diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/razor_tooling.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/razor_tooling.md
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+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/razor_tooling.md
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+name: 🐞 Razor Tooling Bug report
+about: Report an issue about something that is not working in the new Razor tooling
+labels: area-razor.tooling, feature-razor.vs
+More information on our issue management policies can be found here: https://aka.ms/aspnet/issue-policies
+Please keep in mind that the GitHub issue tracker is not intended as a general support forum, but for reporting **non-security** bugs and feature requests.
+If you believe you have an issue that affects the SECURITY of the platform, please do NOT create an issue and instead email your issue details to secure@microsoft.com. Your report may be eligible for our [bug bounty](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/msrc/bounty-dot-net-core) but ONLY if it is reported through email.
+For other types of questions, consider using [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com).
+<!-- NOTE: This issue template is meant specifically to be used for issues with the new experimental Razor tooling experience provided in Visual Studio's Preview Feature pane -->
+### Describe the bug
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+### To Reproduce
+We ❤ code! Point us to a minimalistic repro project hosted in a GitHub repo.
+For a repro project, create a new ASP.NET Core project using the template of your your choice, apply the minimum required code to result in the issue you're observing.
+We will close this issue if:
+- the repro project you share with us is complex. We can't investigate custom projects, so don't point us to such, please.
+- if we will not be able to repro the behavior you're reporting
+### Logs & Exceptions
+Please collect the data below before reporting your issue to aid us in diagnosing the root cause.
+#### Activity log
+[Here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/extensibility/how-to-use-the-activity-log?view=vs-2019#to-examine-the-activity-log) are the instructions on how to generate/acquire one.
+#### Razor Language Server Client log
+<!-- In Visual Studio's `Output` window, the drop-down contains a `Razor Language Server Client` item. Include that below. -->
+<summary>Razor Language Server Client Log Output</summary>
+Paste log output here
+#### HTML Language Server Client log
+<!-- In Visual Studio's `Output` window, the drop-down contains a `HtmlyLanguageClient` item. Include that below. -->
+<summary>HTML Language Server Client Log Output</summary>
+Paste log output here
+### Further technical details
+- VS version (Help => About Microsoft Visual Studio, i.e. 16.8.0 Preview 1 30313.27...). If in Codespaces there will be two versions (server and client), please provide both.
+- Scenario (Local, LiveShare, Codespaces)
+### Pre-requisite checklist
+- [ ] Steps to reproduce the issue
+- [ ] Visual Studio Activity Log attached.
+- [ ] Razor Language Server client logs included.
+- [ ] HTML Language Server client logs included