esp-mirror / micropython / micropython
MIT License更新于更新于 -
oss-mirrors / ICV / rocketmq
Apache License 2.0更新于 -
esp-mirror / lvgl / lvgl
MIT License更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / esp-dl
MIT License更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / esp-matter
Apache License 2.0更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / esp-iot-solution
Apache License 2.0更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / esp-idf
Apache License 2.0更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / openthread
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License更新于 -
esp-mirror / openthread / openthread
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / esptool
GNU General Public License v2.0 or later更新于 -
gitlab-cn / Mono Client
Apache License 2.0Mono client is a tool based on git to manage multiple repos on JiHu GitLab at the same time.
更新于 -
Bobby Rong / test-pull-mirror
GNU General Public License v2.0 or later更新于 -
esp-mirror / espressif / esp-adf
MIT License更新于 -
esp-mirror / nghttp2 / nghttp2
MIT License更新于 -
nautilus / Nautilus
GNU General Public License v3.0 only更新于 -
oss-mirrors / ICV / DI-engine
Apache License 2.0更新于