diff --git a/eng/helix/helix.proj b/eng/helix/helix.proj
index f1f7e4a3d42e09b2a9b0e99865d3fe50b415a264..f31e087b0868ac5d888ab554f61f4a719344a5d5 100644
--- a/eng/helix/helix.proj
+++ b/eng/helix/helix.proj
@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@
     <!-- Similar to ProjectLayout.props in the Arcade SDK. The Helix SDK contains nothing similar. -->
     <OutputPath Condition=" '$(OutputPath)' == '' ">$(RepoRoot)artifacts\bin\$(MSBuildProjectName)\</OutputPath>
+    <!--
+      Define $(HelixTestConfigurationFilePath) so the Helix SDK automatically includes our test config file in the
+      correlation payload. The Helix SDK has a fallback value that doesn't work w/o including the Arcade SDK and
+      we intentionally do not do that in this project.
+    -->
+    <HelixTestConfigurationFilePath>$(RepoRoot)eng/test-configuration.json</HelixTestConfigurationFilePath>
   <!-- Specify the runtime we need which will be included as a correlation payload -->