diff --git a/config/helpers/evaluate_module_from_source.js b/config/helpers/evaluate_module_from_source.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b55bbb82b63c0a415c8631da37d4f22dfb2b7d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/helpers/evaluate_module_from_source.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+const vm = require('vm');
+ * This function uses Node's `vm` modules to evaluate the `module.exports` of a given source string
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * const { exports: moduleExports } = evaluateModuleFromSource("const foo = 7;\n module.exports.bar = 10 + foo;");
+ *
+ * assert(moduleExports.bar === 17);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {String} source to be evaluated using Node's `vm` modules
+ * @param {{ require: Function }} options used in the context during evaluation of the Node module
+ * @returns {{ exports: any }} exports added to the script's `module.exports` context
+ */
+const evaluateModuleFromSource = (source, { require } = {}) => {
+  const context = {
+    module: {
+      exports: {},
+    },
+    require,
+  };
+  try {
+    const script = new vm.Script(source);
+    script.runInNewContext(context);
+  } catch (e) {
+    console.error(e);
+    throw e;
+  }
+  return context.module;
+module.exports = { evaluateModuleFromSource };
diff --git a/config/plugins/graphql_known_operations_plugin.js b/config/plugins/graphql_known_operations_plugin.js
index 164b34c1dd13ee2deebf8f79c2ccacd37d27a716..c340849e084ce4e35e3ae6e503cae948a3277898 100644
--- a/config/plugins/graphql_known_operations_plugin.js
+++ b/config/plugins/graphql_known_operations_plugin.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
 const yaml = require('js-yaml');
+const { evaluateModuleFromSource } = require('../helpers/evaluate_module_from_source');
 const PLUGIN_NAME = 'GraphqlKnownOperationsPlugin';
 const GRAPHQL_PATH_REGEX = /(query|mutation)\.graphql$/;
-const OPERATION_NAME_SOURCE_REGEX = /^\s*module\.exports.*oneQuery.*"(\w+)"/gm;
  * Returns whether a given webpack module is a "graphql" module
@@ -26,9 +27,19 @@ const getOperationNames = (module) => {
     return [];
-  const matches = originalSource.source().toString().matchAll(OPERATION_NAME_SOURCE_REGEX);
+  const { exports: moduleExports } = evaluateModuleFromSource(originalSource.source().toString(), {
+    // what: stub require(...) when evaluating the graphql module
+    // why: require(...) is used to fetch fragments. We only need operation metadata, so it's fine to stub these out.
+    require: () => ({ definitions: [] }),
+  });
+  const names = moduleExports.definitions
+    .filter((x) => ['query', 'mutation'].includes(x.operation))
+    .map((x) => x.name?.value)
+    // why: It's possible for operations to not have a name. That violates our eslint rule, but either way, let's ignore those here.
+    .filter(Boolean);
-  return Array.from(matches).map((match) => match[1]);
+  return names;
 const createFileContents = (knownOperations) => {
@@ -60,7 +71,7 @@ const onSucceedModule = ({ module, knownOperations }) => {
-  getOperationNames(module).forEach((x) => knownOperations.add(x));
+  getOperationNames(module).forEach((name) => knownOperations.add(name));
 const onCompilerEmit = ({ compilation, knownOperations, filename }) => {