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  • Lukas Eipert's avatar
    Make sure new CSS compiler respects HMR setting · 8acb0615
    Lukas Eipert 创作于
    We run tests in CI with `vite` (`e2e:test-on-gdk`). When these run in
    CI, we do not need to watch our CSS assets, because the CSS is not going
    to be changed during the run of the pipeline. Therefore we just make the
    CSS compiler respect the hot module reloading setting.
    Make sure new CSS compiler respects HMR setting
    Lukas Eipert 创作于
    We run tests in CI with `vite` (`e2e:test-on-gdk`). When these run in
    CI, we do not need to watch our CSS assets, because the CSS is not going
    to be changed during the run of the pipeline. Therefore we just make the
    CSS compiler respect the hot module reloading setting.
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