActiveContext::Databases::Postgresql::Indexer
+        end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/indexer.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/indexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc659cff5eb4ecf31eece139b8344065a4a9c559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/lib/active_context/databases/postgresql/indexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActiveContext
+  module Databases
+    module Postgresql
+      class Indexer
+        include ActiveContext::Databases::Concerns::Indexer
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/lib/active_context/bulk_processor_spec.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/lib/active_context/bulk_processor_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2baeab1ec9173170b0269b576785953df6371b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/lib/active_context/bulk_processor_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe ActiveContext::BulkProcessor do
+  let(:adapter) { ActiveContext::Databases::Elasticsearch::Adapter.new(url: 'http://localhost:9200') }
+  let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger) }
+  let(:ref) { double }
+  before do
+    allow(ActiveContext).to receive(:adapter).and_return(adapter)
+    allow(ActiveContext::Config).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger)
+    allow(logger).to receive(:info)
+    allow(logger).to receive(:error)
+    allow(ref).to receive_messages(
+      operation: :index,
+      id: 1,
+      as_indexed_json: { title: 'Test Issue' },
+      index_name: 'issues',
+      identifier: '1',
+      routing: 'group_1'
+    )
+  end
+  describe '#initialize' do
+    it 'initializes with empty failures and the correct adapter' do
+      processor = described_class.new
+      expect(processor.failures).to be_empty
+      expect(processor.adapter).to be_a(ActiveContext::Databases::Elasticsearch::Adapter)
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#process' do
+    let(:processor) { described_class.new }
+    it 'adds ref to adapter and calls send_bulk if it returns true' do
+      allow(adapter).to receive(:add_ref).and_return(true)
+      expect(processor).to receive(:send_bulk).once
+      processor.process(ref)
+    end
+    it 'adds ref to adapter and does not call send_bulk if it returns false' do
+      allow(adapter).to receive(:add_ref).and_return(false)
+      expect(processor).not_to receive(:send_bulk)
+      processor.process(ref)
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#flush' do
+    let(:processor) { described_class.new }
+    it 'calls send_bulk and returns failures' do
+      allow(processor).to receive(:send_bulk).and_return(processor)
+      expect(processor.flush).to eq([])
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#send_bulk' do
+    let(:processor) { described_class.new }
+    before do
+      processor.process(ref)
+    end
+    it 'processes bulk and logs info' do
+      allow(adapter).to receive(:bulk).and_return({ 'items' => [] })
+      expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(
+        'message' => 'bulk_submitted',
+        'meta.indexing.bulk_count' => 1,
+        'meta.indexing.errors_count' => 0
+      )
+      processor.send(:send_bulk)
+    end
+    it 'resets the adapter after processing' do
+      allow(adapter).to receive(:bulk).and_return({ 'items' => [] })
+      expect(adapter).to receive(:reset)
+      processor.send(:send_bulk)
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#try_send_bulk' do
+    let(:processor) { described_class.new }
+    before do
+      processor.process(ref)
+    end
+    context 'when bulk processing succeeds' do
+      it 'returns empty array' do
+        allow(adapter).to receive(:bulk).and_return({ 'items' => [] })
+        expect(processor.send(:try_send_bulk)).to eq([])
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when bulk processing fails' do
+      it 'logs error and returns all refs' do
+        allow(adapter).to receive(:bulk).and_raise(StandardError.new('Bulk processing failed'))
+        expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(
+          message: 'bulk_exception',
+          error_class: 'StandardError',
+          error_message: 'Bulk processing failed'
+        )
+        expect(processor.send(:try_send_bulk)).to eq([ref])
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/indexer_spec.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/indexer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f06f10f9c84a8c3f6ccd8c5568223f9682d7c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/lib/active_context/databases/elasticsearch/indexer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe ActiveContext::Databases::Elasticsearch::Indexer do
+  let(:es_client) { instance_double(Elasticsearch::Client) }
+  let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, warn: nil) }
+  let(:options) { {} }
+  let(:indexer) { described_class.new(options, es_client) }
+  let(:ref) { double }
+  before do
+    allow(ActiveContext::Config).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger)
+    allow(ref).to receive_messages(
+      operation: :index,
+      id: 1,
+      as_indexed_json: { title: 'Test Issue' },
+      index_name: 'issues',
+      identifier: '1',
+      routing: 'group_1',
+      serialize: 'issue 1 group_1'
+    )
+  end
+  describe '#initialize' do
+    it 'initializes with empty operations and zero bulk size' do
+      expect(indexer.operations).to be_empty
+      expect(indexer.bulk_size).to eq(0)
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#add_ref' do
+    it 'adds the ref and returns true when bulk threshold is reached' do
+      allow(indexer).to receive(:bulk_threshold).and_return(1)
+      expect(indexer.add_ref(ref)).to be true
+      expect(indexer.operations).not_to be_empty
+    end
+    it 'adds the ref and returns false when bulk threshold is not reached' do
+      allow(indexer).to receive(:bulk_threshold).and_return(1000000)
+      expect(indexer.add_ref(ref)).to be false
+      expect(indexer.operations).not_to be_empty
+    end
+    it 'raises an error for unsupported operations' do
+      allow(ref).to receive(:operation).and_return(:unsupported)
+      expect { indexer.add_ref(ref) }.to raise_error(StandardError, /Operation unsupported is not supported/)
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#empty?' do
+    it 'returns true when there are no operations' do
+      expect(indexer).to be_empty
+    end
+    it 'returns false when there are operations' do
+      indexer.instance_variable_set(:@operations, [{}])
+      expect(indexer).not_to be_empty
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#bulk' do
+    before do
+      indexer.instance_variable_set(:@operations, [{ index: {} }])
+    end
+    it 'calls bulk on the client with flattened operations' do
+      expect(es_client).to receive(:bulk).with(body: [{ index: {} }])
+      indexer.bulk
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#process_bulk_errors' do
+    before do
+      indexer.instance_variable_set(:@refs, [ref])
+    end
+    context 'when there are no errors' do
+      it 'returns an empty array' do
+        result = { 'errors' => false }
+        expect(indexer.process_bulk_errors(result)).to be_empty
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when there are errors' do
+      let(:result) do
+        {
+          'errors' => true,
+          'items' => [
+            { 'index' => { 'error' => 'Error message', 'status' => 400 } }
+          ]
+        }
+      end
+      it 'logs warnings and returns failed refs' do
+        expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(
+          'message' => 'indexing_failed',
+          'meta.indexing.error' => 'Error message',
+          'meta.indexing.status' => 400,
+          'meta.indexing.operation_type' => 'index',
+          'meta.indexing.ref' => 'issue 1 group_1',
+          'meta.indexing.identifier' => '1'
+        )
+        failed_refs = indexer.process_bulk_errors(result)
+        expect(failed_refs).to eq([ref])
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#reset' do
+    before do
+      indexer.instance_variable_set(:@operations, [{}])
+      indexer.instance_variable_set(:@bulk_size, 100)
+    end
+    it 'resets operations and bulk size' do
+      indexer.reset
+      expect(indexer.operations).to be_empty
+      expect(indexer.bulk_size).to eq(0)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/spec_helper.rb b/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/spec_helper.rb
index a9f134d9dfcc0a77ac6d594a865efc6e404f0f4f..98e275e9548e786808dfb0945b1567e1d35d6042 100644
--- a/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/gems/gitlab-active-context/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
-require "active_context"
+require 'active_context'
+require 'active_support/all'
 require 'logger'
 require 'elasticsearch'
 require 'opensearch'
 require 'aws-sdk-core'
-require 'active_support/concern'
 require 'redis'
 require 'byebug'
-require 'active_support'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/time'
-require 'active_context/concerns/bulk_async_process'
 Dir[File.join(__dir__, 'support/**/*.rb')].each { |f| require f }