diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 90dee4499a11f8db0034f041563ec963a662f45e..51e663e84ccc790d5b42bc6e75df0aa8f9dcb00a 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ variables:
   DECOMPOSED_DB: "true"
-  DOCS_REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN: "docs.gitlab-review.app"
   REVIEW_APPS_IMAGE: "${REGISTRY_HOST}/${REGISTRY_GROUP}/gitlab-build-images/${BUILD_OS}-${OS_VERSION}-ruby-${RUBY_VERSION}:gcloud-${GCLOUD_VERSION}-kubectl-1.30-helm-${HELM_VERSION}"
diff --git a/.gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml
index ece0cf468f29f4fc64caddc4cebed15f6f4730bb..7aae03bb145c488d1befeb14b393a5e701233db7 100644
--- a/.gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   extends: .review-docs
-    - ./scripts/trigger-build.rb docs-hugo deploy
+    - ./scripts/trigger-build.rb docs deploy
 # Cleanup remote environment of gitlab-org/technical-writing/docs-gitlab-com
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ review-docs-cleanup:
     name: review-docs/mr-${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID}
     action: stop
-    - ./scripts/trigger-build.rb docs-hugo cleanup
+    - ./scripts/trigger-build.rb docs cleanup
   # When updating the image version here, update it in /scripts/lint-doc.sh too.
diff --git a/doc/ci/runners/long_polling.md b/doc/ci/runners/long_polling.md
index 06cbccde412cd4759eb3e54b839b5c91ee325528..ce663f15778de673fe34b36a11db6dfefc07b5f5 100644
--- a/doc/ci/runners/long_polling.md
+++ b/doc/ci/runners/long_polling.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ title: Long polling
 By default, a GitLab Runner polls a GitLab instance for new CI/CD
 jobs periodically. The actual polling interval [depends on the `check_interval` and number of runners configured in the runner configuration file](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#how-check_interval-works).
-On a server that handles many runners, this polling can lead to a number of performance issues:
+On a server that handles many runners, this polling can lead to these performance issues:
 - Longer queuing times.
 - Higher CPU usage on the GitLab instance.
diff --git a/scripts/trigger-build.rb b/scripts/trigger-build.rb
index 38edfe8185c69910c497fc2f681ce87a345dcd89..669272f94797ea33d7bac7d0c9937c1299de0ac8 100755
--- a/scripts/trigger-build.rb
+++ b/scripts/trigger-build.rb
@@ -240,11 +240,7 @@ def version_param_value(_version_file)
-  # This is used in:
-  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/blob/ddaf90761c917a42ed4aab60541b6bc33871fe68/.gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml#L1-47
-  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/-/blob/fa348e709e901196803051669b4874b657b4ea91/.gitlab-ci.yml#L497-543
-  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/blob/b44483f05c5e22628ba3b49ec4c7f8761c688af0/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml#L199-224
-  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/blob/b44483f05c5e22628ba3b49ec4c7f8761c688af0/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml#L356-380
+  # For GitLab documentation review apps
   class Docs < Base
     def access_token
       ENV['DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN'] || super
@@ -284,26 +280,23 @@ def cleanup!
     def downstream_environment
-      "review/#{ref}#{review_slug}"
+      "upstream-review/mr-${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID}"
-    # We prepend the `-` here because we cannot use variable substitution in `environment.name`/`environment.url`
-    # Some projects (e.g. `omnibus-gitlab`) use this script for branch pipelines, so we fallback to using `CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` for those cases.
     def review_slug
       identifier = ENV['CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID'] || ENV['CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG']
-      "-#{project_slug}-#{identifier}"
+      "#{project_slug}-#{identifier}"
     def downstream_project_path
-      ENV.fetch('DOCS_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/gitlab-docs')
+      ENV.fetch('DOCS_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/technical-writing/docs-gitlab-com')
     def ref_param_name
-    # `gitlab-org/gitlab-docs` pipeline trigger "Triggered from gitlab-org/gitlab 'review-docs-deploy' job"
     def trigger_token
@@ -333,10 +326,8 @@ def project_slug
-    # app_url is the URL of the `gitlab-docs` Review App URL defined in
-    # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/blob/b38038132cf82a24271bbb294dead7c2f529e275/.gitlab-ci.yml#L383
     def app_url
-      "http://#{ref}#{review_slug}.#{ENV['DOCS_REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN']}/#{project_slug}"
+      "https://docs.gitlab.com/upstream-review-mr-#{review_slug}/"
     def display_success_message
@@ -344,35 +335,12 @@ def display_success_message
-  class DocsHugo < Docs
-    def access_token
-    end
-    private
-    def downstream_environment
-      "upstream-review/mr-${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID}"
-    end
-    def review_slug
-      identifier = ENV['CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID'] || ENV['CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG']
-      "#{project_slug}-#{identifier}"
-    end
-    def downstream_project_path
-      ENV.fetch('DOCS_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/technical-writing/docs-gitlab-com')
-    end
-    def trigger_token
-    end
-    def app_url
-      "https://new.docs.gitlab.com/upstream-review-mr-#{review_slug}/"
-    end
-  end
+  # Alias DocsHugo to Docs until callers to DocsHugo are updated:
+  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/blob/d1bee4412f473208d5c96a6a40103e7198a04e69/.gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml
+  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/-/blob/7eeea87621ed4661b66d4fd1c561bab3a53baecf/.gitlab-ci.yml
+  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/blob/4732915e79f16465ff5a669540b36d29dca22028/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml
+  # - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cloud-native/gitlab-operator/-/blob/b254c9982dd2c26cdf70e038a033600a28007c68/.gitlab-ci.yml
+  DocsHugo = Docs
   class DatabaseTesting < Base
     IDENTIFIABLE_NOTE_TAG = 'gitlab-org/database-team/gitlab-com-database-testing:identifiable-note'
diff --git a/spec/scripts/trigger-build_spec.rb b/spec/scripts/trigger-build_spec.rb
index b763512dbae9d09d35ac560058e0e0f76b8f8995..76276fd41dda5a3b87e3801a454ba58d7f15e6b3 100644
--- a/spec/scripts/trigger-build_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/scripts/trigger-build_spec.rb
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
       'GITLAB_USER_NAME' => 'gitlab_user_name',
       'GITLAB_USER_LOGIN' => 'gitlab_user_login',
       'QA_IMAGE' => 'qa_image',
-      'DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN' => nil,
+      'DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN' => nil
@@ -463,210 +462,6 @@ def ref_param_name
   describe Trigger::Docs do
-    let(:downstream_project_path) { 'gitlab-org/gitlab-docs' }
-    describe '#variables' do
-      describe "BRANCH_CE" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_PROJECT_PATH is gitlab-org/gitlab-foss' do
-          it 'sets BRANCH_CE to CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do
-            expect(subject.variables['BRANCH_CE']).to eq(env['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'])
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe "BRANCH_EE" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/gitlab')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_PROJECT_PATH is gitlab-org/gitlab' do
-          it 'sets BRANCH_EE to CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do
-            expect(subject.variables['BRANCH_EE']).to eq(env['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'])
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe "BRANCH_RUNNER" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/gitlab-runner')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_PROJECT_PATH is gitlab-org/gitlab-runner' do
-          it 'sets BRANCH_RUNNER to CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do
-            expect(subject.variables['BRANCH_RUNNER']).to eq(env['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'])
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe "BRANCH_OMNIBUS" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_PROJECT_PATH is gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab' do
-          it 'sets BRANCH_OMNIBUS to CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do
-            expect(subject.variables['BRANCH_OMNIBUS']).to eq(env['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'])
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe "BRANCH_CHARTS" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/charts/gitlab')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_PROJECT_PATH is gitlab-org/charts/gitlab' do
-          it 'sets BRANCH_CHARTS to CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do
-            expect(subject.variables['BRANCH_CHARTS']).to eq(env['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'])
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe "BRANCH_OPERATOR" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/cloud-native/gitlab-operator')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_PROJECT_PATH is gitlab-org/cloud-native/gitlab-operator' do
-          it 'sets BRANCH_OPERATOR to CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do
-            expect(subject.variables['BRANCH_OPERATOR']).to eq(env['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'])
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe "REVIEW_SLUG" do
-        before do
-          stub_env('CI_PROJECT_PATH', 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss')
-        end
-        context 'when CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID is set' do
-          it 'sets REVIEW_SLUG' do
-            expect(subject.variables['REVIEW_SLUG']).to eq("-ce-#{env['CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID']}")
-          end
-        end
-        context 'when CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID is not set' do
-          before do
-            stub_env('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID', nil)
-          end
-          it 'sets REVIEW_SLUG' do
-            expect(subject.variables['REVIEW_SLUG']).to eq("-ce-#{env['CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG']}")
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    describe '.access_token' do
-      context 'when DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN is set' do
-        let(:docs_project_api_token) { 'docs_project_api_token' }
-        before do
-          stub_env('DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN', docs_project_api_token)
-        end
-        it 'returns the docs-specific access token' do
-          expect(subject.access_token).to eq(docs_project_api_token)
-        end
-      end
-      context 'when DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN is not set' do
-        before do
-          stub_env('DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN', nil)
-        end
-        it 'returns the default access token' do
-          expect(subject.access_token).to eq(Trigger::Base.new.access_token)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    describe '#invoke!' do
-      let(:trigger_token) { 'docs_trigger_token' }
-      let(:ref) { 'main' }
-      let(:env) do
-        super().merge(
-          'CI_PROJECT_PATH' => 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss',
-          'DOCS_TRIGGER_TOKEN' => trigger_token
-        )
-      end
-      describe '#downstream_project_path' do
-        context 'when DOCS_PROJECT_PATH is set' do
-          let(:downstream_project_path) { 'docs_project_path' }
-          before do
-            stub_env('DOCS_PROJECT_PATH', downstream_project_path)
-          end
-          it 'triggers the pipeline on the correct project' do
-            expect_run_trigger_with_params
-            subject.invoke!
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      describe '#ref' do
-        context 'when DOCS_BRANCH is set' do
-          let(:ref) { 'docs_branch' }
-          before do
-            stub_env('DOCS_BRANCH', ref)
-          end
-          it 'triggers the pipeline on the correct ref' do
-            expect_run_trigger_with_params
-            subject.invoke!
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    describe '#cleanup!' do
-      let(:downstream_environment_response) { double('downstream_environment', id: 42) }
-      let(:downstream_environments_response) { [downstream_environment_response] }
-      before do
-        expect(com_gitlab_client).to receive(:environments)
-          .with(downstream_project_path, name: subject.__send__(:downstream_environment))
-          .and_return(downstream_environments_response)
-        expect(com_gitlab_client).to receive(:stop_environment)
-          .with(downstream_project_path, downstream_environment_response.id)
-          .and_return(downstream_environment_stopping_response)
-      end
-      context "when stopping the environment succeeds" do
-        let(:downstream_environment_stopping_response) { double('downstream_environment', state: 'stopped') }
-        it 'displays a success message' do
-          expect(subject).to receive(:puts)
-            .with("=> Downstream environment '#{subject.__send__(:downstream_environment)}' stopped.")
-          subject.cleanup!
-        end
-      end
-      context "when stopping the environment fails" do
-        let(:downstream_environment_stopping_response) { double('downstream_environment', state: 'running') }
-        it 'displays a failure message' do
-          expect(subject).to receive(:puts)
-            .with("=> Downstream environment '#{subject.__send__(:downstream_environment)}' failed to stop.")
-          subject.cleanup!
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  describe Trigger::DocsHugo do
     let(:downstream_project_path) { 'gitlab-org/technical-writing/docs-gitlab-com' }
     describe '#variables' do
@@ -766,11 +561,11 @@ def ref_param_name
     describe '.access_token' do
-      context 'when DOCS_HUGO_PROJECT_API_TOKEN is set' do
+      context 'when DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN is set' do
         let(:docs_hugo_project_api_token) { 'docs_hugo_project_api_token' }
         before do
-          stub_env('DOCS_HUGO_PROJECT_API_TOKEN', docs_hugo_project_api_token)
+          stub_env('DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN', docs_hugo_project_api_token)
         it 'returns the docs-specific access token' do
@@ -778,9 +573,9 @@ def ref_param_name
-      context 'when DOCS_HUGO_PROJECT_API_TOKEN is not set' do
+      context 'when DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN is not set' do
         before do
-          stub_env('DOCS_HUGO_PROJECT_API_TOKEN', nil)
+          stub_env('DOCS_PROJECT_API_TOKEN', nil)
         it 'returns the default access token' do
@@ -796,7 +591,7 @@ def ref_param_name
       let(:env) do
           'CI_PROJECT_PATH' => 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss',
-          'DOCS_HUGO_TRIGGER_TOKEN' => trigger_token
+          'DOCS_TRIGGER_TOKEN' => trigger_token
@@ -877,7 +672,7 @@ def ref_param_name
       it 'returns the correct app URL' do
-        expected_url = "https://new.docs.gitlab.com/upstream-review-mr-#{review_slug}/"
+        expected_url = "https://docs.gitlab.com/upstream-review-mr-#{review_slug}/"
         expect(subject.send(:app_url)).to eq(expected_url)