From 45af39fc59a80dca7f4016fe10ba9f8af09ccd79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gregorius Marco <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 18:35:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove min and max_concurrency option in Sidekiq cluster

Deprecated in
in favor of the new `concurrency` option.

Changelog: removed
 sidekiq_cluster/cli.rb                       | 21 +--------
 sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster.rb           | 20 ++-------
 spec/commands/sidekiq_cluster/cli_spec.rb    | 46 ++------------------
 spec/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb | 40 +++--------------
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sidekiq_cluster/cli.rb b/sidekiq_cluster/cli.rb
index 1f02d9b39c0a1..e3045c1776833 100644
--- a/sidekiq_cluster/cli.rb
+++ b/sidekiq_cluster/cli.rb
@@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ class CLI
       def initialize(log_output = $stderr)
-        @max_concurrency = 20
-        @min_concurrency = 0
-        # TODO: to be set to 20 once max_concurrency and min_concurrency is removed
-        @concurrency = 0
+        @concurrency = 20
         @environment = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development'
         @metrics_dir = ENV["prometheus_multiproc_dir"] || File.absolute_path("tmp/prometheus_multiproc_dir/sidekiq")
         @pid = nil
@@ -91,12 +88,6 @@ def run(argv = ARGV)
             'No queues found, you must select at least one queue'
-        if routing_rules.empty?
-          # setting min_concurrency equal to max_concurrency so that the concurrency eventually
-          # is set to 20 (default value) instead of based on the number of queues, which is only 2+1 in this case.
-          @min_concurrency = @min_concurrency == 0 ? @max_concurrency : @min_concurrency
-        end
         if @list_queues
           puts # rubocop:disable Rails/Output
@@ -120,8 +111,6 @@ def start_and_supervise_workers(queue_groups)
           env: @environment,
           directory: @rails_path,
-          max_concurrency: @max_concurrency,
-          min_concurrency: @min_concurrency,
           concurrency: @concurrency,
           dryrun: @dryrun,
           timeout: @soft_timeout_seconds
@@ -214,14 +203,6 @@ def option_parser
             @concurrency = int.to_i
-          opt.on('-m', '--max-concurrency INT', 'Maximum threads to use with Sidekiq (default: 20, 0 to disable)') do |int|
-            @max_concurrency = int.to_i
-          end
-          opt.on('--min-concurrency INT', 'Minimum threads to use with Sidekiq (default: 0)') do |int|
-            @min_concurrency = int.to_i
-          end
           opt.on('-e', '--environment ENV', 'The application environment') do |env|
             @environment = env
diff --git a/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster.rb b/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster.rb
index 579bb0264138b..2ad6efbc3afa3 100644
--- a/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster.rb
+++ b/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster.rb
@@ -36,12 +36,10 @@ module SidekiqCluster
     # Returns an Array containing the waiter threads (from Process.detach) of
     # the started processes.
-    def self.start(queues, env: :development, directory: Dir.pwd, max_concurrency: 20, min_concurrency: 0, concurrency: 0, timeout: DEFAULT_SOFT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, dryrun: false)
+    def self.start(queues, env: :development, directory: Dir.pwd, concurrency: 20, timeout: DEFAULT_SOFT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, dryrun: false) do |pair, index|
         start_sidekiq(pair, env: env,
                             directory: directory,
-                            max_concurrency: max_concurrency,
-                            min_concurrency: min_concurrency,
                             concurrency: concurrency,
                             worker_id: index,
                             timeout: timeout,
@@ -52,13 +50,11 @@ def self.start(queues, env: :development, directory: Dir.pwd, max_concurrency: 2
     # Starts a Sidekiq process that processes _only_ the given queues.
     # Returns the PID of the started process.
-    # rubocop: disable Metrics/ParameterLists -- max_concurrency and min_concurrency will be removed in 17.0
-    def self.start_sidekiq(queues, env:, directory:, max_concurrency:, min_concurrency:, concurrency:, worker_id:, timeout:, dryrun:)
-      # rubocop: enable Metrics/ParameterLists
+    def self.start_sidekiq(queues, env:, directory:, concurrency:, worker_id:, timeout:, dryrun:)
       counts = count_by_queue(queues)
       cmd = %w[bundle exec sidekiq]
-      cmd << "-c#{self.concurrency(queues, min_concurrency, max_concurrency, concurrency)}"
+      cmd << "-c#{concurrency}"
       cmd << "-e#{env}"
       cmd << "-t#{timeout}"
       cmd << "-gqueues:#{proc_details(counts)}"
@@ -103,15 +99,5 @@ def self.proc_details(counts)
-    def self.concurrency(queues, min_concurrency, max_concurrency, concurrency)
-      return concurrency if concurrency > 0
-      concurrency_from_queues = queues.length + 1
-      max = max_concurrency > 0 ? max_concurrency : concurrency_from_queues
-      min = [min_concurrency, max].min
-      concurrency_from_queues.clamp(min, max)
-    end
diff --git a/spec/commands/sidekiq_cluster/cli_spec.rb b/spec/commands/sidekiq_cluster/cli_spec.rb
index 43eba23dd5828..8be89d7a0acfc 100644
--- a/spec/commands/sidekiq_cluster/cli_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/commands/sidekiq_cluster/cli_spec.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   let(:cli) {'/dev/null') }
   let(:timeout) { Gitlab::SidekiqCluster::DEFAULT_SOFT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS }
   let(:default_options) do
-    { env: 'test', directory: Dir.pwd, max_concurrency: 20, min_concurrency: 0, dryrun: false, timeout: timeout, concurrency: 0 }
+    { env: 'test', directory: Dir.pwd, dryrun: false, timeout: timeout, concurrency: 20 }
   let(:sidekiq_exporter_enabled) { false }
@@ -120,28 +120,6 @@
-        context 'with --max-concurrency flag' do
-          it 'starts Sidekiq workers for specified queues with a max concurrency' do
-            expected_queues = [%w[foo bar baz], %w[solo]]
-            expect(Gitlab::SidekiqCluster).to receive(:start)
-                                                .with(expected_queues, default_options.merge(max_concurrency: 2))
-                                                .and_return([])
-  [foo,bar,baz solo -m 2])
-          end
-        end
-        context 'with --min-concurrency flag' do
-          it 'starts Sidekiq workers for specified queues with a min concurrency' do
-            expected_queues = [%w[foo bar baz], %w[solo]]
-            expect(Gitlab::SidekiqCluster).to receive(:start)
-                                                .with(expected_queues, default_options.merge(min_concurrency: 2))
-                                                .and_return([])
-  [foo,bar,baz solo --min-concurrency 2])
-          end
-        end
         context 'with --concurrency flag' do
           it 'starts Sidekiq workers for specified queues with the fixed concurrency' do
             expected_queues = [%w[foo bar baz], %w[solo]]
@@ -203,8 +181,7 @@
           expect {[foo]) }.not_to raise_error
-        it "starts Sidekiq workers with DEFAULT_QUEUES and min_concurrency = max_concurrency" do
-          default_options[:min_concurrency] = default_options[:max_concurrency]
+        it "starts Sidekiq workers with DEFAULT_QUEUES" do
           expect(Gitlab::SidekiqCluster).to receive(:start)
                                               .with([described_class::DEFAULT_QUEUES], default_options)
@@ -214,7 +191,6 @@
         context 'with multi argument queues' do
           it 'starts with multiple DEFAULT_QUEUES' do
-            default_options[:min_concurrency] = default_options[:max_concurrency]
             expected_queues = [%w[default mailers], %w[default mailers]]
@@ -230,8 +206,7 @@
           stub_config(sidekiq: { routing_rules: [] })
-        it "starts Sidekiq workers with DEFAULT_QUEUES and min_concurrency = max_concurrency" do
-          default_options[:min_concurrency] = default_options[:max_concurrency]
+        it "starts Sidekiq workers with DEFAULT_QUEUES" do
           expect(Gitlab::SidekiqCluster).to receive(:start)
                                               .with([described_class::DEFAULT_QUEUES], default_options)
@@ -240,8 +215,7 @@
         context "with 4 wildcard * as argument" do
-          it "starts 4 Sidekiq workers all with DEFAULT_QUEUES and min_concurrency = max_concurrency" do
-            default_options[:min_concurrency] = default_options[:max_concurrency]
+          it "starts 4 Sidekiq workers all with DEFAULT_QUEUES" do
             expect(Gitlab::SidekiqCluster).to receive(:start)
                                                 .with([described_class::DEFAULT_QUEUES] * 4, default_options)
@@ -249,18 +223,6 @@
   [* * * *])
-        context "with min-concurrency flag" do
-          it "starts Sidekiq workers with DEFAULT_QUEUES and min_concurrency as specified" do
-            options = default_options.dup
-            options[:min_concurrency] = 10
-            expect(Gitlab::SidekiqCluster).to receive(:start)
-                                                .with([described_class::DEFAULT_QUEUES] * 4, options)
-                                                .and_return([])
-  [* * * * --min-concurrency 10])
-          end
-        end
diff --git a/spec/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb b/spec/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb
index d79636366641a..3ce1117a34e91 100644
--- a/spec/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/sidekiq_cluster/sidekiq_cluster_spec.rb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
           "ENABLE_SIDEKIQ_CLUSTER" => "1",
           "SIDEKIQ_WORKER_ID" => "0"
-        "bundle", "exec", "sidekiq", "-c10", "-eproduction", "-t25", "-gqueues:foo", "-rfoo/bar", "-qfoo,1", process_options
+        "bundle", "exec", "sidekiq", "-c20", "-eproduction", "-t25", "-gqueues:foo", "-rfoo/bar", "-qfoo,1", process_options
       expect(Process).to receive(:detach).ordered.with(1)
@@ -27,23 +27,21 @@
         "ENABLE_SIDEKIQ_CLUSTER" => "1",
         "SIDEKIQ_WORKER_ID" => "1"
-        "bundle", "exec", "sidekiq", "-c10", "-eproduction", "-t25", "-gqueues:bar,baz", "-rfoo/bar", "-qbar,1", "-qbaz,1", process_options
+        "bundle", "exec", "sidekiq", "-c20", "-eproduction", "-t25", "-gqueues:bar,baz", "-rfoo/bar", "-qbar,1", "-qbaz,1", process_options
       expect(Process).to receive(:detach).ordered.with(2)
-      described_class.start([%w[foo], %w[bar baz]], env: :production, directory: 'foo/bar', max_concurrency: 20, min_concurrency: 10)
+      described_class.start([%w[foo], %w[bar baz]], env: :production, directory: 'foo/bar', concurrency: 20)
     it 'starts Sidekiq with the given queues and sensible default options' do
       expected_options = {
         env: :development,
         directory: an_instance_of(String),
-        max_concurrency: 20,
-        min_concurrency: 0,
         worker_id: an_instance_of(Integer),
         timeout: 25,
         dryrun: false,
-        concurrency: 0
+        concurrency: 20
       expect(described_class).to receive(:start_sidekiq).ordered.with(%w[foo bar baz], expected_options)
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@
   describe '.start_sidekiq' do
     let(:first_worker_id) { 0 }
     let(:options) do
-      { env: :production, directory: 'foo/bar', max_concurrency: 20, min_concurrency: 0, worker_id: first_worker_id, timeout: 10, dryrun: false, concurrency: 0 }
+      { env: :production, directory: 'foo/bar', worker_id: first_worker_id, timeout: 10, dryrun: false, concurrency: 20 }
     let(:env) { { "ENABLE_SIDEKIQ_CLUSTER" => "1", "SIDEKIQ_WORKER_ID" => first_worker_id.to_s } }
@@ -99,32 +97,4 @@
       expect(described_class.count_by_queue(queues)).to eq(%w[foo] => 2, %w[bar baz] => 1)
-  describe '.concurrency' do
-    using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
-    where(:queue_count, :min, :max, :fixed_concurrency, :expected) do
-      # without fixed concurrency
-      2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 # No min or max specified
-      2 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 3 # No min specified, value < max
-      2 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 3 # Value between min and max
-      2 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 4 # Value below range
-      5 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 3 # Value above range
-      2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 # Value above explicit setting (min == max)
-      0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 # Value below explicit setting (min == max)
-      1 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 # Min greater than max
-      # with fixed concurrency, expected always equal to fixed_concurrency
-      1 | 0  | 20 | 20 | 20
-      1 | 0  | 20 | 10 | 10
-      1 | 20 | 20 | 10 | 10
-      5 | 0  | 0  | 10 | 10
-    end
-    with_them do
-      let(:queues) { }
-      it { expect(described_class.concurrency(queues, min, max, fixed_concurrency)).to eq(expected) }
-    end
-  end