diff --git a/doc/api/graphql/reference/_index.md b/doc/api/graphql/reference/_index.md
index 37432125fb119d580de225f9316dc79e0ece6299..01ae2cd402c855a76d5a96ef1ef5794b8cd7ea1c 100644
--- a/doc/api/graphql/reference/_index.md
+++ b/doc/api/graphql/reference/_index.md
@@ -22746,7 +22746,6 @@ GitLab CI/CD configuration template.
 | <a id="clusteragentisreceptive"></a>`isReceptive` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Whether the cluster agent is receptive or not. |
 | <a id="clusteragentname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the cluster agent. |
 | <a id="clusteragentproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | Project the cluster agent is associated with. |
-| <a id="clusteragentremotedevelopmentagentconfig"></a>`remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig` {{< icon name="warning-solid" >}} | [`RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig`](#remotedevelopmentagentconfig) | **Introduced** in GitLab 17.4. **Status**: Experiment. Remote development agent config for the cluster agent. |
 | <a id="clusteragenttokens"></a>`tokens` | [`ClusterAgentTokenConnection`](#clusteragenttokenconnection) | Tokens associated with the cluster agent. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
 | <a id="clusteragentupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp the cluster agent was updated. |
 | <a id="clusteragenturlconfigurations"></a>`urlConfigurations` | [`ClusterAgentUrlConfigurationConnection`](#clusteragenturlconfigurationconnection) | URL configurations for the cluster agent in case it is a receptive agent. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
@@ -36833,28 +36832,6 @@ Represents the source code attached to a release in a particular format.
 | <a id="releasesourceformat"></a>`format` | [`String`](#string) | Format of the source. |
 | <a id="releasesourceurl"></a>`url` | [`String`](#string) | Download URL of the source. |
-### `RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig`
-Represents a remote development agent configuration.
-#### Fields
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigclusteragent"></a>`clusterAgent` | [`ClusterAgent!`](#clusteragent) | Cluster agent that the remote development agent config belongs to. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigcreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of when the remote development agent config was created. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigdefaultmaxhoursbeforetermination"></a>`defaultMaxHoursBeforeTermination` | [`Int!`](#int) | Default max hours before worksapce termination of the remote development agent config. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigdnszone"></a>`dnsZone` | [`String!`](#string) | DNS zone where workspaces are available. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigenabled"></a>`enabled` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates whether remote development is enabled for the GitLab agent. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfiggitlabworkspacesproxynamespace"></a>`gitlabWorkspacesProxyNamespace` | [`String!`](#string) | Namespace where gitlab-workspaces-proxy is installed. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigid"></a>`id` | [`RemoteDevelopmentRemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigID!`](#remotedevelopmentremotedevelopmentagentconfigid) | Global ID of the remote development agent config. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigmaxhoursbeforeterminationlimit"></a>`maxHoursBeforeTerminationLimit` | [`Int!`](#int) | Max hours before worksapce termination limit of the remote development agent config. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfignetworkpolicyenabled"></a>`networkPolicyEnabled` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Whether the network policy of the remote development agent config is enabled. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigprojectid"></a>`projectId` | [`ID`](#id) | ID of the project that the remote development agent config belongs to. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of the last update to any mutable remote development agent config property. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigworkspacesperuserquota"></a>`workspacesPerUserQuota` | [`Int!`](#int) | Maximum number of workspaces per user. |
-| <a id="remotedevelopmentagentconfigworkspacesquota"></a>`workspacesQuota` | [`Int!`](#int) | Maximum number of workspaces for the GitLab agent. |
 ### `Repository`
 #### Fields
@@ -45607,12 +45584,6 @@ A `ReleasesLinkID` is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.
 An example `ReleasesLinkID` is: `"gid://gitlab/Releases::Link/1"`.
-### `RemoteDevelopmentRemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigID`
-A `RemoteDevelopmentRemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigID` is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.
-An example `RemoteDevelopmentRemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigID` is: `"gid://gitlab/RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig/1"`.
 ### `RemoteDevelopmentWorkspaceID`
 A `RemoteDevelopmentWorkspaceID` is a global ID. It is encoded as a string.
diff --git a/ee/app/finders/remote_development/remote_development_agent_configs_finder.rb b/ee/app/finders/remote_development/remote_development_agent_configs_finder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 655ded085f0bea13964c3699248caa436a310103..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/app/finders/remote_development/remote_development_agent_configs_finder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-module RemoteDevelopment
-  class RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigsFinder
-    # Executes a query to find agent configurations based on the provided filter arguments.
-    #
-    # @param [User, QA::Resource::User] current_user The user making the request. Must have permission
-    #   to access workspaces.
-    # @param [Array<Integer>] ids A list of specific RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig IDs to filter by (optional).
-    # @param [Array<Integer>] cluster_agent_ids A list of ClusterAgent IDs to filter by (optional).
-    # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig>]
-    #   A collection of filtered RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig records ordered by ID descending.
-    def self.execute(current_user:, ids: [], cluster_agent_ids: [])
-      return RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig.none unless current_user.can?(:access_workspaces_feature)
-      filter_arguments = {
-        ids: ids,
-        cluster_agent_ids: cluster_agent_ids
-      }
-      filter_argument_types = {
-        ids: Integer,
-        cluster_agent_ids: Integer
-      }
-      FilterArgumentValidator.validate_filter_argument_types!(filter_argument_types, filter_arguments)
-      FilterArgumentValidator.validate_at_least_one_filter_argument_provided!(**filter_arguments)
-      collection_proxy = RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig.all
-      collection_proxy = collection_proxy.id_in(ids) if ids.present?
-      collection_proxy = collection_proxy.by_cluster_agent_ids(cluster_agent_ids) if cluster_agent_ids.present?
-      collection_proxy.order_id_desc
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/app/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type.rb b/ee/app/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type.rb
index ea5a9f524e8c4e1a982b96e7a2f5b15adb439930..cd3d8d8056260eb8a0cbe4ac9b7ae39b46942682 100644
--- a/ee/app/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type.rb
+++ b/ee/app/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type.rb
@@ -29,14 +29,6 @@ module AgentType
             resolver: ::Resolvers::RemoteDevelopment::ClusterAgent::WorkspacesResolver,
             description: 'Workspaces associated with the agent.'
-          field :remote_development_agent_config,
-            ::Types::RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigType,
-            extras: [:lookahead],
-            null: true,
-            description: 'Remote development agent config for the cluster agent.',
-            resolver: ::Resolvers::RemoteDevelopment::ClusterAgent::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigResolver,
-            experiment: { milestone: '17.4' }
           field :workspaces_agent_config,
             extras: [:lookahead],
diff --git a/ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver.rb b/ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46a91d17d4ce33f7d3377b0b1f094f94219991dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-module Resolvers
-  module RemoteDevelopment
-    module ClusterAgent
-      class RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigResolver < ::Resolvers::BaseResolver
-        include Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize::AuthorizeResource
-        include LooksAhead
-        type Types::RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigType, null: true
-        alias_method :agent, :object
-        # @param [Hash] _args Not used
-        # @return [RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig]
-        def resolve_with_lookahead(**_args)
-          unless License.feature_available?(:remote_development)
-            raise_resource_not_available_error! "'remote_development' licensed feature is not available"
-          end
-          raise Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError unless can_read_remote_development_agent_config?
-          BatchLoader::GraphQL.for(agent.id).batch do |agent_ids, loader|
-            agent_configs = ::RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigsFinder.execute(
-              current_user: current_user,
-              cluster_agent_ids: agent_ids
-            )
-            apply_lookahead(agent_configs).each do |agent_config|
-              # noinspection RubyResolve -- https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-32301
-              loader.call(agent_config.cluster_agent_id, agent_config)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        private
-        # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass]
-        def can_read_remote_development_agent_config?
-          # noinspection RubyNilAnalysis - This is because the superclass #current_user uses #[], which can return nil
-          current_user.can?(:read_cluster_agent, agent)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/app/graphql/types/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_type.rb b/ee/app/graphql/types/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_type.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7196d2143e267e35edbe51b7265db44cf4ca64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/app/graphql/types/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_type.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-module Types
-  module RemoteDevelopment
-    class RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigType < ::Types::BaseObject
-      graphql_name 'RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig'
-      description 'Represents a remote development agent configuration'
-      authorize :read_workspaces_agent_config
-      field :id, ::Types::GlobalIDType[::RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig],
-        null: false, description: 'Global ID of the remote development agent config.'
-      field :cluster_agent, ::Types::Clusters::AgentType,
-        null: false, description: 'Cluster agent that the remote development agent config belongs to.'
-      field :project_id, GraphQL::Types::ID,
-        null: true, description: 'ID of the project that the remote development agent config belongs to.'
-      field :enabled, GraphQL::Types::Boolean,
-        null: false, description: 'Indicates whether remote development is enabled for the GitLab agent.'
-      field :dns_zone, GraphQL::Types::String,
-        null: false, description: 'DNS zone where workspaces are available.'
-      field :network_policy_enabled, GraphQL::Types::Boolean,
-        null: false, description: 'Whether the network policy of the remote development agent config is enabled.'
-      field :gitlab_workspaces_proxy_namespace, GraphQL::Types::String,
-        null: false, description: 'Namespace where gitlab-workspaces-proxy is installed.'
-      field :workspaces_quota, GraphQL::Types::Int,
-        null: false, description: 'Maximum number of workspaces for the GitLab agent.'
-      field :workspaces_per_user_quota, GraphQL::Types::Int, # rubocop:disable GraphQL/ExtractType -- We don't want to extract this to a type, it's just an integer field
-        null: false, description: 'Maximum number of workspaces per user.'
-      field :default_max_hours_before_termination, GraphQL::Types::Int, null: false,
-        description: 'Default max hours before worksapce termination of the remote development agent config.'
-      field :max_hours_before_termination_limit, GraphQL::Types::Int, null: false,
-        description: 'Max hours before worksapce termination limit of the remote development agent config.'
-      field :created_at, Types::TimeType,
-        null: false, description: 'Timestamp of when the remote development agent config was created.'
-      field :updated_at, Types::TimeType, null: false,
-        description: 'Timestamp of the last update to any mutable remote development agent config property.'
-      def max_hours_before_termination_limit
-        120
-      end
-      def default_max_hours_before_termination
-        24
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/app/models/ee/clusters/agent.rb b/ee/app/models/ee/clusters/agent.rb
index 3cf72dfeed2324b5676c45ffad9687e3d619fa7b..04201c7f216aa2219aeed455228880bc4d650525 100644
--- a/ee/app/models/ee/clusters/agent.rb
+++ b/ee/app/models/ee/clusters/agent.rb
@@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ module Agent
           foreign_key: 'cluster_agent_id',
           inverse_of: :agent
-        # TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-        has_one :remote_development_agent_config,
-          class_name: 'RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig',
-          inverse_of: :agent,
-          foreign_key: :cluster_agent_id
         # WARNING: Do not use this `unversioned_latest_workspaces_agent_config`
         # association unless you are positive that is what you want to do!
diff --git a/ee/app/models/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config.rb b/ee/app/models/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ac6300e406732e2f3e65c5d17959103fbacb92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/app/models/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-module RemoteDevelopment
-  class RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig < ApplicationRecord
-    self.table_name = "workspaces_agent_configs"
-    # NOTE: See the following comment for the reasoning behind the `RemoteDevelopment` prefix of this table/model:
-    #       https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/410045#note_1385602915
-    include Sortable
-    ignore_column :max_hours_before_termination_limit, remove_with: '17.11', remove_after: '2025-03-20'
-    ignore_column :default_max_hours_before_termination, remove_with: '17.11', remove_after: '2025-03-20'
-    belongs_to :agent,
-      class_name: 'Clusters::Agent', foreign_key: 'cluster_agent_id', inverse_of: :remote_development_agent_config
-    # noinspection RailsParamDefResolve - https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-31542
-    has_many :workspaces, through: :agent, source: :workspaces
-    validates :agent, presence: true
-    validates :dns_zone, hostname: true
-    validates :enabled, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
-    validates :network_policy_egress,
-      json_schema: { filename: 'workspaces_agent_configs_network_policy_egress' }
-    validates :network_policy_egress, 'remote_development/network_policy_egress': true
-    validates :default_resources_per_workspace_container,
-      json_schema: { filename: 'workspaces_agent_configs_workspace_container_resources' }
-    validates :default_resources_per_workspace_container, 'remote_development/workspace_container_resources': true
-    validates :max_resources_per_workspace,
-      json_schema: { filename: 'workspaces_agent_configs_workspace_container_resources' }
-    validates :max_resources_per_workspace, 'remote_development/workspace_container_resources': true
-    validates :workspaces_quota, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: UNLIMITED_QUOTA }
-    validates :workspaces_per_user_quota,
-      numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: UNLIMITED_QUOTA }
-    validates :allow_privilege_escalation, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
-    validates :use_kubernetes_user_namespaces, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
-    validates :default_runtime_class, 'remote_development/default_runtime_class': true
-    validates :annotations, 'remote_development/annotations': true
-    validates :labels, 'remote_development/labels': true
-    scope :by_cluster_agent_ids, ->(ids) { where(cluster_agent_id: ids) }
-  end
diff --git a/ee/app/models/remote_development/workspace.rb b/ee/app/models/remote_development/workspace.rb
index 98142c71660e34db74ac4ab574845ffdbbb21f3f..da678fba15a605a2b7ab3ffa61585f2a9899fcbd 100644
--- a/ee/app/models/remote_development/workspace.rb
+++ b/ee/app/models/remote_development/workspace.rb
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ class Workspace < ApplicationRecord
     attribute :desired_config_generator_version,
       default: ::RemoteDevelopment::WorkspaceOperations::DesiredConfigGeneratorVersion::LATEST_VERSION
-    # TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-    # noinspection RailsParamDefResolve - https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-31542
-    has_one :remote_development_agent_config, through: :agent, source: :remote_development_agent_config
     has_many :workspace_variables, class_name: 'RemoteDevelopment::WorkspaceVariable', inverse_of: :workspace
     # Currently we only support :environment type for user provided variables
     has_many :user_provided_workspace_variables, -> {
diff --git a/ee/app/policies/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_policy.rb b/ee/app/policies/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_policy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d3bc30f641f04ea2bc4a807fc56895b6dc574d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/app/policies/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_policy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module RemoteDevelopment
-  # TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-  class RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigPolicy < BasePolicy
-    condition(:can_read_cluster_agent) { can?(:read_cluster_agent, agent) }
-    # noinspection RubyResolve -- https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-32336
-    rule { can_read_cluster_agent }.enable :read_workspaces_agent_config
-    private
-    def agent
-      @subject.agent
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/finders/remote_development/remote_development_agent_configs_finder_spec.rb b/ee/spec/finders/remote_development/remote_development_agent_configs_finder_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 047bccbf7ecd55523c9a9a28c7216ea7674a4093..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/finders/remote_development/remote_development_agent_configs_finder_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "spec_helper"
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-# noinspection RubyArgCount -- Rubymine detecting wrong types, it thinks some #create are from Minitest, not FactoryBot
-RSpec.describe RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigsFinder, feature_category: :workspaces do
-  let_it_be(:current_user) { create(:user) }
-  let_it_be(:cluster_admin_user) { create(:user) }
-  let_it_be(:agent_a) do
-    create(:ee_cluster_agent, :with_existing_workspaces_agent_config, created_by_user: cluster_admin_user)
-  end
-  let_it_be(:agent_b) do
-    create(:ee_cluster_agent, :with_existing_workspaces_agent_config, created_by_user: cluster_admin_user)
-  end
-  let_it_be(:agent_config_a) { agent_a.remote_development_agent_config }
-  let_it_be(:agent_config_b) { agent_b.remote_development_agent_config }
-  subject(:collection_proxy) do
-    described_class.execute(current_user: current_user, **filter_arguments)
-  end
-  before do
-    stub_licensed_features(remote_development: true)
-    allow(::RemoteDevelopment::FilterArgumentValidator).to receive_messages(validate_filter_argument_types!: true,
-      validate_at_least_one_filter_argument_provided!: true)
-  end
-  context "with ids argument" do
-    let(:filter_arguments) { { ids: [agent_config_a.id] } }
-    it "returns only agent configs matching the specified IDs" do
-      expect(collection_proxy).to contain_exactly(agent_config_a)
-    end
-  end
-  context "with cluster_agent_ids argument" do
-    let(:filter_arguments) { { cluster_agent_ids: [agent_a.id] } }
-    it "returns only agent configs matching the specified agent IDs" do
-      expect(collection_proxy).to contain_exactly(agent_config_a)
-    end
-  end
-  context "with multiple arguments" do
-    let(:filter_arguments) do
-      {
-        ids: [agent_config_a.id],
-        cluster_agent_ids: [agent_a.id, agent_b.id]
-      }
-    end
-    it "handles multiple arguments and still returns all agent configs which match all filter arguments" do
-      expect(collection_proxy).to contain_exactly(agent_config_a)
-    end
-  end
-  context "with extra empty filter arguments" do
-    let(:filter_arguments) do
-      {
-        ids: [agent_config_a.id],
-        cluster_agent_ids: []
-      }
-    end
-    it "still uses existing filter arguments" do
-      expect(collection_proxy).to contain_exactly(agent_config_a)
-    end
-  end
-  describe "validations" do
-    context "when no filter arguments are provided" do
-      before do
-        allow(::RemoteDevelopment::FilterArgumentValidator).to receive(
-          :validate_at_least_one_filter_argument_provided!
-        ).and_raise(ArgumentError.new("At least one filter argument must be provided"))
-      end
-      let(:filter_arguments) { {} }
-      it "raises an ArgumentError" do
-        expect { collection_proxy }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "At least one filter argument must be provided")
-      end
-    end
-    context "when an invalid filter argument type is provided" do
-      let(:expected_exception_message) do
-        "'ids' must be an Array of 'Integer', " \
-          "'cluster_agent_ids' must be an Array of 'Integer'"
-      end
-      before do
-        allow(::RemoteDevelopment::FilterArgumentValidator).to receive(
-          :validate_filter_argument_types!
-        ).and_raise(RuntimeError.new(expected_exception_message))
-      end
-      context "when argument is not an array" do
-        let(:filter_arguments) do
-          {
-            ids: 1,
-            cluster_agent_ids: 1
-          }
-        end
-        it "raises an RuntimeError", :unlimited_max_formatted_output_length do
-          expect { collection_proxy.to_a }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_exception_message)
-        end
-      end
-      context "when array content is wrong type" do
-        let(:filter_arguments) do
-          {
-            ids: %w[a b],
-            cluster_agent_ids: %w[a b]
-          }
-        end
-        it "raises an RuntimeError", :unlimited_max_formatted_output_length do
-          expect { collection_proxy.to_a }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, expected_exception_message)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  describe "no workspaces feature" do
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(remote_development: false)
-    end
-    let(:filter_arguments) { { ids: [agent_config_a.id] } }
-    it "returns no agent config" do
-      expect(collection_proxy).to eq([])
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type_spec.rb b/ee/spec/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type_spec.rb
index def2692476080e531318f52a4669234de1eb534c..619c28408c085fe225568ab110d433d00ac7a114 100644
--- a/ee/spec/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/graphql/ee/types/clusters/agent_type_spec.rb
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
     expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(
-      # TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-      :remote_development_agent_config,
@@ -87,9 +85,6 @@
           namespace(fullPath: "#{group.full_path}") {
             remoteDevelopmentClusterAgents(filter: AVAILABLE) {
               nodes {
-                remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig {
-                  workspacesPerUserQuota
-                }
                 workspacesAgentConfig {
@@ -108,27 +103,6 @@
       stub_licensed_features(remote_development: true)
-    # TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-    describe "for remote_development_agent_config" do
-      subject(:remote_development_agent_config_result) do
-        result = GitlabSchema.execute(query, context: { current_user: current_user }).as_json
-        result.dig('data', 'namespace', 'remoteDevelopmentClusterAgents', 'nodes', 0, 'remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig')
-      end
-      context 'when user is logged in' do
-        let(:current_user) { user }
-        let(:expected_workspaces_per_user_quota) do
-          workspaces_agent_config.workspaces_per_user_quota
-        end
-        it 'returns associated workspaces agent config' do
-          expect(remote_development_agent_config_result).to eq(
-            'workspacesPerUserQuota' => expected_workspaces_per_user_quota
-          )
-        end
-      end
-    end
     subject(:workspaces_agent_config_result) do
       result = GitlabSchema.execute(query, context: { current_user: current_user }).as_json
       result.dig('data', 'namespace', 'remoteDevelopmentClusterAgents', 'nodes', 0, 'workspacesAgentConfig')
diff --git a/ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/clusters/agents_resolver_spec.rb b/ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/clusters/agents_resolver_spec.rb
index 3964fdddb8e2fcde09cc8d551d535a28e5c0d13c..7a21cbe88047db8090cf33c8301077314c287108 100644
--- a/ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/clusters/agents_resolver_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/graphql/resolvers/clusters/agents_resolver_spec.rb
@@ -75,29 +75,6 @@
           create(:ee_cluster_agent, project: project)
-        # TODO: clusterAgent.hasRemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-        context 'when has_remote_development_agent_config argument is provided' do
-          let(:params) do
-            { has_remote_development_agent_config: has_remote_development_agent_config }
-          end
-          context 'when has_remote_development_agent_config is set to true' do
-            let(:has_remote_development_agent_config) { true }
-            it 'returns only agents with remote_development_agent_config' do
-              expect(subject).to contain_exactly(agent_with_workspaces_agent_config)
-            end
-          end
-          context 'when has_remote_development_agent_config is set to false' do
-            let(:has_remote_development_agent_config) { false }
-            it 'returns only agents without remote_development_agent_config' do
-              expect(subject).to contain_exactly(agent_without_workspaces_agent_config)
-            end
-          end
-        end
         context 'when has_workspaces_agent_config argument is provided' do
           let(:params) do
             { has_workspaces_agent_config: has_workspaces_agent_config }
diff --git a/ee/spec/graphql/types/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_type_spec.rb b/ee/spec/graphql/types/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_type_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 786ada3d2d2937828ea4ca4cc3b1a395016d4a31..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/graphql/types/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_type_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-# noinspection RubyArgCount -- Rubymine detecting wrong types, it thinks some #create are from Minitest, not FactoryBot
-RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig'], feature_category: :workspaces do
-  let(:fields) do
-    %i[
-      id cluster_agent project_id enabled dns_zone network_policy_enabled gitlab_workspaces_proxy_namespace
-      workspaces_quota workspaces_per_user_quota default_max_hours_before_termination max_hours_before_termination_limit
-      created_at updated_at
-    ]
-  end
-  specify { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig') }
-  specify { expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(fields) }
-  specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:read_workspaces_agent_config) }
-  describe 'remote_development_agent_config' do
-    let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) }
-    let_it_be(:query) do
-      %(
-        query {
-          namespace(fullPath: "#{group.full_path}") {
-            remoteDevelopmentClusterAgents(filter: AVAILABLE) {
-              nodes {
-                remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig {
-                  defaultMaxHoursBeforeTermination
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      )
-    end
-    subject(:remote_development_agent_config_result) do
-      result = GitlabSchema.execute(query, context: { current_user: current_user }).as_json
-      result.dig('data', 'namespace', 'remoteDevelopmentClusterAgents', 'nodes', 0, 'remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig')
-    end
-    context 'when user is not logged in' do
-      let(:current_user) { nil }
-      it { is_expected.to be_nil }
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/models/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_spec.rb b/ee/spec/models/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb740bc64bae1d65e27b6e2c0f0bb1931a5034b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/models/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-# TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated - remove in 17.10 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/480769
-RSpec.describe RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig, feature_category: :workspaces do
-  let_it_be_with_reload(:agent) do
-    create(:ee_cluster_agent, :with_existing_workspaces_agent_config)
-  end
-  let(:default_default_resources_per_workspace_container) { {} }
-  let(:default_max_resources_per_workspace) { {} }
-  let(:default_network_policy_egress) do
-    [
-      {
-        "allow" => "",
-        "except" => [
-          -"",
-          -"",
-          -""
-        ]
-      }
-    ]
-  end
-  subject(:config) { agent.unversioned_latest_workspaces_agent_config }
-  describe 'associations' do
-    it { is_expected.to belong_to(:agent) }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:workspaces) }
-    context 'with associated workspaces' do
-      let(:workspace_1) { create(:workspace, agent: agent) }
-      let(:workspace_2) { create(:workspace, agent: agent) }
-      it 'has correct associations from factory' do
-        expect(config.reload.workspaces).to contain_exactly(workspace_1, workspace_2)
-        expect(workspace_1.remote_development_agent_config).to eq(agent.remote_development_agent_config)
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'validations' do
-    context 'when config has an invalid dns_zone' do
-      subject(:config) { build(:workspaces_agent_config, dns_zone: "invalid dns zone") }
-      it 'prevents config from being created' do
-        expect { config.save! }.to raise_error(
-          ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid,
-          "Validation failed: Dns zone contains invalid characters (valid characters: [a-z0-9\\-])"
-        )
-      end
-    end
-    it 'when network_policy_egress is not specified explicitly' do
-      expect(config).to be_valid
-      expect(config.network_policy_egress).to eq(default_network_policy_egress)
-    end
-    it 'when network_policy_egress is nil' do
-      # noinspection RubyResolve - https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-31542
-      config.network_policy_egress = nil
-      expect(config).not_to be_valid
-      expect(config.errors[:network_policy_egress]).to include(
-        'must be a valid json schema',
-        'must be an array'
-      )
-    end
-    it 'when default_resources_per_workspace_container is not specified explicitly' do
-      expect(config).to be_valid
-      expect(config.default_resources_per_workspace_container).to eq(default_default_resources_per_workspace_container)
-    end
-    it 'when default_resources_per_workspace_container is nil' do
-      # noinspection RubyResolve - https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-31542
-      config.default_resources_per_workspace_container = nil
-      expect(config).not_to be_valid
-      expect(config.errors[:default_resources_per_workspace_container]).to include(
-        'must be a valid json schema',
-        'must be a hash'
-      )
-    end
-    it 'when max_resources_per_workspace is not specified explicitly' do
-      expect(config).to be_valid
-      expect(config.max_resources_per_workspace).to eq(default_max_resources_per_workspace)
-    end
-    it 'when default_resources_per_workspace_container is nil' do
-      # noinspection RubyResolve - https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/tools-and-tips/editors-and-ides/jetbrains-ides/tracked-jetbrains-issues/#ruby-31542
-      config.max_resources_per_workspace = nil
-      expect(config).not_to be_valid
-      expect(config.errors[:max_resources_per_workspace]).to include(
-        'must be a valid json schema',
-        'must be a hash'
-      )
-    end
-    it 'allows numerical values for workspaces_quota greater or equal to -1' do
-      is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:workspaces_quota).only_integer.is_greater_than_or_equal_to(-1)
-    end
-    it 'allows numerical values for workspaces_per_user_quota greater or equal to -1' do
-      is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:workspaces_per_user_quota).only_integer.is_greater_than_or_equal_to(-1)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/policies/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_policy_spec.rb b/ee/spec/policies/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_policy_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index df3cee08aef9dd833a72f670d2c23c2975e8bff2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/policies/remote_development/remote_development_agent_config_policy_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-RSpec.describe RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfigPolicy, feature_category: :workspaces do
-  include AdminModeHelper
-  using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
-  let_it_be(:agent_project_creator, refind: true) { create(:user) }
-  let_it_be(:agent_project, refind: true) { create(:project, creator: agent_project_creator) }
-  let_it_be(:agent, refind: true) do
-    create(:ee_cluster_agent, :with_existing_workspaces_agent_config, project: agent_project)
-  end
-  let_it_be(:agent_config) { agent.unversioned_latest_workspaces_agent_config }
-  let_it_be(:admin_user, refind: true) { create(:admin) }
-  let_it_be(:non_admin_user, refind: true) { create(:user) }
-  # NOTE: The following need to be `let`, not `let_it_be`, because it uses a `let` declaration from the matrix
-  let(:user) { admin_mode ? admin_user : non_admin_user }
-  let(:policy_class) { described_class }
-  subject(:policy_instance) { described_class.new(user, agent_config) }
-  before do
-    enable_admin_mode!(user) if admin_mode
-    agent_project.add_role(user, role_on_agent_project) unless role_on_agent_project == :none
-    agent_project.reload
-    debug = false # Set to true to enable debugging of policies, but change back to false before committing
-    debug_policies(user, agent_config, policy_class, ability) if debug
-  end
-  shared_examples 'fixture sanity checks' do
-    it "has fixture sanity checks" do
-      expect(agent_project.creator_id).not_to eq(user.id)
-    end
-  end
-  # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength -- TableSyntax should not be split across lines
-  where(:admin, :admin_mode, :role_on_agent_project, :allowed) do
-    # @formatter:off - Turn off RubyMine autoformatting
-    # admin      | # admin_mode | role_on_agent_project | allowed  # check
-    true         | true         | :none                 | true     # admin with admin_mode enabled: allowed
-    true         | false        | :none                 | false    # admin but admin_mode not enabled: not allowed
-    false        | false        | :guest                | false    # non-admin guest on cluster agent project: not allowed
-    false        | false        | :planner              | false    # non-admin planner on cluster agent project: not allowed
-    false        | false        | :reporter             | false    # non-admin planner on cluster agent project: not allowed
-    false        | false        | :developer            | true     # non-admin developer on cluster agent project: allowed
-    false        | false        | :maintainer           | true     # non-admin maintainer on cluster agent project : allowed
-    # @formatter:on
-  end
-  # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength
-  with_them do
-    describe "read_workspaces_agent_config ability" do
-      let(:ability) { :read_workspaces_agent_config }
-      it_behaves_like 'fixture sanity checks'
-      it { is_expected.to(allowed ? be_allowed(ability) : be_disallowed(ability)) }
-    end
-  end
-  # NOTE: Leaving this method here for future use. You can also set GITLAB_DEBUG_POLICIES=1. For more details, see:
-  #       https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/permissions/custom_roles.html#refactoring-abilities
-  # This may be generalized in the future for use across all policy specs
-  # Issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/463453
-  def debug_policies(user, agent_config, policy_class, ability)
-    puts "\n\nPolicy debug for #{policy_class} policy:\n"
-    puts "user: #{user.username} (id: #{user.id}, admin: #{user.admin?}, " \
-      "admin_mode: #{user && Gitlab::Auth::CurrentUserMode.new(user).admin_mode?}" \
-      ")\n"
-    policy = policy_class.new(user, agent_config)
-    puts "debugging :#{ability} ability:\n\n"
-    pp policy.debug(ability)
-    puts "\n\n"
-  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/README.md b/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/README.md
index b09cfcb0a0207dcf313eb7a443e7886e8176eca3..095ee2d966a8f507af9fde289c71c2fe9b3c1687 100644
--- a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/README.md
+++ b/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/README.md
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ Here are the related spec folders for the fields (in alphabetical order by resol
     - Resolver source file for `tests.yml` and `verify-tff-mapping`: `ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/workspaces_admin_resolver.rb`
     - Notes: Only admins may use this field.
-- GraphQL Field: `Query.project.clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig`
-  - Spec folder: `ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config`
-  - API docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/graphql/reference/#clusteragentremotedevelopmentagentconfig
-  - Resolver source file for `tests.yml` and `verify-tff-mapping`: `ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver.rb`
 - Field: `Query.project.clusterAgent.workspaces`
     - Spec folder: `ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/workspaces`
     - API docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/graphql/reference/#clusteragentworkspaces
diff --git a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/TODO_DEPRECATED.md b/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/TODO_DEPRECATED.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fed024ee29ee6f0eeff6daccd6436d69b37016a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/TODO_DEPRECATED.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-TODO: clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL is deprecated.
-Remove this entire folder `ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config`
-and its contents in 18.0
diff --git a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/shared.rb b/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/shared.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index abd965c0dc7b7d33690d03eef368f12b2aedd807..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/shared.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require_relative '../../shared'
-RSpec.shared_context 'for a Query.project.clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig query' do
-  include GraphqlHelpers
-  let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :in_group) }
-  let_it_be(:agent) { create(:cluster_agent, project: project) }
-  let_it_be(:remote_development_agent_config) { create(:workspaces_agent_config, agent: agent) }
-  let_it_be(:authorized_user) do
-    # create the minimum privileged user that should have the project and namespace
-    # permissions to access the remote_development_agent_config.
-    create(:user, developer_of: project.namespace)
-  end
-  let_it_be(:unauthorized_user) do
-    # create the maximum privileged user that should NOT have the project and namespace
-    # permissions to access the agent.
-    create(:user, reporter_of: project.namespace)
-  end
-  let_it_be(:unauthorized_remote_development_agent_config) { create(:workspaces_agent_config) }
-  let(:args) { { full_path: project.full_path } }
-  let(:attributes) { { name: agent.name } }
-  let(:fields) do
-    query_graphql_field(
-      :cluster_agent,
-      attributes,
-      [
-        query_graphql_field(
-          :remote_development_agent_config,
-          all_graphql_fields_for("remote_development_agent_configs".classify, max_depth: 1)
-        )
-      ]
-    )
-  end
-  let(:query) { graphql_query_for(:project, args, fields) }
-  subject(:actual_remote_development_agent_config) do
-    graphql_dig_at(graphql_data, :project, :clusterAgent, :remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig)
-  end
-RSpec.shared_examples 'single remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig query' do
-  include_context 'in licensed environment'
-  context 'when user is authorized' do
-    include_context 'with authorized user as current user'
-    it_behaves_like 'query is a working graphql query'
-    it_behaves_like 'query returns single remote_development_agent_config'
-    context 'when the user requests a remote_development_agent_config that they are not authorized for' do
-      let(:agent) { unauthorized_remote_development_agent_config.agent }
-      let(:project) { agent.project }
-      it_behaves_like 'query is a working graphql query'
-      it_behaves_like 'query returns blank'
-    end
-  end
-  context 'when user is not authorized' do
-    include_context 'with unauthorized user as current user'
-    it_behaves_like 'query is a working graphql query'
-    it_behaves_like 'query returns blank'
-  end
-  it_behaves_like 'query in unlicensed environment'
-RSpec.shared_examples 'query returns single remote_development_agent_config' do
-  include GraphqlHelpers
-  before do
-    post_graphql(query, current_user: current_user)
-  end
-  it "returns correct object" do
-    expect(actual_remote_development_agent_config.fetch('id'))
-      .to eq("gid://gitlab/RemoteDevelopment::RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig/#{remote_development_agent_config.id}")
-  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/with_no_args_spec.rb b/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/with_no_args_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bdcab3be29559540fdf52bf0052979acf688eddb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/with_no_args_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-require_relative './shared'
-# NOTE: Even though this `single remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig` spec only has no fields to test, we still use similar
-#       shared examples patterns and structure as the other multi-model query specs, for consistency.
-RSpec.describe 'Query.project.clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig', feature_category: :workspaces do
-  include_context 'for a Query.project.clusterAgent.remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig query'
-  it_behaves_like 'single remoteDevelopmentAgentConfig query'
diff --git a/scripts/verify-tff-mapping b/scripts/verify-tff-mapping
index e2c11409cb1c3fe7e505d5253d2e2872dffda6dc..7c99936e7023f4d9ffc5d6156720a9ee7652e0a8 100755
--- a/scripts/verify-tff-mapping
+++ b/scripts/verify-tff-mapping
@@ -466,15 +466,6 @@ tests = [
   ## END Remote development GraphQL mutations
   ## BEGIN Remote development GraphQL resolvers (in alphabetical order by resolver source file path)
-  {
-    explanation:
-      'Map Remote Development GraphQL cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver.rb to request specs',
-    changed_file:
-      'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver.rb',
-    expected: %w[
-      ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/with_no_args_spec.rb
-    ]
-  },
       'Map Remote Development GraphQL cluster_agent/workspaces_resolver.rb to request specs',
diff --git a/tests.yml b/tests.yml
index 3d482386923959994dd3e53f98df49f78c2bddbb..8d100fa8345e173f7a522d4f465c9332941327eb 100644
--- a/tests.yml
+++ b/tests.yml
@@ -127,10 +127,6 @@ mapping:
       - 'ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/workspaces/*_spec.rb'
       - 'ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/workspace_variables/*_spec.rb'
-  - source: 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config_resolver\.rb'
-    test:
-      - 'ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/remote_development_agent_config/*_spec.rb'
   - source: 'ee/app/graphql/resolvers/remote_development/cluster_agent/workspaces_agent_config_resolver\.rb'
       - 'ee/spec/requests/api/graphql/remote_development/cluster_agent/workspaces_agent_config/*_spec.rb'