.DS_Store .thumbs.db node_modules generated-html # Temp generation file docs/zap-schema.dot # Quasar core related directories .quasar /dist #We don't save the coverage within #this repo. test/jest/coverage test/jest/__tests__/data/zap.sqlite # Cordova related directories and files /src-cordova/node_modules /src-cordova/platforms /src-cordova/plugins /src-cordova/www # Capacitor related directories and files /src-capacitor/www /src-capacitor/node_modules # BEX related directories and files /src-bex/www /src-bex/js/core # Log files npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* # Random test file that I keep using for the JSON output. test.json test.log # Editor directories and files .idea .vscode *.suo *.ntvs* *.njsproj *.sln # Sonarqube stuff .scannerwork sonar-project.properties # Temporary place for handlebars stuff. src-electron/handlebars/out/