diff --git a/doc/administration/auth/ldap/index.md b/doc/administration/auth/ldap/index.md
index 1f944d439e2871a12fd6ee0631885e21953808da..277324c788efbc64b3af1b332cf118076c2560aa 100644
--- a/doc/administration/auth/ldap/index.md
+++ b/doc/administration/auth/ldap/index.md
@@ -281,25 +281,29 @@ After configuring LDAP, to test the configuration, use the
 The following basic settings are available:
-| Setting            | Required    | Type | Description |
-| `label`            | **{check-circle}** Yes | String | A human-friendly name for your LDAP server. It is displayed on your sign-in page. Example: `'Paris'` or `'Acme, Ltd.'` |
-| `host`             | **{check-circle}** Yes | String | IP address or domain name of your LDAP server. Ignored when `hosts` is defined. Example: `'ldap.mydomain.com'` |
-| `port`             | **{check-circle}** Yes | Integer | The port to connect with on your LDAP server. Ignored when `hosts` is defined. Example: `389` or `636` (for SSL) |
-| `uid`              | **{check-circle}** Yes | String | The LDAP attribute that maps to the username that users use to sign in. Should be the attribute, not the value that maps to the `uid`. Does not affect the GitLab username (see [attributes section](#attribute-configuration-settings)). Example: `'sAMAccountName'` or `'uid'` or `'userPrincipalName'` |
-| `base` | **{check-circle}** Yes | String | Base where we can search for users. Example: `'ou=people,dc=gitlab,dc=example'` or `'DC=mydomain,DC=com'` |
-| `encryption`       | **{check-circle}** Yes | String | Encryption method (the `method` key is deprecated in favor of `encryption`). It can have one of three values: `'start_tls'`, `'simple_tls'`, or `'plain'`. `simple_tls` corresponds to 'Simple TLS' in the LDAP library. `start_tls` corresponds to StartTLS, not to be confused with regular TLS. If you specify `simple_tls`, usually it's on port 636, while `start_tls` (StartTLS) would be on port 389. `plain` also operates on port 389. |
-| `hosts` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Array of strings and integers | An array of host and port pairs to open connections. Each configured server should have an identical data set. This is not meant to configure multiple distinct LDAP servers, but to configure failover. Hosts are tried in the order they are configured. Example: `[['ldap1.mydomain.com', 636], ['ldap2.mydomain.com', 636]]` |
-| `bind_dn`          | **{dotted-circle}** No | String | The full DN of the user you bind with. Example: `'america\momo'` or `'CN=Gitlab,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com'` |
-| `password`         | **{dotted-circle}** No | String | The password of the bind user. |
-| `verify_certificates` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean | Defaults to `true`. Enables SSL certificate verification if encryption method is `start_tls` or `simple_tls`. If set to `false`, no validation of the LDAP server's SSL certificate is performed. |
-| `timeout`          | **{dotted-circle}** No | Integer | Defaults to `10`. Set a timeout, in seconds, for LDAP queries. This helps avoid blocking a request if the LDAP server becomes unresponsive. A value of `0` means there is no timeout. |
-| `active_directory` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean | This setting specifies if LDAP server is Active Directory LDAP server. For non-AD servers it skips the AD specific queries. If your LDAP server is not AD, set this to false. |
-| `allow_username_or_email_login` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean | Defaults to `false`. If enabled, GitLab ignores everything after the first `@` in the LDAP username submitted by the user on sign-in. If you are using `uid: 'userPrincipalName'` on ActiveDirectory you must disable this setting, because the userPrincipalName contains an `@`. |
-| `block_auto_created_users` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean | Defaults to `false`. To maintain tight control over the number of billable users on your GitLab installation, enable this setting to keep new users blocked until they have been cleared by an administrator . |
-| `user_filter`      | **{dotted-circle}** No | String | Filter LDAP users. Follows the format of [RFC 4515](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4515.html). GitLab does not support `omniauth-ldap`'s custom filter syntax. Examples of the `user_filter` field syntax:<br/><br/>- `'(employeeType=developer)'`<br/>- `'(&(objectclass=user)(|(samaccountname=momo)(samaccountname=toto)))'` |
-| `lowercase_usernames` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean | If enabled, GitLab converts the name to lower case. |
-| `retry_empty_result_with_codes` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Array | An array of LDAP query response code that attempt to retry the operation if the result/content is empty. For Google Secure LDAP, set this value to `[80]`. |
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
+| Setting                         | Required               | Type                          | Description |
+| `label`                         | **{check-circle}** Yes | String                        | A human-friendly name for your LDAP server. It is displayed on your sign-in page. Example: `'Paris'` or `'Acme, Ltd.'` |
+| `host`                          | **{check-circle}** Yes | String                        | IP address or domain name of your LDAP server. Ignored when `hosts` is defined. Example: `'ldap.mydomain.com'` |
+| `port`                          | **{check-circle}** Yes | Integer                       | The port to connect with on your LDAP server. Ignored when `hosts` is defined. Example: `389` or `636` (for SSL) |
+| `uid`                           | **{check-circle}** Yes | String                        | The LDAP attribute that maps to the username that users use to sign in. Should be the attribute, not the value that maps to the `uid`. Does not affect the GitLab username (see [attributes section](#attribute-configuration-settings)). Example: `'sAMAccountName'` or `'uid'` or `'userPrincipalName'` |
+| `base`                          | **{check-circle}** Yes | String                        | Base where we can search for users. Example: `'ou=people,dc=gitlab,dc=example'` or `'DC=mydomain,DC=com'` |
+| `encryption`                    | **{check-circle}** Yes | String                        | Encryption method (the `method` key is deprecated in favor of `encryption`). It can have one of three values: `'start_tls'`, `'simple_tls'`, or `'plain'`. `simple_tls` corresponds to 'Simple TLS' in the LDAP library. `start_tls` corresponds to StartTLS, not to be confused with regular TLS. If you specify `simple_tls`, usually it's on port 636, while `start_tls` (StartTLS) would be on port 389. `plain` also operates on port 389. |
+| `hosts`                         | **{dotted-circle}** No | Array of strings and integers | An array of host and port pairs to open connections. Each configured server should have an identical data set. This is not meant to configure multiple distinct LDAP servers, but to configure failover. Hosts are tried in the order they are configured. Example: `[['ldap1.mydomain.com', 636], ['ldap2.mydomain.com', 636]]` |
+| `bind_dn`                       | **{dotted-circle}** No | String                        | The full DN of the user you bind with. Example: `'america\momo'` or `'CN=Gitlab,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com'` |
+| `password`                      | **{dotted-circle}** No | String                        | The password of the bind user. |
+| `verify_certificates`           | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean                       | Defaults to `true`. Enables SSL certificate verification if encryption method is `start_tls` or `simple_tls`. If set to `false`, no validation of the LDAP server's SSL certificate is performed. |
+| `timeout`                       | **{dotted-circle}** No | Integer                       | Defaults to `10`. Set a timeout, in seconds, for LDAP queries. This helps avoid blocking a request if the LDAP server becomes unresponsive. A value of `0` means there is no timeout. |
+| `active_directory`              | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean                       | This setting specifies if LDAP server is Active Directory LDAP server. For non-AD servers it skips the AD specific queries. If your LDAP server is not AD, set this to false. |
+| `allow_username_or_email_login` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean                       | Defaults to `false`. If enabled, GitLab ignores everything after the first `@` in the LDAP username submitted by the user on sign-in. If you are using `uid: 'userPrincipalName'` on ActiveDirectory you must disable this setting, because the userPrincipalName contains an `@`. |
+| `block_auto_created_users`      | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean                       | Defaults to `false`. To maintain tight control over the number of billable users on your GitLab installation, enable this setting to keep new users blocked until they have been cleared by an administrator . |
+| `user_filter`                   | **{dotted-circle}** No | String                        | Filter LDAP users. Follows the format of [RFC 4515](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4515.html). GitLab does not support `omniauth-ldap`'s custom filter syntax. Examples of the `user_filter` field syntax:<br/><br/>- `'(employeeType=developer)'`<br/>- `'(&(objectclass=user)(|(samaccountname=momo)(samaccountname=toto)))'` |
+| `lowercase_usernames`           | **{dotted-circle}** No | Boolean                       | If enabled, GitLab converts the name to lower case. |
+| `retry_empty_result_with_codes` | **{dotted-circle}** No | Array                         | An array of LDAP query response code that attempt to retry the operation if the result/content is empty. For Google Secure LDAP, set this value to `[80]`. |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 ### SSL configuration settings
diff --git a/doc/administration/geo/replication/datatypes.md b/doc/administration/geo/replication/datatypes.md
index 30bd84ba37670914f1fc973c8850756f62e50a7a..9f35a431c99a303627f520dc315dc8f6b5bcb69b 100644
--- a/doc/administration/geo/replication/datatypes.md
+++ b/doc/administration/geo/replication/datatypes.md
@@ -190,35 +190,35 @@ replicating data from those features causes the data to be **lost**.
 To use those features on a **secondary** site, or to execute a failover
 successfully, you must replicate their data using some other means.
-|Feature                                                                                                        | Replicated (added in GitLab version)                                    | Verified (added in GitLab version)                                         | GitLab-managed object storage replication (added in GitLab version)                | GitLab-managed object storage verification (added in GitLab version)           | Notes |
-|[Application data in PostgreSQL](../../postgresql/index.md)                                                    | **Yes** (10.2)                                                          | **Yes** (10.2)                                                             | Not applicable                                                                 | Not applicable                                                             |       |
-|[Project repository](../../../user/project/repository/index.md)                                                        | **Yes** (10.2)                                                          | **Yes** (10.7)                                                             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             | Migrated to [self-service framework](../../../development/geo/framework.md) in 16.2. See GitLab issue [#367925](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/367925) for more details.<br /><br />Behind feature flag `geo_project_repository_replication`, enabled by default in (16.3).<br /><br /> All projects, including [archived projects](../../../user/project/working_with_projects.md#archive-a-project), are replicated. |
-|[Project wiki repository](../../../user/project/wiki/index.md)                                                         | **Yes** (10.2)<sup>2</sup>                                                          | **Yes** (10.7)<sup>2</sup>                                                             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             | Migrated to [self-service framework](../../../development/geo/framework.md) in 15.11. See GitLab issue [#367925](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/367925) for more details.<br /><br />Behind feature flag `geo_project_wiki_repository_replication`, enabled by default in (15.11). |
-|[Group wiki repository](../../../user/project/wiki/group.md)                                                   | [**Yes** (13.10)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/208147) | [**Yes** (16.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/323897)                                                                         | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             | Behind feature flag `geo_group_wiki_repository_replication`, enabled by default. |
-|[Uploads](../../uploads.md)                                                                                    | **Yes** (10.2)                                                          | **Yes** (14.6)                                                             | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_upload_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_upload_verification`, removed in 14.8. |
-|[LFS objects](../../lfs/index.md)                                                                              | **Yes** (10.2)                                                          | **Yes** (14.6)                                                             | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | GitLab versions 11.11.x and 12.0.x are affected by [a bug that prevents any new LFS objects from replicating](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/32696).<br /><br />Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_lfs_object_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_lfs_object_verification`, removed in 14.7. |
-|[Personal snippets](../../../user/snippets.md)                                                                 | **Yes** (10.2)                                                          | **Yes** (10.2)                                                             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             |       |
-|[Project snippets](../../../user/snippets.md)                                                                  | **Yes** (10.2)                                                          | **Yes** (10.2)                                                             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             |       |
-|[CI job artifacts](../../../ci/jobs/job_artifacts.md)                                                     | **Yes** (10.4)                                                          | **Yes** (14.10)                                                            | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Verification is behind the feature flag `geo_job_artifact_replication`, enabled by default in 14.10. |
-|[CI Pipeline Artifacts](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/models/ci/pipeline_artifact.rb) | [**Yes** (13.11)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/238464) | [**Yes** (13.11)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/238464)    | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Persists additional artifacts after a pipeline completes. |
-|[CI Secure Files](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/models/ci/secure_file.rb) | [**Yes** (15.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91430) | [**Yes** (15.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91430) | [**Yes** (15.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91430) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Verification is behind the feature flag `geo_ci_secure_file_replication`, enabled by default in 15.3. |
-|[Container registry](../../packages/container_registry.md)                                                     | **Yes** (12.3)<sup>1</sup>                                                         | **Yes** (15.10)                                                                         | **Yes** (12.3)<sup>1</sup>                                                             | **Yes** (15.10)                                                              | See [instructions](container_registry.md) to set up the container registry replication. |
-|[Terraform Module Registry](../../../user/packages/terraform_module_registry/index.md)                           | **Yes** (14.0)                                                          | **Yes** (14.0)                                                             | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_package_file_replication`, enabled by default. |
-|[Project designs repository](../../../user/project/issues/design_management.md)                                | **Yes** (12.7)                                                          | **Yes** (16.1)                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             | Designs also require replication of LFS objects and Uploads. |
-|[Package registry](../../../user/packages/package_registry/index.md)                                           | **Yes** (13.2)                                                          | **Yes** (13.10)                                                            | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_package_file_replication`, enabled by default. |
-|[Versioned Terraform State](../../terraform_state.md)                                                          | **Yes** (13.5)                                                          | **Yes** (13.12)                                                            | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_terraform_state_version_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_terraform_state_version_verification`, which was removed in 14.0. |
-|[External merge request diffs](../../merge_request_diffs.md)                                                   | **Yes** (13.5)                                                          | **Yes** (14.6)                                                             | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_merge_request_diff_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_merge_request_diff_verification`, removed in 14.7.|
-|[Versioned snippets](../../../user/snippets.md#versioned-snippets)                                             | [**Yes** (13.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2809)     | [**Yes** (14.2)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2810)        | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                                 | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             | Verification was implemented behind the feature flag `geo_snippet_repository_verification` in 13.11, and the feature flag was removed in 14.2. |
-|[GitLab Pages](../../pages/index.md)                                                                           | [**Yes** (14.3)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/589)      | **Yes** (14.6)                                                             | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_pages_deployment_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_pages_deployment_verification`, removed in 14.7. |
-|[Project-level Secure files](../../../ci/secure_files/index.md)     | **Yes** (15.3)    |  **Yes** (15.3)  |   **Yes** (15.3)  |  [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | |
-| [Incident Metric Images](../../../operations/incident_management/incidents.md#metrics)                          | **Yes** (15.5)                                                          | **Yes** (15.5)                                                              | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             | Replication/Verification is handled via the Uploads data type.                                                               | |
-|[Alert Metric Images](../../../operations/incident_management/alerts.md#metrics-tab)                           | **Yes** (15.5)         | **Yes** (15.5)                 | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                              | Replication/Verification is handled via the Uploads data type. |
-|[Server-side Git hooks](../../server_hooks.md)                                                                 | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1867)        | No                                                                         | Not applicable                                                                 | Not applicable                                                             | Not planned because of current implementation complexity, low customer interest, and availability of alternatives to hooks. |
-|[Elasticsearch integration](../../../integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch.md)                                             | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1186)       | No                                                                         | No                                                                  | No                                                              | Not planned because further product discovery is required and Elasticsearch (ES) clusters can be rebuilt. Secondaries use the same ES cluster as the primary. |
-|[Dependency Proxy Images](../../../user/packages/dependency_proxy/index.md)                                    | [**Yes** (15.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8833)      | [**Yes** (15.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8833)                                                                         | [**Yes** (15.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8833)                                                                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056)                                                             |  |
-|[Vulnerability Export](../../../user/application_security/vulnerability_report/index.md#export-vulnerability-details)  | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3111)        | No                                                                         | No                                                                  | No                                                              | Not planned because they are ephemeral and sensitive information. They can be regenerated on demand. |
-|Packages NPM metadata cache | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/408278) | No | No | No | Not planned because it would not notably improve disaster recovery capabilities nor response times at secondary sites. |
+| Feature                                                                                                               | Replicated (added in GitLab version)                                          | Verified (added in GitLab version)                                            | GitLab-managed object storage replication (added in GitLab version)             | GitLab-managed object storage verification (added in GitLab version)            | Notes |
+| [Application data in PostgreSQL](../../postgresql/index.md)                                                           | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | Not applicable                                                                  | Not applicable                                                                  |       |
+| [Project repository](../../../user/project/repository/index.md)                                                       | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | **Yes** (10.7)                                                                | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Migrated to [self-service framework](../../../development/geo/framework.md) in 16.2. See GitLab issue [#367925](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/367925) for more details.<br /><br />Behind feature flag `geo_project_repository_replication`, enabled by default in (16.3).<br /><br /> All projects, including [archived projects](../../../user/project/working_with_projects.md#archive-a-project), are replicated. |
+| [Project wiki repository](../../../user/project/wiki/index.md)                                                        | **Yes** (10.2)<sup>2</sup>                                                    | **Yes** (10.7)<sup>2</sup>                                                    | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Migrated to [self-service framework](../../../development/geo/framework.md) in 15.11. See GitLab issue [#367925](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/367925) for more details.<br /><br />Behind feature flag `geo_project_wiki_repository_replication`, enabled by default in (15.11). |
+| [Group wiki repository](../../../user/project/wiki/group.md)                                                          | [**Yes** (13.10)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/208147)       | [**Yes** (16.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/323897)        | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_group_wiki_repository_replication`, enabled by default. |
+| [Uploads](../../uploads.md)                                                                                           | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | **Yes** (14.6)                                                                | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_upload_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_upload_verification`, removed in 14.8. |
+| [LFS objects](../../lfs/index.md)                                                                                     | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | **Yes** (14.6)                                                                | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | GitLab versions 11.11.x and 12.0.x are affected by [a bug that prevents any new LFS objects from replicating](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/32696).<br /><br />Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_lfs_object_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_lfs_object_verification`, removed in 14.7. |
+| [Personal snippets](../../../user/snippets.md)                                                                        | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) |       |
+| [Project snippets](../../../user/snippets.md)                                                                         | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | **Yes** (10.2)                                                                | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) |       |
+| [CI job artifacts](../../../ci/jobs/job_artifacts.md)                                                                 | **Yes** (10.4)                                                                | **Yes** (14.10)                                                               | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Verification is behind the feature flag `geo_job_artifact_replication`, enabled by default in 14.10. |
+| [CI Pipeline Artifacts](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/models/ci/pipeline_artifact.rb)        | [**Yes** (13.11)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/238464)       | [**Yes** (13.11)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/238464)       | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Persists additional artifacts after a pipeline completes. |
+| [CI Secure Files](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/models/ci/secure_file.rb)                    | [**Yes** (15.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91430) | [**Yes** (15.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91430) | [**Yes** (15.3)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91430)   | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Verification is behind the feature flag `geo_ci_secure_file_replication`, enabled by default in 15.3. |
+| [Container registry](../../packages/container_registry.md)                                                            | **Yes** (12.3)<sup>1</sup>                                                    | **Yes** (15.10)                                                               | **Yes** (12.3)<sup>1</sup>                                                      | **Yes** (15.10)                                                                 | See [instructions](container_registry.md) to set up the container registry replication. |
+| [Terraform Module Registry](../../../user/packages/terraform_module_registry/index.md)                                | **Yes** (14.0)                                                                | **Yes** (14.0)                                                                | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_package_file_replication`, enabled by default. |
+| [Project designs repository](../../../user/project/issues/design_management.md)                                       | **Yes** (12.7)                                                                | **Yes** (16.1)                                                                | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Designs also require replication of LFS objects and Uploads. |
+| [Package registry](../../../user/packages/package_registry/index.md)                                                  | **Yes** (13.2)                                                                | **Yes** (13.10)                                                               | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_package_file_replication`, enabled by default. |
+| [Versioned Terraform State](../../terraform_state.md)                                                                 | **Yes** (13.5)                                                                | **Yes** (13.12)                                                               | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_terraform_state_version_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_terraform_state_version_verification`, which was removed in 14.0. |
+| [External merge request diffs](../../merge_request_diffs.md)                                                          | **Yes** (13.5)                                                                | **Yes** (14.6)                                                                | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication is behind the feature flag `geo_merge_request_diff_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_merge_request_diff_verification`, removed in 14.7. |
+| [Versioned snippets](../../../user/snippets.md#versioned-snippets)                                                    | [**Yes** (13.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2809)           | [**Yes** (14.2)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2810)           | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Verification was implemented behind the feature flag `geo_snippet_repository_verification` in 13.11, and the feature flag was removed in 14.2. |
+| [GitLab Pages](../../pages/index.md)                                                                                  | [**Yes** (14.3)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/589)            | **Yes** (14.6)                                                                | [**Yes** (15.1)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/5551)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Behind feature flag `geo_pages_deployment_replication`, enabled by default. Verification was behind the feature flag `geo_pages_deployment_verification`, removed in 14.7. |
+| [Project-level Secure files](../../../ci/secure_files/index.md)                                                       | **Yes** (15.3)                                                                | **Yes** (15.3)                                                                | **Yes** (15.3)                                                                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) |       |
+| [Incident Metric Images](../../../operations/incident_management/incidents.md#metrics)                                | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication/Verification is handled via the Uploads data type. |
+| [Alert Metric Images](../../../operations/incident_management/alerts.md#metrics-tab)                                  | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                | **Yes** (15.5)                                                                  | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) | Replication/Verification is handled via the Uploads data type. |
+| [Server-side Git hooks](../../server_hooks.md)                                                                        | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1867)              | No                                                                            | Not applicable                                                                  | Not applicable                                                                  | Not planned because of current implementation complexity, low customer interest, and availability of alternatives to hooks. |
+| [Elasticsearch integration](../../../integration/advanced_search/elasticsearch.md)                                    | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1186)             | No                                                                            | No                                                                              | No                                                                              | Not planned because further product discovery is required and Elasticsearch (ES) clusters can be rebuilt. Secondaries use the same ES cluster as the primary. |
+| [Dependency Proxy Images](../../../user/packages/dependency_proxy/index.md)                                           | [**Yes** (15.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8833)           | [**Yes** (15.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8833)           | [**Yes** (15.7)](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8833)             | [**Yes** (16.4)<sup>3</sup>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8056) |       |
+| [Vulnerability Export](../../../user/application_security/vulnerability_report/index.md#export-vulnerability-details) | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3111)              | No                                                                            | No                                                                              | No                                                                              | Not planned because they are ephemeral and sensitive information. They can be regenerated on demand. |
+| Packages NPM metadata cache                                                                                           | [Not planned](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/408278)           | No                                                                            | No                                                                              | No                                                                              | Not planned because it would not notably improve disaster recovery capabilities nor response times at secondary sites. |
 <sup>1</sup> Migrated to [self-service framework](../../../development/geo/framework.md) in 15.5. See GitLab issue [#337436](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/337436) for more details.
diff --git a/doc/api/appearance.md b/doc/api/appearance.md
index 49a5aec664fdb964f5a4046bddd90c101cc6900e..f08fac285708c5e1736e1d33a23dff399967c64d 100644
--- a/doc/api/appearance.md
+++ b/doc/api/appearance.md
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ PUT /application/appearance
 | `logo`                            | mixed   | no       | Instance image used on the sign in / sign up page. See [Change logo](#change-logo) |
 | `header_logo`                     | mixed   | no       | Instance image used for the main navigation bar |
 | `favicon`                         | mixed   | no       | Instance favicon in `.ico` or `.png` format |
-| `member_guidelines`               | string  | no       | Markdown text shown on the group or project member page for users with permission to change members
+| `member_guidelines`               | string  | no       | Markdown text shown on the group or project member page for users with permission to change members |
 | `new_project_guidelines`          | string  | no       | Markdown text shown on the new project page |
 | `profile_image_guidelines`        | string  | no       | Markdown text shown on the profile page below Public Avatar |
 | `header_message`                  | string  | no       | Message in the system header bar |
diff --git a/doc/api/groups.md b/doc/api/groups.md
index 014f089747181ca06ec1828cbe4151b9df91b259..84364d948280007f23c3674f74072bb496ffc7d3 100644
--- a/doc/api/groups.md
+++ b/doc/api/groups.md
@@ -2040,6 +2040,8 @@ Only available to group owners and administrators.
 POST /groups/:id/push_rule
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
 | Attribute                                     | Type           | Required | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | -------------- | -------- | ----------- |
 | `id`                                          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the group](rest/index.md#namespaced-path-encoding) |
@@ -2056,6 +2058,8 @@ POST /groups/:id/push_rule
 | `commit_committer_check`                      | boolean        | no       | Only commits pushed using verified emails are allowed |
 | `reject_unsigned_commits`                     | boolean        | no       | Only commits signed through GPG are allowed |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/groups/19/push_rule"
@@ -2089,6 +2093,8 @@ Only available to group owners and administrators.
 PUT /groups/:id/push_rule
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
 | Attribute                                     | Type           | Required | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | -------------- | -------- | ----------- |
 | `id`                                          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the group](rest/index.md#namespaced-path-encoding) |
@@ -2105,6 +2111,8 @@ PUT /groups/:id/push_rule
 | `commit_committer_check`                      | boolean        | no       | Only commits pushed using verified emails are allowed |
 | `reject_unsigned_commits`                     | boolean        | no       | Only commits signed through GPG are allowed |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/groups/19/push_rule"
diff --git a/doc/api/projects.md b/doc/api/projects.md
index f43f349764fdeb854cb714165aa73a7fbade76f1..12adcdf1236eca3a2c7f107028d10f5f2f54cb73 100644
--- a/doc/api/projects.md
+++ b/doc/api/projects.md
@@ -2996,6 +2996,8 @@ Adds a push rule to a specified project.
 POST /projects/:id/push_rule
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
 | Attribute                       | Type              | Required | Description |
 | `id`                            | integer or string | Yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](rest/index.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
@@ -3012,6 +3014,8 @@ POST /projects/:id/push_rule
 | `prevent_secrets`               | boolean           | No       | GitLab rejects any files that are likely to contain secrets. |
 | `reject_unsigned_commits`       | boolean           | No       | Reject commit when it's not signed through GPG. |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 ### Edit project push rule
 Edits a push rule for a specified project.
@@ -3020,6 +3024,8 @@ Edits a push rule for a specified project.
 PUT /projects/:id/push_rule
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
 | Attribute                       | Type              | Required | Description |
 | `id`                            | integer or string | Yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](rest/index.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
@@ -3036,6 +3042,8 @@ PUT /projects/:id/push_rule
 | `prevent_secrets`               | boolean           | No       | GitLab rejects any files that are likely to contain secrets. |
 | `reject_unsigned_commits`       | boolean           | No       | Reject commits when they are not GPG signed. |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 ### Delete project push rule
 > - Moved to GitLab Premium in 13.9.
diff --git a/doc/api/settings.md b/doc/api/settings.md
index 51dae45a98ac738e08daea205bf07cfab9502664..5e2663e9fec071d8466ed4a3c880e78159fb0a4a 100644
--- a/doc/api/settings.md
+++ b/doc/api/settings.md
@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `after_sign_up_text`                     | string           | no                                   | Text shown to the user after signing up. |
 | `akismet_api_key`                        | string           | required by: `akismet_enabled`       | API key for Akismet spam protection. |
 | `akismet_enabled`                        | boolean          | no                                   | (**If enabled, requires:** `akismet_api_key`) Enable or disable Akismet spam protection. |
-| `allow_account_deletion`                 | boolean | no                                   | Set to `true` to allow users to delete their accounts. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `allow_group_owners_to_manage_ldap`      | boolean | no                                   | Set to `true` to allow group owners to manage LDAP. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `allow_account_deletion`                 | boolean          | no                                   | Set to `true` to allow users to delete their accounts. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `allow_group_owners_to_manage_ldap`      | boolean          | no                                   | Set to `true` to allow group owners to manage LDAP. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services` | boolean    | no                                   | (Deprecated: Use `allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services` instead) Allow requests to the local network from webhooks and integrations. |
 | `allow_local_requests_from_system_hooks` | boolean          | no                                   | Allow requests to the local network from system hooks. |
 | `allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services` | boolean | no                                  | Allow requests to the local network from webhooks and integrations. |
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `default_projects_limit`                 | integer          | no                                   | Project limit per user. Default is `100000`. |
 | `default_snippet_visibility`             | string           | no                                   | What visibility level new snippets receive. Can take `private`, `internal` and `public` as a parameter. Default is `private`. |
 | `default_syntax_highlighting_theme`      | integer          | no                                   | Default syntax highlighting theme for users who are new or not signed in. See [IDs of available themes](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/themes.rb#L16). |
-| `default_project_deletion_protection`    | boolean | no                            | Enable default project deletion protection so only administrators can delete projects. Default is `false`. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `delete_unconfirmed_users`               | boolean | no                          | Specifies whether users who have not confirmed their email should be deleted. Default is `false`. When set to `true`, unconfirmed users are deleted after `unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days` days. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/352514) in GitLab 16.1. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `deletion_adjourned_period`              | integer    | no                                   | Number of days to wait before deleting a project or group that is marked for deletion. Value must be between `1` and `90`. Defaults to `7`. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `default_project_deletion_protection`    | boolean          | no                                   | Enable default project deletion protection so only administrators can delete projects. Default is `false`. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `delete_unconfirmed_users`               | boolean          | no                                   | Specifies whether users who have not confirmed their email should be deleted. Default is `false`. When set to `true`, unconfirmed users are deleted after `unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days` days. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/352514) in GitLab 16.1. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `deletion_adjourned_period`              | integer          | no                                   | Number of days to wait before deleting a project or group that is marked for deletion. Value must be between `1` and `90`. Defaults to `7`. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `diagramsnet_enabled`                    | boolean          | no                                   | (If enabled, requires `diagramsnet_url`) Enable [Diagrams.net integration](../administration/integration/diagrams_net.md). Default is `true`. |
 | `diagramsnet_url`                        | string           | required by: `diagramsnet_enabled`   | The Diagrams.net instance URL for integration. |
 | `diff_max_patch_bytes`                   | integer          | no                                   | Maximum [diff patch size](../administration/diff_limits.md), in bytes. |
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `diff_max_lines`                         | integer          | no                                   | Maximum [lines in a diff](../administration/diff_limits.md). |
 | `disable_admin_oauth_scopes`             | boolean          | no                                   | Stops administrators from connecting their GitLab accounts to non-trusted OAuth 2.0 applications that have the `api`, `read_api`, `read_repository`, `write_repository`, `read_registry`, `write_registry`, or `sudo` scopes. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/375043) in GitLab 15.6. |
 | `disable_feed_token`                     | boolean          | no                                   | Disable display of RSS/Atom and calendar feed tokens. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/231493) in GitLab 13.7. |
-| `disable_personal_access_token`          | boolean | no                                  | Disable personal access tokens. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/384201) in GitLab 15.7. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `disable_personal_access_token`          | boolean          | no                                   | Disable personal access tokens. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/384201) in GitLab 15.7. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources`         | array of strings | no                                   | Disabled OAuth sign-in sources. |
 | `dns_rebinding_protection_enabled`       | boolean          | no                                   | Enforce DNS-rebinding attack protection. |
 | `domain_denylist_enabled`                | boolean          | no                                   | (**If enabled, requires:** `domain_denylist`) Allows blocking sign-ups from emails from specific domains. |
@@ -399,26 +399,26 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `eks_account_id`                         | string           | no                                   | Amazon account ID. |
 | `eks_integration_enabled`                | boolean          | no                                   | Enable integration with Amazon EKS. |
 | `eks_secret_access_key`                  | string           | no                                   | AWS IAM secret access key. |
-| `elasticsearch_aws_access_key`           | string            | no                  | AWS IAM access key. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_aws_region`               | string            | no                  | The AWS region the Elasticsearch domain is configured. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_aws_secret_access_key`    | string            | no                  | AWS IAM secret access key. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_aws`                      | boolean           | no                  | Enable the use of AWS hosted Elasticsearch. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_indexed_field_length_limit` | integer           | no                  | Maximum size of text fields to index by Elasticsearch. 0 value means no limit. This does not apply to repository and wiki indexing. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_indexed_file_size_limit_kb` | integer           | no                  | Maximum size of repository and wiki files that are indexed by Elasticsearch. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_indexing`                   | boolean           | no                  | Enable Elasticsearch indexing. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_requeue_workers`            | boolean           | no                  | Enable automatic requeuing of indexing workers. This improves non-code indexing throughput by enqueuing Sidekiq jobs until all documents are processed. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_limit_indexing`             | boolean           | no                  | Limit Elasticsearch to index certain namespaces and projects. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_max_bulk_concurrency`       | integer           | no                  | Maximum concurrency of Elasticsearch bulk requests per indexing operation. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_max_code_indexing_concurrency`       | integer  | no                  | Maximum concurrency of Elasticsearch code indexing background jobs. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_worker_number_of_shards`    | integer           | no                  | Number of indexing worker shards. This improves non-code indexing throughput by enqueuing more parallel Sidekiq jobs. Default is `2`. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_max_bulk_size_mb`           | integer           | no                  | Maximum size of Elasticsearch bulk indexing requests in MB. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_namespace_ids`              | array of integers | no                  | The namespaces to index via Elasticsearch if `elasticsearch_limit_indexing` is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_project_ids`                | array of integers | no                  | The projects to index via Elasticsearch if `elasticsearch_limit_indexing` is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_search`                     | boolean           | no                  | Enable Elasticsearch search. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_url`                        | string            | no                  | The URL to use for connecting to Elasticsearch. Use a comma-separated list to support cluster (for example, `http://localhost:9200, http://localhost:9201"`). Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_username`                   | string            | no                  | The `username` of your Elasticsearch instance. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `elasticsearch_password`                   | string            | no                  | The password of your Elasticsearch instance. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `email_additional_text`                    | string           | no                                   | Additional text added to the bottom of every email for legal/auditing/compliance reasons. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_aws_access_key`           | string           | no                                   | AWS IAM access key. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_aws_region`               | string           | no                                   | The AWS region the Elasticsearch domain is configured. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_aws_secret_access_key`    | string           | no                                   | AWS IAM secret access key. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_aws`                      | boolean          | no                                   | Enable the use of AWS hosted Elasticsearch. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_indexed_field_length_limit` | integer        | no                                   | Maximum size of text fields to index by Elasticsearch. 0 value means no limit. This does not apply to repository and wiki indexing. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_indexed_file_size_limit_kb` | integer        | no                                   | Maximum size of repository and wiki files that are indexed by Elasticsearch. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_indexing`                   | boolean        | no                                   | Enable Elasticsearch indexing. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_requeue_workers`            | boolean        | no                                   | Enable automatic requeuing of indexing workers. This improves non-code indexing throughput by enqueuing Sidekiq jobs until all documents are processed. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_limit_indexing`             | boolean        | no                                   | Limit Elasticsearch to index certain namespaces and projects. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_max_bulk_concurrency`       | integer        | no                                   | Maximum concurrency of Elasticsearch bulk requests per indexing operation. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_max_code_indexing_concurrency` | integer     | no                                   | Maximum concurrency of Elasticsearch code indexing background jobs. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_worker_number_of_shards`    | integer        | no                                   | Number of indexing worker shards. This improves non-code indexing throughput by enqueuing more parallel Sidekiq jobs. Default is `2`. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_max_bulk_size_mb`           | integer        | no                                   | Maximum size of Elasticsearch bulk indexing requests in MB. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_namespace_ids`              | array of integers | no                                | The namespaces to index via Elasticsearch if `elasticsearch_limit_indexing` is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_project_ids`                | array of integers | no                                | The projects to index via Elasticsearch if `elasticsearch_limit_indexing` is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_search`                     | boolean        | no                                   | Enable Elasticsearch search. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_url`                        | string         | no                                   | The URL to use for connecting to Elasticsearch. Use a comma-separated list to support cluster (for example, `http://localhost:9200, http://localhost:9201"`). Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_username`                   | string         | no                                   | The `username` of your Elasticsearch instance. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `elasticsearch_password`                   | string         | no                                   | The password of your Elasticsearch instance. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `email_additional_text`                    | string         | no                                   | Additional text added to the bottom of every email for legal/auditing/compliance reasons. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `email_author_in_body`                   | boolean          | no                                   | Some email servers do not support overriding the email sender name. Enable this option to include the name of the author of the issue, merge request or comment in the email body instead. |
 | `email_confirmation_setting`             | string           | no                                   | Specifies whether users must confirm their email before sign in. Possible values are `off`, `soft`, and `hard`. |
 | `custom_http_clone_url_root`             | string           | no                                   | Set a custom Git clone URL for HTTP(S). |
@@ -437,13 +437,13 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `external_pipeline_validation_service_timeout` | integer    | no                                   | How long to wait for a response from the pipeline validation service. Assumes `OK` if it times out. |
 | `static_objects_external_storage_url`        | string       | no                                   | URL to an external storage for repository static objects. |
 | `static_objects_external_storage_auth_token` | string       | required by: `static_objects_external_storage_url` | Authentication token for the external storage linked in `static_objects_external_storage_url`. |
-| `failed_login_attempts_unlock_period_in_minutes` | integer          | no                           | Time period in minutes after which the user is unlocked when maximum number of failed sign-in attempts reached. |
-| `file_template_project_id` | integer          | no                                   | The ID of a project to load custom file templates from. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `failed_login_attempts_unlock_period_in_minutes` | integer  | no                                   | Time period in minutes after which the user is unlocked when maximum number of failed sign-in attempts reached. |
+| `file_template_project_id`               | integer          | no                                   | The ID of a project to load custom file templates from. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `first_day_of_week`                      | integer          | no                                   | Start day of the week for calendar views and date pickers. Valid values are `0` (default) for Sunday, `1` for Monday, and `6` for Saturday. |
 | `globally_allowed_ips`                   | string           | no                                   | Comma-separated list of IP addresses and CIDRs always allowed for inbound traffic. For example, `,`. |
 | `geo_node_allowed_ips`                   | string           | yes                                  | Comma-separated list of IPs and CIDRs of allowed secondary nodes. For example, `,`. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `geo_status_timeout`                     | integer          | no                                   | The amount of seconds after which a request to get a secondary node status times out. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `git_two_factor_session_expiry`          | integer     | no                                   | Maximum duration (in minutes) of a session for Git operations when 2FA is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `git_two_factor_session_expiry`          | integer          | no                                   | Maximum duration (in minutes) of a session for Git operations when 2FA is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `gitaly_timeout_default`                 | integer          | no                                   | Default Gitaly timeout, in seconds. This timeout is not enforced for Git fetch/push operations or Sidekiq jobs. Set to `0` to disable timeouts. |
 | `gitaly_timeout_fast`                    | integer          | no                                   | Gitaly fast operation timeout, in seconds. Some Gitaly operations are expected to be fast. If they exceed this threshold, there may be a problem with a storage shard and 'failing fast' can help maintain the stability of the GitLab instance. Set to `0` to disable timeouts. |
 | `gitaly_timeout_medium`                  | integer          | no                                   | Medium Gitaly timeout, in seconds. This should be a value between the Fast and the Default timeout. Set to `0` to disable timeouts. |
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `grafana_enabled`                        | boolean          | no                                   | Enable Grafana. |
 | `grafana_url`                            | string           | no                                   | Grafana URL. |
 | `gravatar_enabled`                       | boolean          | no                                   | Enable Gravatar. |
-| `group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protection` | boolean | no              | Prevent overrides of default branch protection. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only.|
+| `group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protection` | boolean | no                                 | Prevent overrides of default branch protection. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only.|
 | `hashed_storage_enabled`                 | boolean          | no                                   | Create new projects using hashed storage paths: Enable immutable, hash-based paths and repository names to store repositories on disk. This prevents repositories from having to be moved or renamed when the Project URL changes and may improve disk I/O performance. (Always enabled in GitLab versions 13.0 and later, configuration is scheduled for removal in 14.0) |
 | `help_page_hide_commercial_content`      | boolean          | no                                   | Hide marketing-related entries from help. |
 | `help_page_support_url`                  | string           | no                                   | Alternate support URL for help page and help dropdown list. |
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `mailgun_signing_key`                    | string           | no                                   | The Mailgun HTTP webhook signing key for receiving events from webhook. |
 | `mailgun_events_enabled`                 | boolean          | no                                   | Enable Mailgun event receiver. |
 | `maintenance_mode_message`               | string           | no                                   | Message displayed when instance is in maintenance mode. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `maintenance_mode`                       | boolean          | no                               | When instance is in maintenance mode, non-administrative users can sign in with read-only access and make read-only API requests. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `maintenance_mode`                       | boolean          | no                                   | When instance is in maintenance mode, non-administrative users can sign in with read-only access and make read-only API requests. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `max_artifacts_size`                     | integer          | no                                   | Maximum artifacts size in MB. |
 | `max_attachment_size`                    | integer          | no                                   | Limit attachment size in MB. |
 | `max_decompressed_archive_size`          | integer          | no                                   | Maximum decompressed file size for imported archives in MB. Set to `0` for unlimited. Default is `25600`.  |
@@ -487,35 +487,35 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `max_import_remote_file_size`            | integer          | no                                   | Maximum remote file size for imports from external object storages. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/384976) in GitLab 16.3. |
 | `max_login_attempts`                     | integer          | no                                   | Maximum number of sign-in attempts before locking out the user. |
 | `max_pages_size`                         | integer          | no                                   | Maximum size of pages repositories in MB. |
-| `max_personal_access_token_lifetime`     | integer | no                            | Maximum allowable lifetime for access tokens in days. When left blank, default value of 365 is applied. When set, value must be 365 or less. When changed, existing access tokens with an expiration date beyond the maximum allowable lifetime are revoked. Self-managed, Ultimate only.|
-| `max_ssh_key_lifetime`                   | integer        | no                                   | Maximum allowable lifetime for SSH keys in days. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1007) in GitLab 14.6. Self-managed, Ultimate only.|
+| `max_personal_access_token_lifetime`     | integer          | no                                   | Maximum allowable lifetime for access tokens in days. When left blank, default value of 365 is applied. When set, value must be 365 or less. When changed, existing access tokens with an expiration date beyond the maximum allowable lifetime are revoked. Self-managed, Ultimate only.|
+| `max_ssh_key_lifetime`                   | integer          | no                                   | Maximum allowable lifetime for SSH keys in days. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1007) in GitLab 14.6. Self-managed, Ultimate only.|
 | `max_terraform_state_size_bytes`         | integer          | no                                   | Maximum size in bytes of the [Terraform state](../administration/terraform_state.md) files. Set this to 0 for unlimited file size. |
 | `metrics_method_call_threshold`          | integer          | no                                   | A method call is only tracked when it takes longer than the given amount of milliseconds. |
-| `max_number_of_repository_downloads`     | integer | no         | Maximum number of unique repositories a user can download in the specified time period before they are banned. Default: 0, Maximum: 10,000 repositories. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/87980) in GitLab 15.1. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
-| `max_number_of_repository_downloads_within_time_period` | integer | no         | Reporting time period (in seconds). Default: 0, Maximum: 864000 seconds (10 days). [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/87980) in GitLab 15.1. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
-| `max_yaml_depth`                         | integer           | no                                  | The maximum depth of nested CI/CD configuration added with the [`include` keyword](../ci/yaml/index.md#include). Default: `100`. |
-| `max_yaml_size_bytes`                    | integer           | no                                  | The maximum size in bytes of a single CI/CD configuration file. Default: `1048576`. |
-| `git_rate_limit_users_allowlist`         | array of strings  | no                      | List of usernames excluded from Git anti-abuse rate limits. Default: `[]`, Maximum: 100 usernames. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/90815) in GitLab 15.2. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
-| `git_rate_limit_users_alertlist`         | array of integers | no                      | List of user IDs that are emailed when the Git abuse rate limit is exceeded. Default: `[]`, Maximum: 100 user IDs. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/110201) in GitLab 15.9. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
-| `auto_ban_user_on_excessive_projects_download` | boolean | no                  | When enabled, users will get automatically banned from the application when they download more than the maximum number of unique projects in the time period specified by `max_number_of_repository_downloads` and `max_number_of_repository_downloads_within_time_period` respectively. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/94153) in GitLab 15.4. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
+| `max_number_of_repository_downloads`     | integer          | no                                   | Maximum number of unique repositories a user can download in the specified time period before they are banned. Default: 0, Maximum: 10,000 repositories. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/87980) in GitLab 15.1. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
+| `max_number_of_repository_downloads_within_time_period` | integer | no                             | Reporting time period (in seconds). Default: 0, Maximum: 864000 seconds (10 days). [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/87980) in GitLab 15.1. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
+| `max_yaml_depth`                         | integer          | no                                   | The maximum depth of nested CI/CD configuration added with the [`include` keyword](../ci/yaml/index.md#include). Default: `100`. |
+| `max_yaml_size_bytes`                    | integer          | no                                   | The maximum size in bytes of a single CI/CD configuration file. Default: `1048576`. |
+| `git_rate_limit_users_allowlist`         | array of strings  | no                                  | List of usernames excluded from Git anti-abuse rate limits. Default: `[]`, Maximum: 100 usernames. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/90815) in GitLab 15.2. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
+| `git_rate_limit_users_alertlist`         | array of integers | no                                  | List of user IDs that are emailed when the Git abuse rate limit is exceeded. Default: `[]`, Maximum: 100 user IDs. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/110201) in GitLab 15.9. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
+| `auto_ban_user_on_excessive_projects_download` | boolean    | no                                   | When enabled, users will get automatically banned from the application when they download more than the maximum number of unique projects in the time period specified by `max_number_of_repository_downloads` and `max_number_of_repository_downloads_within_time_period` respectively. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/94153) in GitLab 15.4. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
 | `mirror_available`                       | boolean          | no                                   | Allow repository mirroring to configured by project Maintainers. If disabled, only Administrators can configure repository mirroring. |
-| `mirror_capacity_threshold`              | integer         | no                                   | Minimum capacity to be available before scheduling more mirrors preemptively. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `mirror_capacity_threshold`              | integer          | no                                   | Minimum capacity to be available before scheduling more mirrors preemptively. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `mirror_max_capacity`                    | integer          | no                                   | Maximum number of mirrors that can be synchronizing at the same time. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `mirror_max_delay`                       | integer          | no                                   | Maximum time (in minutes) between updates that a mirror can have when scheduled to synchronize. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `maven_package_requests_forwarding`      | boolean | no                                   | Use repo.maven.apache.org as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab Package Registry for Maven. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `npm_package_requests_forwarding`        | boolean | no                                   | Use npmjs.org as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab Package Registry for npm. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `pypi_package_requests_forwarding`       | boolean | no                                   | Use pypi.org as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab Package Registry for PyPI. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `maven_package_requests_forwarding`      | boolean          | no                                   | Use repo.maven.apache.org as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab Package Registry for Maven. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `npm_package_requests_forwarding`        | boolean          | no                                   | Use npmjs.org as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab Package Registry for npm. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `pypi_package_requests_forwarding`       | boolean          | no                                   | Use pypi.org as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab Package Registry for PyPI. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `outbound_local_requests_whitelist`      | array of strings | no                                   | Define a list of trusted domains or IP addresses to which local requests are allowed when local requests for webhooks and integrations are disabled. |
 | `package_registry_allow_anyone_to_pull_option` | boolean    | no                                   | Enable to [allow anyone to pull from Package Registry](../user/packages/package_registry/index.md#allow-anyone-to-pull-from-package-registry) visible and changeable. |
-| `package_metadata_purl_types`            | array of integers | no                         | List of [package registry metadata to sync](../administration/settings/security_and_compliance.md#choose-package-registry-metadata-to-sync). See [the list](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/ace16c20d5da7c4928dd03fb139692638b557fe3/app/models/concerns/enums/package_metadata.rb#L5) of the available values. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
+| `package_metadata_purl_types`            | array of integers | no                                  | List of [package registry metadata to sync](../administration/settings/security_and_compliance.md#choose-package-registry-metadata-to-sync). See [the list](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/ace16c20d5da7c4928dd03fb139692638b557fe3/app/models/concerns/enums/package_metadata.rb#L5) of the available values. Self-managed, Ultimate only. |
 | `pages_domain_verification_enabled`       | boolean         | no                                   | Require users to prove ownership of custom domains. Domain verification is an essential security measure for public GitLab sites. Users are required to demonstrate they control a domain before it is enabled. |
 | `password_authentication_enabled_for_git` | boolean         | no                                   | Enable authentication for Git over HTTP(S) via a GitLab account password. Default is `true`. |
 | `password_authentication_enabled_for_web` | boolean         | no                                   | Enable authentication for the web interface via a GitLab account password. Default is `true`. |
-| `minimum_password_length`                 | integer       | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require a minimum length. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `password_number_required`                | boolean       | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one number. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `password_symbol_required`                | boolean       | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one symbol character. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `password_uppercase_required`             | boolean       | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one uppercase letter. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
-| `password_lowercase_required`            | boolean       | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one lowercase letter. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `minimum_password_length`                | integer          | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require a minimum length. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `password_number_required`               | boolean          | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one number. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `password_symbol_required`               | boolean          | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one symbol character. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `password_uppercase_required`            | boolean          | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one uppercase letter. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
+| `password_lowercase_required`            | boolean          | no                                   | Indicates whether passwords require at least one lowercase letter. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/85763) in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `performance_bar_allowed_group_id`       | string           | no                                   | (Deprecated: Use `performance_bar_allowed_group_path` instead) Path of the group that is allowed to toggle the performance bar. |
 | `performance_bar_allowed_group_path`     | string           | no                                   | Path of the group that is allowed to toggle the performance bar. |
 | `performance_bar_enabled`                | boolean          | no                                   | (Deprecated: Pass `performance_bar_allowed_group_path: nil` instead) Allow enabling the performance bar. |
@@ -525,12 +525,12 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `gitpod_url`                             | boolean          | required by: `gitpod_enabled`        | The Gitpod instance URL for integration. |
 | `kroki_enabled`                          | boolean          | no                                   | (**If enabled, requires:** `kroki_url`) Enable [Kroki integration](../administration/integration/kroki.md). Default is `false`. |
 | `kroki_url`                              | boolean          | required by: `kroki_enabled`         | The Kroki instance URL for integration. |
-| `kroki_formats`                          | object           | no                                   | Additional formats supported by the Kroki instance. Possible values are: <code>bpmn: (true|false)</code>, <code>blockdiag: (true|false)</code> and <code>excalidraw: (true|false)</code> |
+| `kroki_formats`                          | object           | no                                   | Additional formats supported by the Kroki instance. Possible values are `true` or `false` for formats `bpmn`, `blockdiag`, and `excalidraw` in the format `<format>: true` or `<format>: false`. |
 | `plantuml_enabled`                       | boolean          | no                                   | (**If enabled, requires:** `plantuml_url`) Enable [PlantUML integration](../administration/integration/plantuml.md). Default is `false`. |
 | `plantuml_url`                           | string           | required by: `plantuml_enabled`      | The PlantUML instance URL for integration. |
 | `polling_interval_multiplier`            | decimal          | no                                   | Interval multiplier used by endpoints that perform polling. Set to `0` to disable polling. |
 | `project_export_enabled`                 | boolean          | no                                   | Enable project export. |
-| `project_jobs_api_rate_limit`            | integer          |no                                   | Maximum authenticated requests to `/project/:id/jobs` per minute. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/129319) in GitLab 16.5. Default: 600. |
+| `project_jobs_api_rate_limit`            | integer          | no                                   | Maximum authenticated requests to `/project/:id/jobs` per minute. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/129319) in GitLab 16.5. Default: 600. |
 | `projects_api_rate_limit_unauthenticated` | integer         | no                                   | [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/112283) in GitLab 15.10. Max number of requests per 10 minutes per IP address for unauthenticated requests to the [list all projects API](projects.md#list-all-projects). Default: 400. To disable throttling set to 0.|
 | `prometheus_metrics_enabled`             | boolean          | no                                   | Enable Prometheus metrics. |
 | `protected_ci_variables`                 | boolean          | no                                   | CI/CD variables are protected by default. |
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `session_expire_delay`                   | integer          | no                                   | Session duration in minutes. GitLab restart is required to apply changes. |
 | `security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabled` | boolean  | no                                   | Whether to look up merge request approval policy approval groups globally or within project hierarchies. |
 | `security_txt_content`                    | string          | no                                   | [Public security contact information](../administration/settings/security_contact_information.md). [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/433210) in GitLab 16.7. |
-| `service_access_tokens_expiration_enforced` | boolean | no | Flag to indicate if token expiry date can be optional for service account users |
+| `service_access_tokens_expiration_enforced` | boolean       | no                                   | Flag to indicate if token expiry date can be optional for service account users |
 | `shared_runners_enabled`                 | boolean          | no                                   | (**If enabled, requires:** `shared_runners_text` and `shared_runners_minutes`) Enable shared runners for new projects. |
 | `shared_runners_minutes`                 | integer          | required by: `shared_runners_enabled` | Set the maximum number of compute minutes that a group can use on shared runners per month. Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `shared_runners_text`                    | string           | required by: `shared_runners_enabled` | Shared runners text. |
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `spam_check_endpoint_url`                | string           | no                                   | URL of the external Spamcheck service endpoint. Valid URI schemes are `grpc` or `tls`. Specifying `tls` forces communication to be encrypted.|
 | `spam_check_api_key`                     | string           | no                                   | API key used by GitLab for accessing the Spam Check service endpoint. |
 | `suggest_pipeline_enabled`               | boolean          | no                                   | Enable pipeline suggestion banner. |
-| `enable_artifact_external_redirect_warning_page` | boolean          | no                                   | Show the external redirect page that warns you about user-generated content in GitLab Pages. |
+| `enable_artifact_external_redirect_warning_page` | boolean  | no                                   | Show the external redirect page that warns you about user-generated content in GitLab Pages. |
 | `terminal_max_session_time`              | integer          | no                                   | Maximum time for web terminal websocket connection (in seconds). Set to `0` for unlimited time. |
 | `terms`                                  | text             | required by: `enforce_terms`         | (**Required by:** `enforce_terms`) Markdown content for the ToS. |
 | `throttle_authenticated_api_enabled`                      | boolean | no                                                              | (**If enabled, requires:** `throttle_authenticated_api_period_in_seconds` and `throttle_authenticated_api_requests_per_period`) Enable authenticated API request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots). |
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
 | `throttle_unauthenticated_web_requests_per_period`        | integer | required by:<br>`throttle_unauthenticated_web_enabled`          | Max requests per period per IP. |
 | `time_tracking_limit_to_hours`           | boolean          | no                                   | Limit display of time tracking units to hours. Default is `false`. |
 | `two_factor_grace_period`                | integer          | required by: `require_two_factor_authentication` | Amount of time (in hours) that users are allowed to skip forced configuration of two-factor authentication. |
-| `unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days`    | integer | no                            | Specifies how many days after sign-up to delete users who have not confirmed their email. Only applicable if `delete_unconfirmed_users` is set to `true`. Must be `1` or greater. Default is `7`. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/352514) in GitLab 16.1. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only.|
+| `unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days`    | integer          | no                                   | Specifies how many days after sign-up to delete users who have not confirmed their email. Only applicable if `delete_unconfirmed_users` is set to `true`. Must be `1` or greater. Default is `7`. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/352514) in GitLab 16.1. Self-managed, Premium and Ultimate only. |
 | `unique_ips_limit_enabled`               | boolean          | no                                   | (**If enabled, requires:** `unique_ips_limit_per_user` and `unique_ips_limit_time_window`) Limit sign in from multiple IPs. |
 | `unique_ips_limit_per_user`              | integer          | required by: `unique_ips_limit_enabled` | Maximum number of IPs per user. |
 | `unique_ips_limit_time_window`           | integer          | required by: `unique_ips_limit_enabled` | How many seconds an IP is counted towards the limit. |
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_pipeline_components/index.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_pipeline_components/index.md
index 88bc96108379b08c40371a0c1107dd206d8c71ce..90bdcdf46bde5a34b50545b1801a4ffd8b3be587 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_pipeline_components/index.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_pipeline_components/index.md
@@ -760,27 +760,27 @@ Proposal:
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
-| Role                           | Who
-| Author                         | Fabio Pitino            |
-| Engineering Leaders            | Cheryl Li, Mark Nuzzo   |
-| Product Manager                | Dov Hershkovitch        |
+| Role                           | Who |
+| Author                         | Fabio Pitino |
+| Engineering Leaders            | Cheryl Li, Mark Nuzzo |
+| Product Manager                | Dov Hershkovitch |
 | Architecture Evolution Coaches | Kamil Trzciński, Grzegorz Bizon |
-| Role                         | Who
-| Leadership                   | Mark Nuzzo             |
-| Product                      | Dov Hershkovitch       |
-| Engineering                  | Fabio Pitino           |
-| UX                           | Sunjung Park           |
+| Role        | Who |
+| Leadership  | Mark Nuzzo |
+| Product     | Dov Hershkovitch |
+| Engineering | Fabio Pitino |
+| UX          | Sunjung Park |
 Domain experts:
-| Area                         | Who
-| Verify / Pipeline authoring  | Avielle Wolfe          |
-| Verify / Pipeline authoring  | Laura Montemayor       |
+| Area                        | Who |
+| Verify / Pipeline authoring | Avielle Wolfe |
+| Verify / Pipeline authoring | Laura Montemayor |
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_scale/index.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_scale/index.md
index 340e6557a72d06fd841d75f6a2cb3d7b6eb40be1..2e4ac15f26d5cdd3fae8b1f276cbe62e525ba283 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_scale/index.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/ci_scale/index.md
@@ -193,31 +193,31 @@ Proposal:
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
-| Role                         | Who
-| Author                       | Grzegorz Bizon          |
-| Architecture Evolution Coach | Kamil Trzciński         |
-| Engineering Leader           | Cheryl Li               |
-| Product Manager              | Jackie Porter           |
-| Domain Expert / Verify       | Fabio Pitino            |
-| Domain Expert / Database     | Jose Finotto            |
-| Domain Expert / PostgreSQL   | Nikolay Samokhvalov     |
+| Role                         | Who |
+| Author                       | Grzegorz Bizon |
+| Architecture Evolution Coach | Kamil Trzciński |
+| Engineering Leader           | Cheryl Li |
+| Product Manager              | Jackie Porter |
+| Domain Expert / Verify       | Fabio Pitino |
+| Domain Expert / Database     | Jose Finotto |
+| Domain Expert / PostgreSQL   | Nikolay Samokhvalov |
-| Role                         | Who
-| Leadership                   | Cheryl Li              |
-| Product                      | Jackie Porter          |
-| Engineering                  | Grzegorz Bizon         |
+| Role        | Who |
+| Leadership  | Cheryl Li |
+| Product     | Jackie Porter |
+| Engineering | Grzegorz Bizon |
 Domain experts:
-| Area                         | Who
-| Domain Expert / Verify       | Fabio Pitino           |
-| Domain Expert / Verify       | Marius Bobin           |
-| Domain Expert / Database     | Jose Finotto           |
-| Domain Expert / PostgreSQL   | Nikolay Samokhvalov    |
+| Area                       | Who |
+| Domain Expert / Verify     | Fabio Pitino |
+| Domain Expert / Verify     | Marius Bobin |
+| Domain Expert / Database   | Jose Finotto |
+| Domain Expert / PostgreSQL | Nikolay Samokhvalov |
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/database_scaling/size-limits.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/database_scaling/size-limits.md
index fe4e97ba8eadae7848a2df851e191a169bf9e71b..dbb1153057d207a88c60b0dfe78d5dbc0af700a7 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/database_scaling/size-limits.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/database_scaling/size-limits.md
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ The [epic for `~group::database`](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/6
 Identifying solutions for offending tables is driven by the [GitLab Database Team](https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/core-platform/data_stores/database/) and respective stage groups.
-| Role                         | Who
-| Author                       |    Andreas Brandl       |
-| Engineering Leader           |    Craig Gomes          |
+| Role               | Who |
+| Author             | Andreas Brandl |
+| Engineering Leader | Craig Gomes |
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/google_cloud_platform_integration/index.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/google_cloud_platform_integration/index.md
index 7fe2c1f655ad606d4646192043faa5ca874c17ad..7eb39e1b566814bd96c681ad5ec5127173f5b737 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/google_cloud_platform_integration/index.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/google_cloud_platform_integration/index.md
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ available in [GitLab-internal project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/architectur
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
-| Who                    | Role
-| Sam Goldstein          | Director of Engineering, Engineering DRI         |
-| Grzegorz Bizon         | Distinguished Engineer - Technical Lead                          |
-| Jessie Young           | Principal Engineer                               |
-| David Fernandez        | Staff Engineer                                   |
-| Imre Farkas            | Staff Engineer                                   |
-| João Pereira           | Staff Engineer                                   |
-| Joe Burnett            | Staff Engineer                                   |
-| Tomasz Maczukin        | Senior Engineer                                  |
+| Who             | Role |
+| Sam Goldstein   | Director of Engineering, Engineering DRI |
+| Grzegorz Bizon  | Distinguished Engineer - Technical Lead |
+| Jessie Young    | Principal Engineer |
+| David Fernandez | Staff Engineer |
+| Imre Farkas     | Staff Engineer |
+| João Pereira    | Staff Engineer |
+| Joe Burnett     | Staff Engineer |
+| Tomasz Maczukin | Senior Engineer |
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/image_resizing/index.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/image_resizing/index.md
index b3938cbc8ab2510b0f76753f69ede1696bae935e..c3400cc971c5d1fd8fc0db67ae9d6dfac064036f 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/image_resizing/index.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/image_resizing/index.md
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ Proposal:
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
-| Role                         | Who
-| Author                       |    Craig Gomes          |
-| Architecture Evolution Coach |    Kamil Trzciński      |
-| Engineering Leader           |    Tim Zallmann         |
-| Domain Expert                |    Matthias Kaeppler    |
-| Domain Expert                |    Aleksei Lipniagov    |
+| Role                         | Who |
+| Author                       | Craig Gomes |
+| Architecture Evolution Coach | Kamil Trzciński |
+| Engineering Leader           | Tim Zallmann |
+| Domain Expert                | Matthias Kaeppler |
+| Domain Expert                | Aleksei Lipniagov |
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ DRIs:
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
-| Role                         | Who
-| Product                      |    Josh Lambert        |
-| Leadership                   |    Craig Gomes         |
-| Engineering                  |    Matthias Kaeppler   |
+| Role        | Who |
+| Product     | Josh Lambert |
+| Leadership  | Craig Gomes |
+| Engineering | Matthias Kaeppler |
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_admission_controller/index.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_admission_controller/index.md
index 0a62b271901499f11bc09edd28a5bc8126bbc11a..03500f4d9a1115f079d146e3ab671a05fc64ddfa 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_admission_controller/index.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_admission_controller/index.md
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ Each runner has a tag identifier unique to that runner, e.g. `DiscoveryOne`, `tu
 ## Technical issues to resolve
-| issue | resolution|
-| ------ | ------ |
-|Rule definition for the queue web hook|
-|What data to send to the admissions controller? Is it a subset or all of the [predefined variables](../../../ci/variables/predefined_variables.md)?|
-|Is the `queueing web hook` able to run at GitLab.com scale? On GitLab.com we would trigger millions of webhooks per second and the concern is that would overload Sidekiq or be used to abuse the system.
+| Issue                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Resolution |
+| Rule definition for the queue web hook                                                                                                                                                                    |            |
+| What data to send to the admissions controller? Is it a subset or all of the [predefined variables](../../../ci/variables/predefined_variables.md)?                                                       |            |
+| Is the `queueing web hook` able to run at GitLab.com scale? On GitLab.com we would trigger millions of webhooks per second and the concern is that would overload Sidekiq or be used to abuse the system. |            |
diff --git a/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_tokens/index.md b/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_tokens/index.md
index c667a460f5c26926ea54124dc06ad83680bb2df6..156ea0312c01ea93018389988af9beeec7745c87 100644
--- a/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_tokens/index.md
+++ b/doc/architecture/blueprints/runner_tokens/index.md
@@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ scope.
 ### Stage 3 - Database changes
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
 | Component        | Milestone | Changes |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.8` | Create database migration to add columns to `ci_runners` table. |
@@ -377,7 +379,7 @@ scope.
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Implement the `create_runner_machine` [feature flag](../../../administration/feature_flags.md). |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Create `ci_runner_machines` record in `POST /runners/verify` request if the runner token is prefixed with `glrt-`. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Use runner token + `system_id` JSON parameters in `POST /jobs/request` request in the [heartbeat request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/c73c96a8ffd515295842d72a3635a8ae873d688c/lib/api/ci/helpers/runner.rb#L14-20) to update the `ci_runner_machines` cache/table. |
-| GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Implement the `create_runner_workflow_for_admin`  [feature flag](../../../administration/feature_flags.md). |
+| GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Implement the `create_runner_workflow_for_admin` [feature flag](../../../administration/feature_flags.md). |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Implement `create_{instance|group|project}_runner` permissions. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.9` | Rename `ci_runner_machines.machine_xid` column to `system_xid` to be consistent with `system_id` passed in APIs. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.10` | Remove the ignore rule for `ci_runner_machines.machine_xid` column. |
@@ -385,6 +387,8 @@ scope.
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Drop `ci_builds_metadata.runner_machine_id` column. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%16.0` | Remove the ignore rule for `ci_builds_metadata.runner_machine_id` column. |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 ### Stage 4 - Create runners from the UI
 | Component        | Milestone | Changes |
@@ -401,7 +405,7 @@ scope.
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Implement UI to create new instance runner. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Update service and mutation to accept groups and projects. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Implement UI to create new group/project runners. |
-| GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Add runner_machine field to CiJob GraphQL type. |
+| GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Add `runner_machine` field to CiJob GraphQL type. |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | UI changes to runner details view (listing of platform, architecture, IP address, etc.) (?) |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%15.11` | Adapt `POST /api/v4/runners` REST endpoint to accept a request from an authorized user with a scope instead of a registration token. |
 | GitLab Runner    | `%15.11` | Handle `glrt-` runner tokens in `unregister` command. |
@@ -410,6 +414,8 @@ scope.
 ### Stage 5 - Optional disabling of registration token
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
 | Component        | Milestone | Changes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
 | GitLab Rails app | `%16.0`   | Adapt `register_{group|project}_runner` permissions to take [application setting](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/386712) in consideration. |
@@ -418,14 +424,16 @@ scope.
 | GitLab Rails app |           | Add UI to allow disabling use of registration tokens in top-level group settings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 | GitLab Rails app |           | Hide legacy UI showing registration with a registration token, if it disabled on in top-level group settings or by admins.                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 ### Stage 6 - Enforcement
-| Component        | Milestone | Changes                                                                                                                                                                  |
-| GitLab Rails app |   `%17.0` | Disable registration tokens for all groups by running database migration (only on GitLab.com)                                                                            |                                                                                                   |
-| GitLab Rails app |   `%17.0` | Disable registration tokens on the instance level by running database migration (except GitLab.com)                                                                      |                                                                                                   |
-| GitLab Rails app |   `%17.0` | Disable registration tokens on the instance level for GitLab.com                                                                                                         |                                                                                                   |
-| GitLab Rails app |   `%16.3` | Implement new `:create_runner` PPGAT scope so that we don't require a full `api` scope.                                                                                  |
+| Component        | Milestone | Changes |
+| GitLab Rails app |   `%17.0` | Disable registration tokens for all groups by running database migration (only on GitLab.com) |
+| GitLab Rails app |   `%17.0` | Disable registration tokens on the instance level by running database migration (except GitLab.com) |
+| GitLab Rails app |   `%17.0` | Disable registration tokens on the instance level for GitLab.com |
+| GitLab Rails app |   `%16.3` | Implement new `:create_runner` PPGAT scope so that we don't require a full `api` scope. |
 | GitLab Rails app |           | Document gotchas when [automatically rotating runner tokens](../../../ci/runners/configure_runners.md#automatically-rotate-runner-authentication-tokens) with multiple machines. |
 ### Stage 7 - Removals
@@ -452,7 +460,7 @@ Proposal:
 <!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
-| Role                         | Who
+| Role                         | Who |
 | Authors                      | Kamil Trzciński, Tomasz Maczukin, Pedro Pombeiro |
 | Architecture Evolution Coach | Kamil Trzciński                                  |
diff --git a/doc/topics/autodevops/cicd_variables.md b/doc/topics/autodevops/cicd_variables.md
index 2902a8c75e2d47ad1b40e785d93bc6924349dc94..548cb8d0ad14b3fced89856787f7775306dbc9a0 100644
--- a/doc/topics/autodevops/cicd_variables.md
+++ b/doc/topics/autodevops/cicd_variables.md
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ Helm chart, or scale your application.
 Use these variables to customize and deploy your build.
-| **CI/CD variable**                      | **Description**                    |
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD056 -->
+| **CI/CD variable**                      | **Description** |
 | `ADDITIONAL_HOSTS`                      | Fully qualified domain names specified as a comma-separated list that are added to the Ingress hosts. |
 | `<ENVIRONMENT>_ADDITIONAL_HOSTS`        | For a specific environment, the fully qualified domain names specified as a comma-separated list that are added to the Ingress hosts. This takes precedence over `ADDITIONAL_HOSTS`. |
 | `AUTO_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION`              | Customize the image version used for the `build` job. See [list of versions](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-build-image/-/releases). |
-| `AUTO_DEPLOY_IMAGE_VERSION`            | Customize the image version used for Kubernetes deployment jobs. See [list of versions](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image/-/releases). |
+| `AUTO_DEPLOY_IMAGE_VERSION`             | Customize the image version used for Kubernetes deployment jobs. See [list of versions](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image/-/releases). |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_ATOMIC_RELEASE`            | As of GitLab 13.0, Auto DevOps uses [`--atomic`](https://v2.helm.sh/docs/helm/#options-43) for Helm deployments by default. Set this variable to `false` to disable the use of `--atomic` |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_CNB_ENABLED`   | Set to `false` to use Herokuish instead of Cloud Native Buildpacks with Auto Build. [More details](stages.md#auto-build-using-cloud-native-buildpacks). |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_CNB_BUILDER`   | The builder used when building with Cloud Native Buildpacks. The default builder is `heroku/buildpacks:18`. [More details](stages.md#auto-build-using-cloud-native-buildpacks). |
@@ -32,9 +34,9 @@ Use these variables to customize and deploy your build.
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD` | Used to set a password to connect to the Helm repository. Defaults to no credentials. Also set `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_USERNAME`. |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_PASS_CREDENTIALS` | From GitLab 14.2, set to a non-empty value to enable forwarding of the Helm repository credentials to the chart server when the chart artifacts are on a different host than repository. |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_REPOSITORY_INSECURE` | Set to a non-empty value to add a `--insecure-skip-tls-verify` argument to the Helm commands. By default, Helm uses TLS verification. |
-| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_CUSTOM_ONLY` | Set to a non-empty value to use only a custom chart. By default, the latest chart is downloaded from GitLab. |
-| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_VERSION` | Set the version of the deployment chart. Defaults to the latest available version. |
-| `AUTO_DEVOPS_COMMON_NAME` | From GitLab 15.5, set to a valid domain name to customize the common name used for the TLS certificate. Defaults to `le-$CI_PROJECT_ID.$KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN`. Set to `false` to not set this alternative host on the Ingress. |
+| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_CUSTOM_ONLY`         | Set to a non-empty value to use only a custom chart. By default, the latest chart is downloaded from GitLab. |
+| `AUTO_DEVOPS_CHART_VERSION`             | Set the version of the deployment chart. Defaults to the latest available version. |
+| `AUTO_DEVOPS_COMMON_NAME`               | From GitLab 15.5, set to a valid domain name to customize the common name used for the TLS certificate. Defaults to `le-$CI_PROJECT_ID.$KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN`. Set to `false` to not set this alternative host on the Ingress. |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_DEPLOY_DEBUG`              | From GitLab 13.1, if this variable is present, Helm outputs debug logs. |
 | `AUTO_DEVOPS_ALLOW_TO_FORCE_DEPLOY_V<N>` | From [auto-deploy-image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image) v1.0.0, if this variable is present, a new major version of chart is forcibly deployed. For more information, see [Ignore warnings and continue deploying](upgrading_auto_deploy_dependencies.md#ignore-warnings-and-continue-deploying). |
 | `BUILDPACK_URL`                         | A full Buildpack URL. [Must point to a URL supported by Pack or Herokuish](customize.md#custom-buildpacks). |
@@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ Use these variables to customize and deploy your build.
 | `STAGING_ENABLED`                       | Used to define a [deploy policy for staging and production environments](#deploy-policy-for-staging-and-production-environments). |
 | `TRACE`                                 | Set to any value to make Helm commands produce verbose output. You can use this setting to help diagnose Auto DevOps deployment problems. |
+<!-- markdownlint-enable MD056 -->
 ## Database variables
diff --git a/doc/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/index.md b/doc/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/index.md
index 27da26bc6f90727d2612da2af747a6026501f6e5..d581fdd86a238c5f6f53efca0d78085c0049e1f6 100644
--- a/doc/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/index.md
+++ b/doc/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/index.md
@@ -135,12 +135,11 @@ They require:
 - A DNS `ALIAS`/`CNAME` record for the subdomain.
 - A DNS `TXT` record for each.
-| From                                              | DNS Record | To                     |
-| ------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ---------------------- |
-| `example.com`                                     | `A`        | ``        |
+| From                                              | DNS Record | To |
+| `example.com`                                     | `A`        | `` |
 | `_gitlab-pages-verification-code.example.com`     | `TXT`      | `gitlab-pages-verification-code=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff` |
-| `www.example.com`                                 | `CNAME`    | `namespace.gitlab.io`  |
+| `www.example.com`                                 | `CNAME`    | `namespace.gitlab.io` |
 | `_gitlab-pages-verification-code.www.example.com` | `TXT`      | `gitlab-pages-verification-code=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff` |
 If you're using Cloudflare, check